
Type Soundness

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality List String.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Binding CanonicalForms Definitions GeneralToTight InvertibleTyping Lookup Narrowing
        Reduction PreciseTyping RecordAndInertTypes ReplacementTyping
        Subenvironments Substitution TightTyping Weakening.

Close Scope string_scope.

Safety wrt Term Reduction ⟼

Section Safety.

Reasoning about the precise type of objects

If the rhs of a type declaration is a signleton type q.type then q is well-typed
Lemma defs_typing_sngl_rhs z bs G ds T a q :
  z; bs; G ds :: T
  record_has T {a {{ q }}}
   T, G trm_path q : T.
  induction 1; intros Hr.
  - destruct D; inversions Hr. inversions H. eauto.
  - inversions Hr; auto. inversions H5. inversions H0. eauto.

The lookup_fields_typ notation x ==> T =bs U denotes that if T is a recursive type then we can "look up" or "go down" a path inside of T yielding a type U. For example, if T = μ(x: {a: μ(y: {b: μ(z: ⊤)})}) then x ==> T =b,a=>⊤
Reserved Notation "x '==>' T '=' bs '=>' U" (at level 40, T at level 20).

If x ==> T =bs U we will say that looking up the path in T yields U.
Inductive lookup_fields_typ : var typ list trm_label typ Prop :=
| lft_empty : x T,
    x ==> T =nil T
| lft_cons : T bs U x a S,
    x ==> T =bs μ U
    record_has (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f x) bs) U) {a S}
    x ==> T =a::bs S

where "x '==>' T '=' bs '=>' U" := (lookup_fields_typ x T bs U).

Hint Constructors lookup_fields_typ.

Properties of lookup_fields_typ

Looking up a path inside of an inert type yields an inert type
Lemma lft_inert x T bs U :
  inert_typ T
  x ==> T =bs μ U
  inert_typ (μ U).
  intros Hi Hl. gen x U. induction bs; introv Hl; inversions Hl; eauto.
  specialize (IHbs _ _ H3).
  apply (inert_record_has _ IHbs) in H5 as [Hin | [? [=]]]. auto.

The lookup_fields_typ relation is functional.
Lemma lft_unique x S bs T U :
  inert_typ S
  x ==> S =bs T
  x ==> S =bs U
  T = U.
  intros Hi Hl1. gen U. induction Hl1; introv Hl2.
  - inversion Hl2; auto.
  - inversions Hl2. specialize (IHHl1 Hi _ H4) as [= ->].
    pose proof (lft_inert Hi Hl1). inversions H0.
    eapply unique_rcd_trm. apply× open_record_type_p. eauto. eauto.

If looking up a path in T yields a function type then we cannot look up a longer path in T
Lemma lft_typ_all_inv x S bs cs V T U:
  inert_typ S
  x ==> S =bs ∀(T) U
  x ==> S =cs++bs V
  cs = nil.
  gen x S bs T U V. induction cs; introv Hin Hl1 Hl2; auto.
  rewrite <- app_comm_cons in Hl2.
  inversions Hl2. specialize (IHcs _ _ _ _ _ _ Hin Hl1 H3) as →.
  rewrite app_nil_l in H3.
  pose proof (lft_unique Hin Hl1 H3) as [= <-].

If looking up a path in T yields a singleton type then we cannot look up a longer path in T
Lemma lft_typ_sngl_inv x S bs p cs V :
  inert_typ S
  x ==> S =bs {{ p }}
  x ==> S =cs++bs V
  cs = nil.
  gen x S bs p V. induction cs; introv Hin Hl1 Hl2; auto.
  rewrite <- app_comm_cons in Hl2.
  inversions Hl2. specialize (IHcs _ _ _ _ _ Hin Hl1 H3) as →.
  rewrite app_nil_l in H3.
  pose proof (lft_unique Hin Hl1 H3) as [= <-].

If the definitions ds that correspond to a path p (here, have a type T, and looking up the path x.cs for some x in T yields a type μ(U) then nested in ds are some definitions ds' such that under the path p.cs, ds' can be typed with Up.cs.
Lemma lfs_defs_typing : cs z bs G ds T S U,
  z; bs; G ds :: open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f z) bs) T
  inert_typ S
  z ==> S =bs μ T
  z ==> S =cs++bs μ U
   ds', z; (cs++bs); G ds' :: open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f z) (cs++bs)) U.
  induction cs; introv Hds Hin Hl1 Hl2.
  - rewrite app_nil_l in×. pose proof (lft_unique Hin Hl1 Hl2) as [= ->]. eauto.
  - rewrite <- app_comm_cons in ×. inversions Hl2.
    specialize (IHcs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hds Hin Hl1 H3) as [ds' Hds'].
    pose proof (record_has_ty_defs Hds' H5) as [d [Hdh Hd]].
    inversions Hd. eauto.

Suppose the declaration d corresponding to a path has type {b: V}, and that V=...∧ {a: q.type} ∧.... Then q is well-typed.
Lemma def_typing_rhs z bs G d a q U S cs T b V :
  z; bs; G d : {b V}
  inert_typ S
  z ==> S =bs μ T
  record_has (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f z) bs) T) {b V}
  z ==> S =cs++b::bs μ U
  record_has (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f z) (cs++b::bs)) U) {a {{ q }}}
   W, G trm_path q : W.
  intros Hds Hin Hl1 Hrd Hl2 Hr. inversions Hds.
  - Case "def_all"%string.
    eapply lft_cons in Hl1; eauto.
    pose proof (lft_typ_all_inv _ Hin Hl1 Hl2) as →.
    rewrite app_nil_l in ×.
    pose proof (lft_unique Hin Hl1 Hl2) as [=].
  - Case "def_new"%string.
    pose proof (ty_def_new _ _ eq_refl H6 H7).
    assert (z ==> S =b::bs μ T0) as Hl1'. {
        eapply lft_cons. eauto. eauto.
    pose proof (lfs_defs_typing _ H7 Hin Hl1' Hl2) as [ds' Hds'].
    pose proof (record_has_ty_defs Hds' Hr) as [d [Hdh Hd]].
    inversions Hd. eauto.
  - Case "def_path"%string.
    eapply lft_cons in Hl1; eauto.
    pose proof (lft_typ_sngl_inv _ Hin Hl1 Hl2) as →.
    rewrite app_nil_l in ×.
    pose proof (lft_unique Hin Hl1 Hl2) as [=].

The same applies to the case where we type multiple declarations that contain {b: V} as a record.
Lemma defs_typing_rhs z bs G ds T a q U S cs T' b V :
  z; bs; G ds :: T
  inert_typ S
  z ==> S =bs μ T'
  record_has (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f z) bs) T') {b V}
  record_has T {b V}
  z ==> S =cs++b::bs μ U
  record_has (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f z) (cs++b::bs)) U) {a {{ q }}}
   V, G trm_path q : V.
  intros Hds Hin Hl1 Hr1 Hr2 Hl2 Hr.
  gen S a q U cs T' b V. dependent induction Hds; introv Hin; introv Hl1; introv Hl2; introv Hr Hr1 Hr2.
  - inversions Hr2. eapply def_typing_rhs; eauto.
  - specialize (IHHds _ Hin _ _ _ _ _ Hl1 _ Hl2 Hr _ Hr1).
    inversions Hr2; auto.
    inversions H4. clear IHHds.
    eapply def_typing_rhs; eauto.

Looking up a path inside of a variable x's environment type, given that we can type the path
Lemma pf_sngl_to_lft G x T bs W V :
  inert (G & x ~ μ T)
  G & x ~ (μ T) ⊢! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : W V
  bs = nil
   b c bs' bs'' U V,
    bs = c :: bs'
    bs = bs'' ++ b :: nil
    x ==> (μ T) =bs' (μ U)
    record_has (open_typ x T) {b V}
    record_has (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f x) bs') U) {c W}.
  intros Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.
  simpl_dot. right. specialize (IHHp _ _ _ _ Hi JMeq_refl eq_refl)
    as [-> | [b [c [bs' [bs'' [S [V [-> [Hl [Hl2 [Hr1 Hr2]]]]]]]]]]].
  - Case "pf_bind"%string.
    pose proof (pf_binds Hi Hp) as ->%binds_push_eq_inv. repeat eexists; eauto.
    simpl. rewrite app_nil_l. eauto. rewrite open_var_typ_eq. eapply pf_record_has_T; eauto.
    eapply pf_record_has_T; eauto.
  - Case "pf_fld"%string.
    pose proof (pf_bnd_T2 Hi Hp) as [W ->].
    rewrite Hl.
     b a. eexists. (a :: bs''). repeat eexists; eauto.
    rewrite <- Hl. econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- Hl.
    apply× pf_record_has_T.

Every value of type T has a precise type that is inert, well-formed, and is a subtype of T.
Lemma val_typing G x v T :
  inert G
  wf G
  G trm_val v : T
  x # G
   T', G ⊢!v v : T'
        G T' <: T
        inert_typ T'
        wf (G & x ~ T').
  intros Hi Hwf Hv Hx. dependent induction Hv; eauto.
  - (∀(T) U). repeat split×. constructor; eauto. introv Hp.
    assert (binds x (∀(T) U) (G & x ~ ∀(T) U)) as Hb by auto. apply pf_bind in Hb; auto.
    destruct bs as [|b bs].
    + apply pf_binds in Hp; auto. apply binds_push_eq_inv in Hp as [=].
    + apply pf_sngl in Hp as [? [? [=]%pf_binds%binds_push_eq_inv]]; auto.
  - (μ T). assert (inert_typ (μ T)) as Hin. {
      apply ty_new_intro_p in H. apply× pfv_inert.
    repeat split×. pick_fresh z. assert (z \notin L) as Hz by auto.
    specialize (H z Hz). assert (z # G) as Hz' by auto.
    constructor×. introv Hp.
    assert ( W, G & x ~ (μ T) trm_path q : W) as [W Hq]. {
      assert (inert (G & x ~ μ T)) as Hi' by eauto.
      pose proof (pf_sngl_to_lft Hi' Hp) as [-> | [b [c [bs' [bs'' [U [V [-> [Hl1 [Hl2 [Hr1 Hr2]]]]]]]]]]].
      { apply pf_binds in Hp as [=]%binds_push_eq_inv; auto. }
      assert (x; nil; G & x ~ open_typ x T open_defs x ds :: open_typ x T)
        as Hdx%open_env_last_defs. {
        apply rename_defs with (x:=z); auto.
      destruct bs'' as [|bs'h bs't].
      + rewrite app_nil_l in ×. inversions Hl1. inversions Hl2.
        eapply defs_typing_sngl_rhs. apply Hdx. rewrite× open_var_typ_eq.
      + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in Hl1. inversions Hl1.
        eapply defs_typing_rhs.
        apply Hdx.
        apply Hin.
        rewrite open_var_typ_eq in Hr1. apply Hr1.
        apply Hl2.
        apply Hr2.
      + auto.
    apply pt3_exists in Hq as [? Hq'%pt2_exists]; auto.
  - specialize (IHHv _ Hi Hwf eq_refl Hx). destruct_all. eexists; split×.

Helper tactics for proving Preservation

Ltac lookup_eq :=
  match goal with
  | [Hl1: ?s _ ⤳* defv ?t1 ,
     Hl2: ?s _ ⤳* defv ?t2 |- _] ⇒
     apply (lookup_func Hl1) in Hl2; inversions Hl2

Ltac invert_red :=
  match goal with
  | [Hr: (_, _) (_, _) |- _] ⇒ inversions Hr

Ltac solve_IH :=
  match goal with
  | [IH: _ _
         inert _
         wf _
          t', (_, _) (_, _) _,
       Wt: _ _,
       In: inert _,
       Wf: wf _,
       Hr: (_, _) (_, ?t') |- _] ⇒
    specialize (IH Wt In Wf t' Hr); destruct_all
  match goal with
  | [Hi: _ & ?G' _ : _ |- _] ⇒
     G'; repeat split; auto

Ltac solve_let :=
  invert_red; solve_IH; fresh_constructor; eauto; apply× weaken_rules.

Preservation (Lemma 5.4)

If a term γ|t has type T and reduces to γ'|t' then the latter has the same type T under an extended environment that is inert, well-typed, and well-formed.
Lemma preservation: G γ t γ' t' T,
    γ G
    inert G
    wf G
    (γ, t) (γ', t')
    G t : T
     G', inert G'
          wf (G & G')
          γ' G & G'
          G & G' t' : T.
  introv Hwt Hi Hwf Hred Ht. gen t'.
  induction Ht; intros; try solve [invert_red].
  - Case "ty_all_elim"%string.
    match goal with
    | [Hp: _ trm_path _ : ∀(_) _ |- _] ⇒
        pose proof (canonical_forms_fun Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [L [T' [t [Hl [Hsub Hty]]]]];
     (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat split; auto.
    pick_fresh y. assert (y \notin L) as FrL by auto. specialize (Hty y FrL).
    eapply subst_var_path; eauto. eauto. eauto.
  - Case "ty_let"%string.
    destruct t; try solve [solve_let].
     + SCase "[t = (let x = v in u)] where v is a value"%string.
      repeat invert_red.
      match goal with
        | [Hn: ?x # ?s |- _] ⇒
          pose proof (well_typed_notin_dom Hwt Hn) as Hng
      pose proof (val_typing Hi Hwf Ht Hng) as [V [Hv [Hs [Hin Hwf']]]].
       (x ~ V). repeat split; auto.
      ** rewrite <- concat_empty_l. constructor~.
      ** constructor~. apply (precise_to_general_v Hv).
      ** rewrite open_var_trm_eq. eapply subst_fresh_var_path with (L:=L \u dom G \u \{x}). apply× ok_push.
         intros. apply× weaken_rules. apply ty_sub with (T:=V); auto. apply× weaken_subtyp.
    + SCase "[t = (let x = p in u)] where a is p variable"%string.
      repeat invert_red.
       (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat split; auto.
      apply× subst_fresh_var_path.
  - Case "ty_sub"%string.
    match goal with
    | [Hs: _ _ <: _,
       Hg: _ & ?G' _: _ |- _] ⇒
      apply weaken_subtyp with (G2:=G') in Hs;

Progress (Lemma 5.3)

Any well-typed term is either in normal form (i.e. a path or value) or can take a reduction step.
Lemma progress: G γ t T,
    inert G
    wf G
    γ G
    G t : T
    norm_form t γ' t', (γ, t) (γ', t').
  introv Hi Hwf Hwt Ht.
  induction Ht; eauto.
  - Case "ty_all_elim"%string.
    pose proof (canonical_forms_fun Hi Hwf Hwt Ht1). destruct_all. right×.
  - Case "ty_let"%string.
    right. destruct t; eauto.
    + pick_fresh z. (γ & z ~ v). eauto.
    + specialize (IHHt Hi Hwf Hwt) as [Hn | [γ' [t' Hr]]].
      { inversion Hn. } eauto.
    + specialize (IHHt Hi Hwf Hwt) as [Hn | [γ' [t' Hr]]].
      { inversion Hn. } eauto.


If a term γ|t has type T and reduces in a finite number of steps to γ'|t' then the latter is either in normal form and has type T, or it can take a further step to a term γ''|t'', where t'' also has type T.
Lemma safety_helper G t1 t2 γ1 γ2 T :
  G t1 : T
  inert G
  wf G
  γ1 G
  (γ1, t1) ⟼* (γ2, t2)
  ( γ3 t3 G3, (γ2, t2) (γ3, t3)
               G3 t3 : T
               γ3 G3
               wf G3
               inert G3)
  ( G2, norm_form t2 G2 t2 : T
               γ2 G2
               wf G2
               inert G2).
  intros Ht Hi Hwf Hwt Hr. gen G T. dependent induction Hr; introv Hi Hwf Hwt; introv Ht.
  - pose proof (progress Hi Hwf Hwt Ht) as [Hn | [γ' [t' Hr]]].
    right. G. eauto.
    left. pose proof (preservation Hwt Hi Hwf Hr Ht) as [G' [Hi' [Hwf' [Hwt' Ht']]]].
     γ' t' (G & G'). repeat split×. apply× inert_concat.
  - destruct b as [γ12 t12]. specialize (IHHr _ _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl).
    pose proof (preservation Hwt Hi Hwf H Ht) as [G' [Hi' [Hwf' [Hwt' Ht']]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ (inert_concat Hi Hi' (well_typed_to_ok_G Hwt'))).

Definition diverges := infseq red.
Definition cyclic_path γ p := infseq (lookup_step γ) (defp p).

Type Soundness (Theorem 5.1)

Reducing any well-typed program (i.e. term that can be typed in an empty context) results either
  • in a normal form (i.e. path or value) in a finite number of steps,
  • in an infinite reduction sequence.
Theorem safety t T :
  empty t : T
  diverges (empty, t)
  ( γ u G, (empty, t) ⟼* (γ, u)
            norm_form u
            G u : T
            γ G
            wf G
            inert G).
  intros Ht.
  pose proof (infseq_or_finseq red (empty, t)) as [? | [[s u] [Hr Hn]]]; eauto.
  right. epose proof (safety_helper Ht inert_empty wfe_empty well_typed_empty Hr)
    as [[γ' [t' [G' [Hr' [Ht' Hwt]]]]] | [G [Hn' [Ht' [Hwt [Hwf Hi]]]]]].
  - false× Hn.
  - repeat eexists; eauto.

End Safety.

Safety wrt Path Lookup ⤳

Section PathSafety.

Looking up any well-typed path in the value environment results either
  • in a value in a finite number of steps, or
  • in an infinite sequence of lookup operations, i.e. the path is cyclic
  Lemma path_safety G p T γ :
    inert G
    wf G
    γ G
    G trm_path p : T
    cyclic_path γ p v, γ defp p ⤳* defv v .
    intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp.
    proof_recipe. apply repl_prec_exists in Hp as [U Hp].
    pose proof (infseq_or_finseq (lookup_step γ) (defp p)) as [? | [t [Hl Hirr]]]; eauto.
    right. destruct t; eauto.
    pose proof (lookup_pres Hi Hwf Hwt Hp Hl) as [S Hq].
    pose proof (typ_to_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hq) as [t Hl'].
    false× Hirr.

End PathSafety.

Extended Safety

Section ExtendedSafety.

Extended reduction relation (combines term reduction ⟼ and lookup ⤳)
  Reserved Notation "t '↠' u" (at level 40).

  Inductive extended_red : sta × trm sta × trm Prop :=
  | er_red γ γ' t t':
      (γ, t) (γ', t')
      (γ, t) (γ', t')
  | er_lookup γ p t:
      γ p t
      (γ, trm_path p) (γ, deftrm t)
  where "t ↠ u" := (extended_red t u).

  Hint Constructors extended_red.

Reflexive transitive closure of extended reduction
  Notation "t '↠*' u" := ((star extended_red) t u) (at level 40).

Divergence of extended reduction
  Definition diverges' := infseq extended_red.

  Lemma extend_infseq γ t γ' t' :
        diverges' (γ, t)
        (γ', t') ↠* (γ, t)
        diverges' (γ', t').
    intros Hinf Hr. dependent induction Hr; auto.
    destruct b. specialize (IHHr _ _ _ _ Hinf eq_refl eq_refl).
    econstructor. apply H. auto.

  Lemma map_red_extend γ t γ' t':
    (γ, t) ⟼* (γ', t')
    (γ, t) ↠* (γ', t').
    intros Hr. dependent induction Hr; try destruct b; eauto.

  Lemma map_lookup_extend γ t t':
    star (lookup_step γ) t t'
    (γ, deftrm t) ↠*(γ, deftrm t').
    intros Hr. dependent induction Hr; eauto.
    destruct a. eapply star_trans. apply star_one. apply× er_lookup.
    auto. inversion H.

Extended Soundness (Theorem 5.2)

Reducing any well-typed program (i.e. term that can be typed in an empty context) using the extended reduction relation (that includes term reduction and path lookup) results either
  • in a value in a finite number of steps, or
  • in an infinite reduction sequence.
  Theorem extended_safety t T :
    empty t : T
    diverges' (empty, t) γ v, (empty, t) ↠* (γ, trm_val v).
    intros Ht. pose proof (safety Ht) as [Hd | [γ [u [G [Hr [Hn [Hu [Hwt [Hwf Hi]]]]]]]]].
    - Case "term diverges"%string.
      left. inversions Hd. inversions H0. apply infseq_step with (b:=b); destruct b; auto.
      destruct b0. econstructor. apply er_red. apply H1.
      apply infseq_coinduction_principle with
          (X := fun st γ1 t1,
                    st = (γ1, t1) infseq red (γ1, t1)).
      intros st [γ' [t' [-> Hinf]]].
      + inversions Hinf. destruct b. eexists; split×.
      + eauto.
    - Case "term evaluates to normal form"%string.
      inversions Hn.
      + SCase "term evaluates to a path"%string.
        pose proof (path_safety Hi Hwf Hwt Hu) as [Hd | Hn].
        × SSCase "path lookup diverges"%string.
          left. assert (infseq extended_red (γ, trm_path p)). {
            clear Hwf Hwt Hr Hu Ht Hi G T t.
            apply infseq_coinduction_principle with
                (X := fun st u, st = (γ, deftrm u) infseq (lookup_step γ) u).
            + intros st [du [-> Hinf]].
              inversions Hinf. destruct b, du; try solve [inversion H].
              eexists; split*; apply× er_lookup.
              inversions H0. inversion H1.
            + eexists. split×. simpl. auto.
          assert (star extended_red (empty, t) (γ, trm_path p)). {
            apply× map_red_extend.
          apply× extend_infseq.
        × SSCase "path looks up to value"%string.
          destruct Hn as [v Hv]. right. γ v.
          eapply star_trans. eapply map_red_extend. eauto.
          apply map_lookup_extend in Hv. eauto.
      + SCase "term evaluates to a value"%string.
        right. γ v. apply× map_red_extend.

End ExtendedSafety.