Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Definitions RecordAndInertTypes PreciseTyping TightTyping InvertibleTyping
Narrowing Replacement ReplacementTyping.
Sel-<: Replacement
Lemma sel_replacement: ∀ G p A S U,
inert G →
G ⊢# trm_path p : typ_rcd {A >: S <: U} →
G ⊢# p↓A <: U ∧ G ⊢# S <: p↓A.
introv Hi Hty.
pose proof (replacement_closure Hi Hty) as Hinv.
pose proof (repl_to_precise_rcd Hi Hinv) as [T [Ht [Hs1 Hs2]]].
- apply subtyp_sel1_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
- apply subtyp_sel2_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
inert G →
G ⊢# trm_path p : typ_rcd {A >: S <: U} →
G ⊢# p↓A <: U ∧ G ⊢# S <: p↓A.
introv Hi Hty.
pose proof (replacement_closure Hi Hty) as Hinv.
pose proof (repl_to_precise_rcd Hi Hinv) as [T [Ht [Hs1 Hs2]]].
- apply subtyp_sel1_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
- apply subtyp_sel2_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
If Γ ⊢# p then Γ ⊢!! p
Lemma tight_to_prec_exists G p T :
inert G →
G ⊢# trm_path p : T →
∃ U, G ⊢!! p : U.
intros Hi Hp. pose proof (replacement_closure Hi Hp).
apply repl_to_inv in H as [? ?]. apply inv_to_prec in H as [? ?]. apply× pt2_exists.
inert G →
G ⊢# trm_path p : T →
∃ U, G ⊢!! p : U.
intros Hi Hp. pose proof (replacement_closure Hi Hp).
apply repl_to_inv in H as [? ?]. apply inv_to_prec in H as [? ?]. apply× pt2_exists.
Sngl-<: Replacement
Lemma sngl_replacement: ∀ G p q T U S,
inert G →
G ⊢# trm_path p: {{ q }} →
G ⊢# trm_path q : S →
repl_typ p q T U →
G ⊢# T <: U ∧ G ⊢# U <: T.
introv Hi Hp Hr.
apply (tight_to_prec_exists Hi) in Hr as [V Hq].
lets Hc: (replacement_closure Hi Hp).
pose proof (repl_to_invertible_sngl Hi Hc Hq) as [r [W [Hpt [Hq' [-> | Hpq]]]]];
pose proof (inv_to_precise_sngl Hi Hpt (pt3 Hq')) as [r' [Ht [-> | Hrc']]].
- split. eauto. apply repl_swap in H. eauto.
- split.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
eapply subtyp_sngl_pq_t. eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. apply Ht. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+ destruct (repl_insert r' H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
× apply repl_swap in Hr2. eauto.
× apply repl_swap in Hr1. eauto.
- split.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X); eauto.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
apply repl_swap in Hr2. eauto. apply repl_swap in Hr1. eauto.
- split.
+ destruct (repl_insert r' H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
× eauto.
× destruct (repl_insert r Hr2) as [S' [Hr1' Hr2']].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=S'); eauto.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
× apply repl_swap in Hr2. eauto.
× destruct (repl_insert r' Hr1) as [S' [Hr1' Hr2']].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=S').
** apply repl_swap in Hr2'. eauto.
** apply repl_swap in Hr1'. eauto.
inert G →
G ⊢# trm_path p: {{ q }} →
G ⊢# trm_path q : S →
repl_typ p q T U →
G ⊢# T <: U ∧ G ⊢# U <: T.
introv Hi Hp Hr.
apply (tight_to_prec_exists Hi) in Hr as [V Hq].
lets Hc: (replacement_closure Hi Hp).
pose proof (repl_to_invertible_sngl Hi Hc Hq) as [r [W [Hpt [Hq' [-> | Hpq]]]]];
pose proof (inv_to_precise_sngl Hi Hpt (pt3 Hq')) as [r' [Ht [-> | Hrc']]].
- split. eauto. apply repl_swap in H. eauto.
- split.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
eapply subtyp_sngl_pq_t. eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. apply Ht. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+ destruct (repl_insert r' H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
× apply repl_swap in Hr2. eauto.
× apply repl_swap in Hr1. eauto.
- split.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X); eauto.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
apply repl_swap in Hr2. eauto. apply repl_swap in Hr1. eauto.
- split.
+ destruct (repl_insert r' H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
× eauto.
× destruct (repl_insert r Hr2) as [S' [Hr1' Hr2']].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=S'); eauto.
+ destruct (repl_insert r H) as [X [Hr1 Hr2]].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=X).
× apply repl_swap in Hr2. eauto.
× destruct (repl_insert r' Hr1) as [S' [Hr1' Hr2']].
apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=S').
** apply repl_swap in Hr2'. eauto.
** apply repl_swap in Hr1'. eauto.
General to Tight ⊢ to ⊢#
In an inert environment, general typing (ty_trm ⊢) can be reduced to tight typing (ty_trm_t ⊢#).G ⊢ t: T
G ⊢# t: T
inert G
G ⊢ S <: U
G ⊢# S <: U
Lemma general_to_tight: ∀ G0,
inert G0 →
(∀ G t T,
G ⊢ t : T →
G = G0 →
G ⊢# t : T) ∧
(∀ G S U,
G ⊢ S <: U →
G = G0 →
G ⊢# S <: U).
intros G0 Hi.
apply ts_mutind; intros; subst;
try solve [eapply sel_replacement; auto]; eauto.
- destruct× (sngl_replacement Hi (H eq_refl) (H0 eq_refl) r).
- apply repl_swap in r. destruct× (sngl_replacement Hi (H eq_refl) (H0 eq_refl) r).
inert G0 →
(∀ G t T,
G ⊢ t : T →
G = G0 →
G ⊢# t : T) ∧
(∀ G S U,
G ⊢ S <: U →
G = G0 →
G ⊢# S <: U).
intros G0 Hi.
apply ts_mutind; intros; subst;
try solve [eapply sel_replacement; auto]; eauto.
- destruct× (sngl_replacement Hi (H eq_refl) (H0 eq_refl) r).
- apply repl_swap in r. destruct× (sngl_replacement Hi (H eq_refl) (H0 eq_refl) r).
The general-to-tight lemma, formulated for term typing.
Lemma general_to_tight_typing: ∀ G t T,
inert G →
G ⊢ t : T →
G ⊢# t : T.
intros. apply× general_to_tight.
inert G →
G ⊢ t : T →
G ⊢# t : T.
intros. apply× general_to_tight.
If Γ ⊢ p then Γ ⊢!!! p
Lemma pt3_exists G p T :
inert G →
G ⊢ trm_path p : T →
∃ U, G ⊢!!! p : U.
intros Hi Hp. apply (general_to_tight_typing Hi) in Hp.
apply tight_to_prec_exists in Hp as [? ?]; eauto.
inert G →
G ⊢ trm_path p : T →
∃ U, G ⊢!!! p : U.
intros Hi Hp. apply (general_to_tight_typing Hi) in Hp.
apply tight_to_prec_exists in Hp as [? ?]; eauto.
Proof Recipe
This tactic converts general typing of paths or values to as much precise typing as possible.
Ltac proof_recipe :=
match goal with
| [ Hg: ?G ⊢ _ : _,
Hi: inert ?G |- _ ] ⇒
apply (general_to_tight_typing Hi) in Hg;
((apply (replacement_closure Hi) in Hg) || (apply (replacement_closure_v Hi) in Hg));
try lets Hok: (inert_ok Hi);
try match goal with
| [ Hr: ?G ⊢// _ : ∀(_) _,
Hok: ok ?G |- _ ] ⇒
destruct (repl_to_precise_typ_all Hi Hr) as [Spr [Tpr [Lpr [Hpr [Hspr1 Hspr2]]]]]
| [ Hrv: ?G ⊢//v _ : μ _ |- _ ] ⇒
apply (repl_to_invertible_obj Hi) in Hrv as [U' [Hrv Hrc]];
apply (invertible_to_precise_obj Hi) in Hrv as [U'' [Hrv Hrc']];
try match goal with
| [ Hv: _ ⊢!v val_new ?T _ : μ ?U |- _ ] ⇒
assert (T = U) as <- by (inversion Hv; subst*)
| [ Hrv: ?G ⊢//v _ : ∀(_) _ |- _ ] ⇒
inversions Hrv;
match goal with
| [ Hrv: ?G ⊢##v _ : ∀(_) _,
Hok: ok ?G |- _ ] ⇒
apply invertible_val_to_precise_lambda in Hrv
as [L1 [S1 [T1 [Hvpr [HS1 HS2]]]]]; auto
match goal with
| [ Hg: ?G ⊢ _ : _,
Hi: inert ?G |- _ ] ⇒
apply (general_to_tight_typing Hi) in Hg;
((apply (replacement_closure Hi) in Hg) || (apply (replacement_closure_v Hi) in Hg));
try lets Hok: (inert_ok Hi);
try match goal with
| [ Hr: ?G ⊢// _ : ∀(_) _,
Hok: ok ?G |- _ ] ⇒
destruct (repl_to_precise_typ_all Hi Hr) as [Spr [Tpr [Lpr [Hpr [Hspr1 Hspr2]]]]]
| [ Hrv: ?G ⊢//v _ : μ _ |- _ ] ⇒
apply (repl_to_invertible_obj Hi) in Hrv as [U' [Hrv Hrc]];
apply (invertible_to_precise_obj Hi) in Hrv as [U'' [Hrv Hrc']];
try match goal with
| [ Hv: _ ⊢!v val_new ?T _ : μ ?U |- _ ] ⇒
assert (T = U) as <- by (inversion Hv; subst*)
| [ Hrv: ?G ⊢//v _ : ∀(_) _ |- _ ] ⇒
inversions Hrv;
match goal with
| [ Hrv: ?G ⊢##v _ : ∀(_) _,
Hok: ok ?G |- _ ] ⇒
apply invertible_val_to_precise_lambda in Hrv
as [L1 [S1 [T1 [Hvpr [HS1 HS2]]]]]; auto
If a path has a function type then its III-level precise type is
also a function type that is a subtype of the former.
Lemma path_typ_all_to_precise: ∀ G p T U,
inert G →
G ⊢ trm_path p : ∀(T) U →
(∃ L T' U',
G ⊢!!! p : ∀(T') U' ∧
G ⊢ T <: T' ∧
(∀ y, y \notin L → G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_typ y U') <: (open_typ y U))).
introv Hin Ht. proof_recipe. repeat eexists. eauto. apply× tight_to_general. eauto.
inert G →
G ⊢ trm_path p : ∀(T) U →
(∃ L T' U',
G ⊢!!! p : ∀(T') U' ∧
G ⊢ T <: T' ∧
(∀ y, y \notin L → G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_typ y U') <: (open_typ y U))).
introv Hin Ht. proof_recipe. repeat eexists. eauto. apply× tight_to_general. eauto.
If a value has a function type then the value is a function.
Lemma val_typ_all_to_lambda: ∀ G v T U,
inert G →
G ⊢ trm_val v : ∀(T) U →
(∃ L T' t,
v = λ(T') t ∧
G ⊢ T <: T' ∧
(∀ y, y \notin L → G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_trm y t) : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Ht. proof_recipe. inversions Hvpr.
∃ (L1 \u L \u (dom G)) S1 t. repeat split~.
intros. assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto. assert (HL0: y \notin L1) by auto.
specialize (HS2 y HL0).
specialize (H2 y HL).
eapply ty_sub; eauto. eapply narrow_typing in H2; eauto.
inert G →
G ⊢ trm_val v : ∀(T) U →
(∃ L T' t,
v = λ(T') t ∧
G ⊢ T <: T' ∧
(∀ y, y \notin L → G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_trm y t) : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Ht. proof_recipe. inversions Hvpr.
∃ (L1 \u L \u (dom G)) S1 t. repeat split~.
intros. assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto. assert (HL0: y \notin L1) by auto.
specialize (HS2 y HL0).
specialize (H2 y HL).
eapply ty_sub; eauto. eapply narrow_typing in H2; eauto.