
Precise Typing (Elimination Typing II and III)

This module reasons about
  • properties of precise typing ⊢!! and ⊢!!! (only defined for paths)
  • about well-formedness of environments which is defined through precise typing
  • about equivalent types (path replacement with well-typed paths)

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality List.
Require Import Definitions Binding RecordAndInertTypes Replacement.
Require Export PreciseFlow.

Reserved Notation "G '⊢!!' p ':' T" (at level 40, p at level 59).
Reserved Notation "G '⊢!!!' p ':' T" (at level 40, p at level 59).

II-level Precise Typing

Inductive precise_typing2: ctx path typ Prop :=
| pt2: G p T U,
    G ⊢! p : T U
    G ⊢!! p: U
| pt2_sngl_trans : G p q a U,
    G ⊢!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! qa : U
    G ⊢!! pa : {{ qa }}
where "G '⊢!!' p ':' T" := (precise_typing2 G p T).

III-level Precise Typing

Inductive precise_typing3: ctx path typ Prop :=
| pt3: G p T,
    G ⊢!! p : T
    G ⊢!!! p: T
| pt3_sngl_trans : G p q T,
    G ⊢!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! q : T
    G ⊢!!! p : T
where "G '⊢!!!' p ':' T" := (precise_typing3 G p T).

Hint Constructors precise_typing2 precise_typing3.

Properties of ⊢!! and ⊢!!!. Relationships between ⊢!, ⊢!!, and ⊢!!!

Lemma precise_to_general2: G p T,
    G ⊢!! p: T
    G trm_path p : T.
  introv Hp. induction Hp; eauto using precise_to_general.

Lemma precise_to_general3: G p T,
    G ⊢!!! p: T
    G trm_path p : T.
  introv Hp. induction Hp; eauto using precise_to_general2.

Lemma pt2_and_destruct1: G p T U,
    G ⊢!! p: T U
    G ⊢!! p: T.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.

Lemma pt2_and_destruct2: G p T U,
    G ⊢!! p: T U
    G ⊢!! p: U.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.

Lemma pt3_and_destruct1: G p T U,
    G ⊢!!! p: T U
    G ⊢!!! p: T.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto. constructor.
  apply× pt2_and_destruct1.

Lemma pt3_and_destruct2: G p T U,
    G ⊢!!! p: T U
    G ⊢!!! p: U.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto. constructor.
  apply× pt2_and_destruct2.

Lemma pt2_inertsngl : G p T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: T
    inert_sngl T record_type T.
  introv Hi Pf. induction Pf.
  - apply× pf_inertsngl.
  - left. right. eexists. eauto.

Lemma pt3_inertsngl : G p T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: T
    inert_sngl T record_type T.
  introv Hi Pf. induction Pf; eauto;
  apply× pt2_inertsngl.

Lemma pt2_psel: G p q A,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p : q A False.
  introv Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto. apply× pf_psel.

Lemma pt3_psel: G p q A,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p : q A False.
  introv Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto. apply× pt2_psel.

Lemma pt3_trans: G p q a U,
    G ⊢!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! qa : U
    G ⊢!!! pa : U.
  introv Hp Hq. gen p. dependent induction Hq; introv Hp; eauto.

Lemma pt3_trans2: G p q a U,
    G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! qa : U
    G ⊢!!! pa : U.
  introv Hp Hq. gen a U. dependent induction Hp; introv Hq.
  - apply× pt3_trans.
  - specialize (IHHp _ eq_refl _ _ Hq). apply× pt3_trans.

Lemma pt3_field_elim: G p a T,
    G ⊢!!! p : typ_rcd { a T }
    G ⊢!!! pa : T.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp.
  - dependent induction H; eauto.
  - specialize (IHHp _ _ eq_refl).
    gen p. dependent induction IHHp; introv Hpq; eauto.

Lemma path_elim_prec: G p q a T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! qa : T
    G ⊢!!! pa : {{ qa }}.
  introv Hi Hp Hq.
  gen a T. dependent induction Hp; introv Hq.
  - inversion× Hq.
  - specialize (IHHp _ Hi eq_refl _ _ Hq). apply× pt3_trans.

Lemma pf_pt2: G p T U V,
    inert G
    G ⊢! p: T U
    G ⊢!! p: V
    inert_sngl V
    T = V.
  introv Hi Hp1 Hp2 His. gen T U. induction Hp2; introv Hp1.
  - lets Heq: (pf_T_unique Hi Hp1 H). subst. destruct His.
    × destruct H0. apply× pf_forall_T. apply× pf_bnd_T.
    × inversions H0. destruct_all. apply× pf_sngl_T.
  - destruct (pf_path_sel _ _ Hi Hp1) as [V Hp].
    assert (inert_sngl {{ q }}) as His'. { right. eexists. auto. }
    specialize (IHHp2_1 Hi His' _ _ Hp). inversion IHHp2_1.

Lemma pf_pt2_sngl: G p T U q,
    inert G
    G ⊢! p: T U
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    T = {{ q }}.
  introv Hi Hp1 Hp2. apply× pf_pt2. right. eexists. auto.

Lemma field_elim_q0: G p q a T,
    inert G
    G ⊢! p: {{ q }} {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! pa : T
     U, G ⊢!! qa: U.
  introv Hi Hp Hpa. gen q.
  dependent induction Hpa; introv Hp; eauto.
  - dependent induction H; try simpl_dot; eauto.
    lets Heq: (pf_T_unique Hi Hp H). subst.
    apply pf_sngl_U in H. inversion H.
  - clear IHHpa1 IHHpa2. simpl_dot.
    lets Heq: (pf_pt2_sngl Hi Hp Hpa1). inversion× Heq.

Lemma field_elim_q0': G p q a T T',
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢! pa : T T'
     U, G ⊢!! qa: U.
  introv Hi Hp Hpa. gen q.
  dependent induction Hpa; introv Hp; try simpl_dot; eauto.
  lets Hp2: (pf_pt2_sngl Hi Hpa Hp). subst.
  apply pf_sngl_U in Hpa. inversion Hpa.

Lemma pf_pt2_sngl_invert G p q a T U :
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢! pa : T U
  intros Hi Hp Hpf.
  assert ( V S, G ⊢! p: V S) as [V [S Hpvs]]. {
      dependent induction Hpf; try simpl_dot; eauto.
  lets ->: (pf_pt2_sngl Hi Hpvs Hp). clear Hp.
  dependent induction Hpf; try simpl_dot; eauto.
  lets Heq: (pf_T_unique Hi Hpvs Hpf). subst. apply pf_sngl_U in Hpf as[=].

Lemma pt2_sngl_exists: G p q T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! p: T
     q', T = {{ q' }}.
  introv Hi Hp Ht. gen T. dependent induction Hp; introv Ht; eauto.
  - lets ->: (pf_sngl_T Hi H). dependent induction Ht; eauto.
    lets Heq: (pf_T_unique Hi H H0). subst. eauto using pf_sngl_U.
  - dependent induction Ht; eauto.
    lets Contra: (pf_pt2_sngl_invert _ Hi Hp1 H). inversion Contra.

Lemma pt2_sngl_unique: G p q1 q2,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q1 }}
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q2 }}
    q1 = q2.
  introv Hi Hp. gen q2. dependent induction Hp; introv Ht; eauto.
  - lets ->: (pf_sngl_T Hi H). dependent induction Ht; eauto.
    × lets Heq: (pf_T_unique Hi H H0). subst.
      apply pf_sngl_U in H0 as [=]. auto.
    × lets Contra: (pf_pt2_sngl_invert _ Hi Ht1 H). inversion Contra.
  - specialize (IHHp1 _ Hi eq_refl). gen q U.
    dependent induction Ht; introv Hpq IH1; introv Hqa IH2.
    × lets Contra: (pf_pt2_sngl_invert _ Hi Hpq H). inversion Contra.
    × simpl_dot. f_equal. eauto.

Lemma pt2_sngl_unique' G p q T :
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! p: T
    T = {{ q }}.
  introv Hi Hp Hpt. destruct (pt2_sngl_exists Hi Hp Hpt) as [q' ->]. f_equal.
  eauto using pt2_sngl_unique.

Lemma field_elim_q: G p q a T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! pa : T
     U, G ⊢!! qa: U.
  introv Hi Hp Hpa. gen a T. dependent induction Hp; introv Hpa.
  - lets Heq: (pf_sngl_T Hi H). subst. apply× field_elim_q0.
  - clear IHHp1 IHHp2.
    gen q0 U. dependent induction Hpa; introv Hp; introv Hq0.
    × apply× field_elim_q0'.
    × unfold sel_fields in x. destruct p0, p. inversions x.
      lets Hxbs: (pt2_sngl_trans _ Hp Hq0).
      assert (inert_sngl {{ q }}) as His. {
        right. eexists. eauto.
      simpl in ×.
      lets Hu: (pt2_sngl_unique Hi Hpa1 Hxbs).
      inversions Hu. eauto.

Lemma field_elim_q2: G p q a T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! pa : T
     U, G ⊢!!! qa: U.
  introv Hi Hp Hpa. gen a T. dependent induction Hp; introv Hpa.
  - destruct× (field_elim_q _ Hi H Hpa).
  - specialize (IHHp _ Hi eq_refl).
    destruct (field_elim_q _ Hi H Hpa) as [V Hqa]. apply× IHHp.

Lemma field_elim_q3: G p q a T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! pa : T
     U, G ⊢!!! qa: U.
  introv Hi Hp Hpa.
  gen q. dependent induction Hpa; introv Hp.
  - gen a T. dependent induction Hp; introv Hpa;
               destruct× (field_elim_q _ Hi H Hpa).
  - clear IHHpa Hpa T. gen a q. dependent induction Hp; introv Hpa.
    × destruct× (field_elim_q _ Hi H Hpa).
    × lets Hp': (pt3_sngl_trans H Hp). apply× field_elim_q2.

Lemma pt3_field_elim_p: G p q a U,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! p a : U
    G ⊢!!! p a : {{ qa }}.
  introv Hi Hpq Hpa. destruct (field_elim_q3 _ Hi Hpq Hpa) as [T Hqa].
  apply× path_elim_prec.

Lemma pt2_backtrack : G p a T,
    G ⊢!! p a : T
     U, G ⊢!! p : U.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.
  - dependent induction H; try simpl_dot; eauto.
  - simpl_dot. eauto.

Lemma pt3_backtrack : G p a T,
    G ⊢!!! p a : T
     U, G ⊢!!! p : U.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp;
               apply pt2_backtrack in H; destruct_all; eauto.

Lemma pt3_sngl_trans3: G p q T,
    G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! q: T
    G ⊢!!! p : T.
  introv Hp Hq. gen T. dependent induction Hp; introv Hq; eauto.

Lemma pt3_field_trans: G p q bs T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! q••bs : T
    G ⊢!!! p••bs : {{ q••bs }}.
  introv Hi Hp Hq. gen T q. induction bs; introv Hp Hq;
                              unfolds sel_fields; destruct q, p; simpls; auto.
  rewrite proj_rewrite in ×.
  destruct (pt3_backtrack _ _ Hq) as [U Hb].
  specialize (IHbs _ _ Hp Hb). rewrite proj_rewrite. apply× path_elim_prec.

Lemma pt3_field_trans': G p q bs T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! q••bs : T
    G ⊢!!! p••bs : T.
  introv Hi Hp1 Hp2. gen p q T.
  induction bs; introv Hp1; introv Hp2; unfolds sel_fields; destruct q, p; simpls.
  - apply× pt3_sngl_trans3.
  - rewrite proj_rewrite in ×.
    destruct (pt3_backtrack _ _ Hp2) as [S Hb].
    lets Hh: (pt3_field_trans _ Hi Hp1 Hb).
    apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. apply× path_elim_prec.

Lemma pt2_weaken_one G p T x U :
  ok (G & x ~ U)
  G ⊢!! p : T
  G & x ~ U ⊢!! p : T.
  intros Hx Hp. induction Hp.
  - econstructor. rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Hx. apply× pf_weaken_one. do 2 eapply ok_concat_inv_l; eauto.
  - eapply pt2_sngl_trans; eauto.

Lemma pt2_weaken G p T G' :
  ok (G & G')
  G ⊢!! p : T
  G & G' ⊢!! p : T.
  intros Hok Hp. induction G' using env_ind.
  - rewrite× concat_empty_r.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt2_weaken_one.

Lemma pt3_weaken_one G p T x U :
  ok (G & x ~ U)
  G ⊢!!! p : T
  G & x ~ U ⊢!!! p : T.
  intros Hx Hp. induction Hp.
  - econstructor. rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Hx. apply× pt2_weaken_one.
  - eapply pt3_sngl_trans; eauto. apply× pt2_weaken_one.

Lemma pt3_weaken G G' p T :
  ok (G & G')
  G ⊢!!! p: T
  G & G' ⊢!!! p: T.
  intros Hok Hp. induction G' using env_ind.
  - rewrite× concat_empty_r.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt3_weaken_one.

Lemma pf_strengthen_full G p T U :
  inert G
  G ⊢! p : T U
   G1 G2 x bs V, G = G1 & x ~ V & G2
                p = p_sel (avar_f x) bs
                G1 & x ~ V ⊢! p : T U.
  intros Hi Hp.
  pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [x [bs ->]].
  induction G as [|G1 y V] using env_ind.
  - apply precise_to_general in Hp. false× typing_empty_false.
  - destruct (classicT (y = x)) as [-> | Hn].
    + repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite× concat_empty_r.
    + apply pf_strengthen in Hp; auto.
      specialize (IHG (inert_prefix Hi) Hp) as [G1' [G2' [z [cs [W [-> [[= → ->] Hp']]]]]]].
      repeat eexists; eauto. rewrite concat_assoc. eauto.

Lemma pt2_destruct_env G p T :
  inert G
  G ⊢!! p : T
   G1 G2 x bs V, G = G1 & x ~ V & G2
                  p = p_sel (avar_f x) bs.
  intros Hi Hp. induction Hp.
  - apply pf_strengthen_full in H; auto. destruct_all; repeat eexists; eauto.
  - specialize (IHHp1 Hi). specialize (IHHp2 Hi). destruct_all. simpl_dot. repeat eexists.

Lemma pt2_var_sngl G x p :
  inert G
  G ⊢!! pvar x : {{ p }}
  intros Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; try simpl_dot.
  pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi H) as →. apply (pf_binds Hi) in H.
  apply (binds_inert H) in Hi. inversion Hi.

Lemma pt2_to_pf G p T :
  G ⊢!! p : T
  (inert_typ T record_type T)
   U, G ⊢! p : U T.
  intros Hp [Hin | Hr].
  - inversions Hin; inversions Hp; eauto.
  - inversions Hr. inversions H; inversions Hp; eauto.

Lemma pt3_trans_trans: G p q bs T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! p••bs : T
    G ⊢!!! p••bs : {{ q••bs }}.
  introv Hi Hp Hpbs. gen p q T.
  induction bs; introv Hp; introv Hpbs; unfolds sel_fields; destruct p, q; simpls; auto.
  repeat rewrite proj_rewrite in ×. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
  specialize (IHbs _ _ Hp). apply pt3_backtrack in Hpbs. destruct_all. eauto.

Lemma pt2_bnd : G p T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: μ T
    G ⊢!! p: open_typ_p p T.
  introv Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.

Lemma pt2_exists: G p T,
    G ⊢!!! p: T
     U, G ⊢!! p: U.
  induction 1; eauto.

Lemma pt3_bnd : G p T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: μ T
    G ⊢!!! p: open_typ_p p T
              ( q U, G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }} G ⊢!! q : U G ⊢!!! p: open_typ_p q T).
  introv Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp.
  - left. constructor. apply× pt2_bnd.
  - specialize (IHHp _ Hi eq_refl). destruct IHHp as [Hq | [r [U [Hr1 [Hq Hr2]]]]]; right.
    + apply pt2_exists in Hp as [? ?]. repeat eexists; eauto.
    + r. repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma pf_pt2_trans_inv_mult : G p q bs T,
    inert G
    G ⊢! p: {{ q }} {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! p •• bs : T
    T = {{ q••bs }}.
  introv Hi Hp Hpbs. gen T. induction bs; introv Hpbs.
  - repeat rewrite field_sel_nil in ×. apply pt2 in Hp. apply eq_sym. apply eq_sym.
    eauto using pt2_sngl_unique'.
  - rewrite proj_rewrite' in ×. destruct (pt2_backtrack _ _ Hpbs) as [U Hb].
    apply pt2 in Hp. specialize (IHbs _ Hb). subst.
    destruct (field_elim_q _ Hi Hb Hpbs) as [U Hf].
    lets Hp2: (pt2_sngl_trans _ Hb Hf).
    eauto using pt2_sngl_unique'.

Lemma pf_pt3_trans_inv_mult : G p q T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! p : T
    inert_typ T record_type T
    G ⊢!!! q : T.
  introv Hi Hpq Hp Hr. gen q. induction Hp; introv Hpq.
  - constructor.
    assert (inert_sngl {{ q }}) as His. {
      right. eexists. eauto.
    lets ->: (pt2_sngl_unique' Hi Hpq H). destruct Hr.
    inversion His. inversion H1. inversion H0. inversion H0. inversion H1.
  - specialize (IHHp Hi Hr).
    assert (inert_sngl {{ q }}) as His1. {
      right. eexists. eauto.
    assert (inert_sngl {{ q0 }}) as His2. {
      right. eexists. eauto.
    lets Heq: (pt2_sngl_unique' Hi Hpq H). inversions Heq. eauto.

Lemma pf_pt3_trans_inv_mult' : G p q T bs,
    inert G
    G ⊢! p: {{ q }} {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! p •• bs : T
    inert_typ T record_type T
    G ⊢!!! q •• bs : T.
  introv Hi Hp Hpbs Hr.
  assert ( U, G ⊢!! p •• bs : U) as [U Hu] by apply× pt2_exists.
  apply× pf_pt3_trans_inv_mult. lets Hpf: (pf_pt2_trans_inv_mult _ Hi Hp Hu). subst×.

Lemma pf_pt3_unique : G p S A T U,
    inert G
    G ⊢! p: S typ_rcd {A >: T <: T}
    G ⊢!!! p: typ_rcd {A >: U <: U}
    T = U.
  introv Hi Hp1 Hp3. dependent induction Hp3.
  - apply pt2 in Hp1. dependent induction H. dependent induction Hp1.
    lets Hu: (pf_T_unique Hi H0 H). subst.
    destruct (pf_bnd_T2 Hi H0) as [V Heq]. subst.
    apply× pf_dec_typ_unique.
  - clear IHHp3. apply pt2 in Hp1. assert (inert_sngl {{ q }}) as His. {
      right. eexists. eauto.
    lets Hu: (pt2_sngl_unique' Hi H Hp1). inversion Hu.

Lemma pt23_invert : G p q T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p : T
    G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
     q', {{ q' }} = T (q = q' G ⊢!!! q' : {{ q }}).
  introv Hi Hp Hpq. gen T. dependent induction Hpq; introv Hp.
  - q. split×.
    apply eq_sym. apply× pt2_sngl_unique'.
  - lets Hu: (pt2_sngl_unique' Hi H Hp). subst×.

Lemma pt3_invert : G p q T,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p : T
    G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
    G ⊢!!! q: T q', {{ q' }} = T (q = q' G ⊢!!! q' : {{ q }}).
  introv Hi Hp Hpq. gen q. dependent induction Hp; introv Hpq.
  - right. apply× pt23_invert.
  - destruct (pt23_invert Hi H Hpq) as [q' [Heq [Heq' | Hq']]]; inversions Heq; eauto.

Lemma pt3_var_sngl G x p :
  inert G
  G ⊢!!! pvar x : {{ p }}
  intros Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; false× pt2_var_sngl.

Lemma pf_inert_pt2_sngl_false G p q T U :
  inert G
  G ⊢! p : T U
  G ⊢!! p : {{ q }}
  inert_typ T
  intros Hi Hp Hq Hin. gen q. dependent induction Hp; eauto; introv Hpq.
  - false× pt3_var_sngl.
  - lets Hp': (pf_fld Hp). pose proof (pf_pt2_sngl Hi Hp' Hpq) as →. inversion Hin.

Lemma pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false G p q T U :
  inert G
  G ⊢! p : T U
  G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
  inert_typ T
  intros Hi Hp Hq Hin. gen T U. dependent induction Hq; introv Hin; introv Hp;
  apply× pf_inert_pt2_sngl_false.

Lemma pt3_inert_pt2_sngl_invert G p q T :
  inert G
  G ⊢!!! p : T
  G ⊢!! p : {{ q }}
  inert_typ T
  G ⊢!!! q : T.
  intros Hi Hp Hpq Hin. gen q. induction Hp; introv Hpq.
  - pose proof (pt2_sngl_unique' Hi Hpq H) as →. inversion Hin.
  - pose proof (pt2_sngl_unique Hi H Hpq) as →. eauto.

Lemma pt3_inert_sngl_invert G p q T :
  inert G
  G ⊢!!! p : T
  G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }}
  inert_typ T
  G ⊢!!! q : T.
  introv Hi Hp Hpq. gen T. dependent induction Hpq; introv Hp Hin;
                             [.. | apply× IHHpq];
                             eapply (pt3_inert_pt2_sngl_invert Hi Hp); eauto.

Lemma pt2_dec_typ_tight: G p A S U,
    inert G
    G ⊢!! p: typ_rcd {A >: S <: U}
    S = U.
  introv Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto. apply× pf_dec_typ_tight.

Lemma pt3_dec_typ_tight: G p A S U,
    inert G
    G ⊢!!! p: typ_rcd {A >: S <: U}
    S = U.
  introv Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto. apply× pt2_dec_typ_tight.

Lemma last_path G p T U :
  inert G
  G ⊢!!! p : ∀(T) U
  G ⊢!! p : ∀(T) U q, G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }} G ⊢!! q : ∀(T) U.
  intros Hi Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.
  specialize (IHHp _ _ Hi eq_refl) as [Hq | [r [Hq Hr]]]; eauto.

Lemma pt2_qbs_typed G p q T bs V:
  inert G
  G ⊢! p : {{ q }} {{ q }}
  G ⊢!! q : T
  G ⊢!! p••bs : V
   U, G ⊢!! q •• bs : U.
  intros Hi Hp Hq Hpbs.
  pose proof (pf_pt2_trans_inv_mult _ Hi Hp Hpbs) as →.
  gen T. dependent induction Hpbs.
  - pose proof (pf_sngl_flds_elim _ Hi Hp H) as →. rewrite× field_sel_nil.
  - destruct p0 as [p0x p0bs].
    destruct p as [px pbs].
    destruct q as [qx qbs].
    destruct q0 as [q0x q0bs]. inversions x0. inversions x. simpl in IHHpbs2, IHHpbs1.
    destruct bs as [|b bs].
    + rewrite app_nil_l in ×. subst. eauto.
    + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in ×. inversions H1. inversions H2. eauto.

Wellformed paths and environments

Inductive wf : ctx Prop :=
| wfe_empty :
    wf empty
| wfe_push G x T :
    wf G
    x # G
    ( bs q, G & x ~ T ⊢! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : {{ q }} {{ q }}
              U, G & x ~ T ⊢!! q : U)
    wf (G & x ~ T).

Hint Constructors wf.

Lemma wf_prefix_one G x T :
  wf (G & x ~ T) wf G.
  intros Hwf. dependent induction Hwf.
  - false× empty_push_inv.
  - apply eq_push_inv in x as [-> [-> ->]]. destruct G as [|G x U] using env_ind; auto.

Lemma wf_prefix G G' :
  wf (G & G') wf G.
  intros Hwf. gen G. induction G' using env_ind; introv Hwf.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in Hwf; auto.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply IHG'. apply× wf_prefix_one.

Hint Resolve wf_prefix wf_prefix_one.

Strengthening and Typing of Singleton Types

Strengthening is the opposite of weakening: removing elements of the typing environment. The strengthening lemmas state that in a well-formed environment Γ, x: T, precise typing of a path is preserved in the strengthened environment Γ if x y.

Lemma pf_strengthen_one_helper G y bs T x q :
  inert (G & x ~ T)
  wf G
  G & x ~ T ⊢! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ q }} {{ q }}
  x y
   U, G ⊢!! q : U.
  intros Hi Hwf. gen y bs q x T. dependent induction Hwf; introv Hi Hy Hn.
  - rewrite concat_empty_l in ×. apply precise_to_general in Hy.
    apply typing_implies_bound in Hy as [S Hb]. apply binds_single_inv in Hb as [-> _]. false×.
  - apply pf_strengthen in Hy; auto.
    destruct (classicT (x = y)) as [-> | Hn']; eauto.
    specialize (IHHwf _ _ _ _ _ (inert_prefix Hi) Hy Hn') as [S Hq]. eexists. apply× pt2_weaken. apply inert_ok.
    apply inert_prefix in Hi; auto.

Lemma pt2_strengthen_one_helper G y bs T x q :
  inert (G & x ~ T)
  wf G
  G & x ~ T ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ q }}
  x y
  G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ q }} S, G ⊢!! q : S.
  intros Hi Hwf Ht Hn. dependent induction Ht.
  - split. econstructor. apply× pf_strengthen.
    apply× pf_strengthen_one_helper. pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi H) as →. apply H.
  - simpl_dot.
    specialize (IHHt1 _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi Hwf JMeq_refl eq_refl eq_refl Hn) as [IHy [S IHq]].
    pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general2 Ht2)) as [qx [qbs Heq]]. simpl_dot. simpl in IHHt2.
    assert (x0 qx) as Hn'. {
      pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general2 IHq)) as [W Hb].
      apply inert_ok in Hi. intros →. apply ok_push_inv in Hi as [_ Hq]. eapply binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
    rewrite proj_rewrite in ×.
    pose proof (pt2_inertsngl Hi Ht2) as [[Hin | [q ->]] | Hr].
    + pose proof (pt2_to_pf Ht2 (or_introl Hin)) as [? Hpr]. apply pf_strengthen in Hpr; auto; split×.
    + specialize (IHHt2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi Hwf JMeq_refl eq_refl eq_refl Hn') as [IHqx [W IHq']].
      × rewrite proj_rewrite in ×. eauto.
      × simpl. eexists; eauto.
    + pose proof (pt2_to_pf Ht2 (or_intror Hr)) as [? Hpr]. apply pf_strengthen in Hpr; auto; split×.

Lemma pt2_strengthen_one G y bs T x U :
  inert (G & x ~ T)
  wf G
  G & x ~ T ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : U
  x y
  G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : U.
  intros Hi Hwf Ht Hn.
  pose proof (pt2_inertsngl Hi Ht) as [[Hin | [q ->]] | Hr].
  - pose proof (pt2_to_pf Ht (or_introl Hin)) as [? Hpr]. apply pf_strengthen in Hpr; eauto.
  - apply× pt2_strengthen_one_helper.
  - pose proof (pt2_to_pf Ht (or_intror Hr)) as [? Hpr]. apply pf_strengthen in Hpr; eauto.

Typing of paths that form singleton types

The following lemmas state that if a path has a precise type q.type in a well-formed environment, then q is typeable.

Lemma sngl_typed G p q :
    inert G
    wf G
    G ⊢! p: {{ q }} {{ q }}
     T, G ⊢!! q: T.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp. gen p q.
  induction Hwf; introv Hpq.
  - apply precise_to_general in Hpq. false× typing_empty_false.
  - pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hpq)) as [px [pbs ->]].
    destruct (classicT (x = px)) as [-> | Hn]; eauto.
    pose proof (pf_strengthen_one_helper Hi Hwf Hpq Hn) as [U Hq]. eexists. apply× pt2_weaken.

Lemma sngl_typed2 : G p q,
    inert G
    wf G
    G ⊢!! p: {{ q }}
     T, G ⊢!! q: T.
  introv Hi Hwf Hpq. dependent induction Hpq; eauto.
  pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi H) as →. apply× sngl_typed.

Lemma sngl_typed3 : G p q,
    inert G
    wf G
    G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}
     T, G ⊢!!! q: T.
  introv Hi Hwf Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto.
  destruct× (sngl_typed2 Hi Hwf H).

Lemma pt2_fld_strengthen G p a T U G' :
  inert (G & G')
  wf G
  G ⊢!! p : T
  G & G' ⊢!! p a : U
  G ⊢!! p a : U.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp Hpa. gen T. dependent induction Hpa; introv Hp.
  - pose proof (pf_strengthen_full Hi H) as [G1 [G2 [px [pbs [V [HeqG [Heqp Hp1]]]]]]]. simpl_dot.
    pose proof (pt2_destruct_env (inert_prefix Hi) Hp) as [G1' [G2' [px' [pbs' [V' [-> [= → ->]]]]]]].
    rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. apply env_ok_inv' in HeqG as [-> [-> <-]].
    + rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt2_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
    + apply× inert_ok.
  - simpl_dot.
    destruct f0.
    + pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general2 Hpa1)) as [px [pbs [= → <-]]]. false× pt2_var_sngl.
    + rewrite proj_rewrite in ×.
      pose proof (pt2_backtrack _ _ Hp) as [W Hpb]. specialize (IHHpa1 _ _ _ _ Hi Hwf JMeq_refl eq_refl _ Hpb).
      specialize (IHHpa2 _ _ _ _ Hi Hwf JMeq_refl eq_refl).
      pose proof (sngl_typed2 (inert_prefix Hi) Hwf IHHpa1) as [X Hq]. eauto.

Lemma pt2_strengthen G G1 G2 bs T x U :
  G = G1 & x ~ T & G2
  inert G
  wf G
  G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : U
  G1 & x ~ T ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : U.
  introsHi Hwf Hp. induction G2 using env_ind.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in ×. auto.
  - destruct (classicT (x0 = x)) as [-> | Hn].
    + apply inert_ok in Hi. apply ok_middle_inv_r in Hi. simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hi as [Contra _].
      false× notin_same.
    + rewrite concat_assoc in ×. eapply pt2_strengthen_one in Hp; auto.
      specialize (IHG2 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) Hp). eauto. apply× wf_prefix.

Lemma pt3_strengthen_one G bs T x y U :
  inert (G & x ~ T)
  wf (G & x ~ T)
  G & x ~ T ⊢!!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : U
  y x
  G ⊢!!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : U.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp Hn. dependent induction Hp.
  - constructor. apply× pt2_strengthen_one.
  - pose proof (sngl_typed2 Hi Hwf H) as [U Ht%precise_to_general2]. apply typed_paths_named in Ht as [qx [qbs ->]].
    destruct (classicT (qx = x)) as [-> | Hn'].
    + clear IHHp. apply pt2_strengthen_one in H; eauto.
      apply (sngl_typed2 (inert_prefix Hi)) in H as [S Ht]; eauto.
      apply (pt2_destruct_env (inert_prefix Hi)) in Ht as [G1 [G2 [px [pbs [V [-> [= → ->]]]]]]].
      apply inert_ok in Hi. rewrite <- concat_assoc in Hi. apply ok_middle_inv_r in Hi.
      simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hi as [Contra _]. false× notin_same.
    + apply pt2_strengthen_one in H; eauto.

Lemma pt3_strengthen G G1 G2 bs T x U :
  G = G1 & x ~ T & G2
  inert G
  wf G
  G ⊢!!! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : U
  G1 & x ~ T ⊢!!! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : U.
  introsHi Hwf Hp. induction G2 using env_ind.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in ×. auto.
  - destruct (classicT (x0 = x)) as [-> | Hn].
    + apply inert_ok in Hi. apply ok_middle_inv_r in Hi. simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hi as [Contra _].
      false× notin_same.
    + rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply pt3_strengthen_one in Hp; auto.
      specialize (IHG2 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) Hp). eauto.

Lemma pt2_strengthen_full G p T :
  inert G
  wf G
  G ⊢!! p : T
   G1 G2 x bs V, G = G1 & x ~ V & G2
                  p = p_sel (avar_f x) bs
                  G1 & x ~ V ⊢!! p : T.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp. pose proof (pt2_destruct_env Hi Hp) as [G1 [G2 [x [bs [V [-> ->]]]]]].
  repeat eexists. apply× pt2_strengthen.

Lemma pt2_strengthen_from_pf G G' p bs T T' U :
  inert (G & G')
  wf (G & G')
  G ⊢! p: T T'
  G & G' ⊢!! p••bs : U
  G ⊢!! p••bs : U.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp1 Hp2. gen U. induction bs; introv Hp2.
  - rewrite field_sel_nil in ×.
    apply pt2_strengthen_full in Hp2 as [G1 [G2 [px [pbs [V [Heq [-> Ht]]]]]]]; auto.
    pose proof (pt2_destruct_env (inert_prefix Hi) (pt2 Hp1)) as [G1' [G2' [px' [pbs' [V' [-> [= → ->]]]]]]].
    rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok.
    apply env_ok_inv' in Heq as [-> [-> <-]]; rewrite concat_assoc in *; auto.
    apply× pt2_weaken.
  - rewrite proj_rewrite' in ×. pose proof (pt2_backtrack _ _ Hp2) as [V Hb].
    specialize (IHbs _ Hb).
    pose proof (pt2_fld_strengthen _ Hi (wf_prefix Hwf) IHbs Hp2). eauto.

Lemma pt3_strengthen_full G p T :
  inert G
  wf G
  G ⊢!!! p : T
   G1 G2 x bs V, G = G1 & x ~ V & G2
                  p = p_sel (avar_f x) bs
                  G1 & x ~ V ⊢!!! p : T.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp. induction Hp.
  - pose proof (pt2_destruct_env Hi H) as [G1 [G2 [x [bs [V [-> ->]]]]]].
    repeat eexists. constructor. apply× pt2_strengthen.
  - specialize (IHHp Hi Hwf) as [G1 [G2 [x [bs [V [-> [-> Hp3]]]]]]].
    pose proof (pt2_strengthen_full Hi Hwf H) as [G1' [G2' [y [cs [W3 [Heq [-> Hp2]]]]]]].
    do 5 eexists. split. apply Heq. split×.
    assert (inert (G1' & y ~ W3)) as Hi' by (rewrite Heq in Hi; apply× inert_prefix).
    assert (wf (G1' & y ~ W3)) as Hwf'.
    { rewrite Heq in Hwf. eapply wf_prefix. eauto. }
    pose proof (sngl_typed2 Hi' Hwf' Hp2) as [U Hx].
    apply (pt2_strengthen_full Hi') in Hx as [G1'' [G2'' [z [ds [X [HeqG [[= <- <-] Hx]]]]]]].
    rewrite HeqG in Heq. do 2 rewrite <- concat_assoc in Heq. rewrite concat_assoc in Heq.
    apply env_ok_inv in Heq as [-> [-> ->]].
    apply pt2_weaken with (G':=G2'') in Hx. rewrite <- HeqG in Hx. eapply pt3_sngl_trans.
    apply Hp2. rewrite HeqG. apply× pt3_weaken. rewrite concat_assoc in Hi. apply inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
    rewrite concat_assoc in Hi. apply inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
    rewrite Heq in Hi. apply× inert_ok. auto.

Lemma pt3_fld_strengthen G p a T U G' :
  inert (G & G')
  wf (G & G')
  G ⊢!!! p : T
  G & G' ⊢!!! p a : U
  G ⊢!!! p a : U.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp Hpa.
  pose proof (pt3_strengthen_full Hi Hwf Hpa) as [G1 [G2 [px [pbs [V [HeqG [Heqp Hp1]]]]]]]. simpl_dot.
  pose proof (pt3_strengthen_full (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) Hp)
    as [G1' [G2' [px' [pbs' [V' [-> [[= <- <-] HHH]]]]]]].
  rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. apply env_ok_inv' in HeqG as [-> [-> <-]]; auto.
  rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.

Lemma pf_strengthen_from_pt3 G G' p T U V :
  inert (G & G')
  wf (G & G')
  G ⊢!!! p: T
  G & G' ⊢! p : U V
  G ⊢! p : U V.
  intros Hi Hwf Hp3 Hpf.
  apply (pf_strengthen_full Hi) in Hpf as [G1 [G2 [px [pbs [W [Heq [-> Hpf]]]]]]].
  apply (pt3_strengthen_full (inert_prefix Hi)) in Hp3 as [G1' [G2' [? [? [? [-> [[= <- <-] Hp3]]]]]]].
  rewrite <- concat_assoc in Heq. apply env_ok_inv in Heq as [-> [-> <-]].
  apply× pf_weaken. apply inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix. rewrite concat_assoc in Heq.
  rewrite Heq in Hi. auto. apply× wf_prefix.

Replacement Composition

The typed_repl_comp_qp relation for equivalent types under a given environment states that for two types T and U, T[q/p]=U, where p and q are typed the environment.
Definition typed_repl_comp_qp G T1 T2 :=
   p q U,
    G ⊢! p: {{ q }} {{ q }}
    G ⊢!! q : U
    repl_typ q p T1 T2.

Reflexivte, transitive closure of typed_repl_comp_qp. repl_composition_qp allows us to express that types are equivalent as a result of multiple replacements
Definition repl_composition_qp G := star (typed_repl_comp_qp G).

Notation "G '⊢' T '⟿' U" := (repl_composition_qp G U T) (at level 40, T at level 59).
Notation "G '⊢' p '⟿'' q" := (G {{ p }} {{ q }}) (at level 40, p at level 59).

In a well-formed environment, there is a precise-typing relation between equivalent singleton paths
Lemma repl_comp_to_prec': G G' p q T,
    inert (G & G')
    wf (G & G')
    G p ⟿' q
    G & G' ⊢!!! p: T
    p = q G ⊢!!! p: {{ q }}.
  introv Hi Hwf Hr Hp. gen T. dependent induction Hr; introv Hp; eauto.
  assert ( r, b = {{ r }}) as [r Heq].
  { inversion H as [? [? [? [? [? Hr']]]]]. inversion× Hr'. }
  specialize (IHHr _ _ Hi Hwf eq_refl eq_refl). destruct (IHHr _ Hp). subst.
  - destruct H as [p1 [p2 [S [H1 [Hq H2]]]]]. right. inversions H2.
    destruct (pt2_exists Hp) as [U Hu].
    apply (pt2_strengthen_from_pf _ Hi Hwf H1) in Hu.
    lets Hpf: (pf_pt2_trans_inv_mult _ (inert_prefix Hi) H1 Hu). subst×.
  - specialize (IHHr _ Hp). destruct H as [p1 [p2 [S [H1 [Hq H2]]]]].
    destruct (repl_prefixes_sngl H2) as [bs [He1 He2]]. subst.
    destruct IHHr as [Heq | IH].
    × subst. right. lets Hs: (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) (pt3 (pt2 H1))). destruct Hs.
      apply× pt3_trans_trans. apply× inert_prefix.
    × right×. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3.
      lets Hs: (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) IH). destruct Hs.
      apply× pt3_trans_trans. apply× inert_prefix.

The following lemmas reasoning about further properties of equivalent types.

Lemma repl_comp_sngl_inv1 : G T p,
    G {{ p }} T
     q, T = {{ q }}.
  introv Hr. dependent induction Hr; eauto.
  specialize (IHHr _ eq_refl). destruct_all. subst.
  inversions H. destruct_all. invert_repl. eexists. auto.

Lemma repl_comp_sngl_inv2 : G T p,
    G T {{ p }}
     q, T = {{ q }}.
  introv Hr. dependent induction Hr; eauto.
  inversions H. destruct_all. invert_repl.
  specialize (IHHr _ eq_refl). destruct_all. eexists. eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_bnd_inv1 G T U :
  G μ U T
   S, T = μ S.
  introv Hr. dependent induction Hr; eauto.
  specialize (IHHr _ eq_refl). destruct_all. subst.
  inversions H. destruct_all. invert_repl. eexists; eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_bnd_inv2 G T U :
  G T μ U
   S, T = μ S.
  introv Hr. dependent induction Hr; eauto.
  inversions H. destruct_all. invert_repl.
  specialize (IHHr _ eq_refl). destruct_all. eexists. eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_bnd': G T T',
    G μ T μ T'
    G T T'.
  introv Hr. dependent induction Hr.
  - apply star_refl.
  - destruct H as [?[?[?[?[? Hr']]]]].
    assert ( V, b = μ V) as [V ->]. {
      invert_repl. eauto.
    apply star_trans with (b:=V). apply star_one. econstructor. repeat eexists. apply H. inversion× H0.
    invert_repl. eauto. apply× IHHr.

Lemma repl_comp_trm_rcd G a T S :
  G typ_rcd { a T } S
   T', S = typ_rcd { a T' } G T T'.
  intros Hr. dependent induction Hr.
  - repeat eexists; apply star_refl.
  - destruct H as [p[q[U[Hp[Hq Hr']]]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl) as [T' [-> Hrr]]. invert_repl.
    eexists; split; eauto. apply star_trans with (b:=T'); auto. apply star_one. econstructor; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_trm_rcd' G a T S :
  G S typ_rcd { a T }
   T', S = typ_rcd { a T' } G T' T .
  intros Hr. dependent induction Hr.
  - repeat eexists; apply star_refl.
  - destruct H as [p[q[U[Hp[Hq Hr']]]]]. invert_repl.
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl) as [T' [-> Hrr]].
    eexists; split; eauto. apply star_trans with (b:=T2); auto. apply star_one. econstructor; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_typ_and1 G T U S :
  G S T U
   T' U', S = T' U' G T' T G U' U.
  intros Hr. dependent induction Hr.
  - repeat eexists; apply star_refl.
  - destruct H as [p[q[V[Hp[Hq Hr']]]]]. invert_repl;
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl) as [T' [U' [-> [Hr1 Hr2]]]];
    repeat eexists; eauto; apply star_trans with (b:=T2); auto; apply star_one; econstructor; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_typ_and2 G T U S :
  G T U S
   T' U', S = T' U' G T T' G U U'.
  intros Hr. dependent induction Hr.
  - repeat eexists; apply star_refl.
  - destruct H as [p[q[V[Hp[Hq Hr']]]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl) as [T' [U' [-> [Hr1 Hr2]]]]; invert_repl; repeat eexists; eauto;
      [ apply star_trans with (b:=T') | apply star_trans with (b:=U') ];
      auto; apply star_one; econstructor; repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma repl_comp_record_has2 G T U U' a :
  G T U
  record_has U { a U' }
   T', record_has T { a T' } G T' U'.
  intros Hrc Hr. gen T. dependent induction Hr; introv Hrc.
  - apply repl_comp_trm_rcd' in Hrc as [T' [-> Hr]]. eauto.
  - apply repl_comp_typ_and1 in Hrc as [T' [U'' [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl _ Hrc1) as [V [Hr' Hrc]].
    eexists. split. apply rh_andl. eauto. auto.
  - apply repl_comp_typ_and1 in Hrc as [T' [U'' [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl _ Hrc2) as [V [Hr' Hrc]].
    eexists. split. apply rh_andr. eauto. auto.

Lemma repl_comp_record_has1 G T U T' a :
  G T U
  record_has T { a T' }
   U', record_has U { a U' } G T' U'.
  intros Hrc Hr. gen U. dependent induction Hr; introv Hrc.
  - apply repl_comp_trm_rcd in Hrc as [T'' [-> Hr]]. eauto.
  - apply repl_comp_typ_and2 in Hrc as [T'' [U'' [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl _ Hrc1) as [V [Hr' Hrc]].
    eexists. split. apply rh_andl. eauto. auto.
  - apply repl_comp_typ_and2 in Hrc as [T'' [U'' [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]].
    specialize (IHHr _ _ eq_refl _ Hrc2) as [V [Hr' Hrc]].
    eexists. split. apply rh_andr. eauto. auto.

Lemma repl_composition_open G T U p :
  inert G
  G T U
  G open_typ_p p T open_typ_p p U.
  intros Hi Hrc. dependent induction Hrc.
  - apply star_refl.
  - eapply star_trans with (b:=open_typ_p p b); auto.
    destruct H as [q [r [V [Hp [Hq Hr]]]]]. apply star_one. econstructor. repeat eexists.
    apply Hp. eauto. apply× repl_open.
    apply precise_to_general2 in Hq. apply× typed_paths_named.
    apply precise_to_general in Hp. apply× typed_paths_named.

Lemma repl_composition_weaken_one G x T U V :
  ok G
  x # G
  G T U
  G & x ~ V T U.
  intros Hok Hn Hr. gen x V. dependent induction Hr; intros.
  - constructor.
  - destruct H as [r [? [? [Hrq [? Hr']]]]].
    eapply star_trans. apply star_one. econstructor. repeat eexists. apply× pf_weaken. apply× pt2_weaken.
    apply Hr'. apply× IHHr.

Lemma repl_composition_weaken G G' T U :
  ok (G & G')
  G T U
  G & G' T U.
  intros Hok Hr. induction G' using env_ind.
  - rewrite× concat_empty_r.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply ok_push_inv in Hok as [? ?].
    eapply repl_composition_weaken_one; eauto.

Notation "G '⊩' T '⟿' U '⬳' V" := (G T U G V U) (at level 40, T at level 59).
Notation "G '⊩' p '⟿'' q '⬳' r" := (G p ⟿' q G r ⟿' q) (at level 40, p at level 59).

Lemma repl_comp_trans_open G S W T p :
  inert G
  G S W T
  G open_typ_p p S open_typ_p p W open_typ_p p T.
  split; apply× repl_composition_open.

Lemma repl_comp_trans_record_has G T S U V a :
  G T S U
  record_has U {a V}
   V' S', record_has T {a V'} G V' S' V.
  intros [Hc1 Hc2] Hr. pose proof (repl_comp_record_has1 Hc2 Hr) as [V1 [Hr1 Hc1']].
  pose proof (repl_comp_record_has2 Hc1 Hr1) as [V2 [Hr2 Hc2']]. repeat eexists; eauto.

Lemma field_typing_comp1: G r q a U,
  inert G
  G q ⟿' r
  G ⊢!!! qa : U
   T, G ⊢!!! ra : T.
  introv Hi Hr Hq. gen a U. dependent induction Hr; introv Hq; eauto.
  destruct (repl_comp_sngl_inv1 Hr) as [p Heq]. subst.
  destruct H as [p' [q' [V [Hp' [Hq' Hr']]]]].
  specialize (IHHr _ _ Hi eq_refl eq_refl _ _ Hq). destruct IHHr as [T Hpa].
  assert (G ⊢!!! p : {{ r }}) as Hpr. {
    clear Hq Hr. inversions Hr'. gen p' a T. induction bs; introv Hpa; introv Hq.
    repeat rewrite field_sel_nil in ×. eauto.
    destruct (pt3_backtrack _ _ Hq) as [T1 Ht1]. rewrite proj_rewrite' in ×.
    apply pt3_backtrack in Hq. destruct_all. rewrite proj_rewrite'.
    apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
  apply× field_elim_q3.

Lemma field_typing_comp2: G r q a U,
  inert G
  G r ⟿' q
  G ⊢!!! qa : U
   T, G ⊢!!! ra : T.
  introv Hi Hr Hq. gen a U. dependent induction Hr; introv Hqa; eauto. inversions H.
  rename x into p.
  destruct H0 as [q' [V [Hp [Hq Hr']]]].
  assert ( q', b = {{ q' }}) as [q'' Heq] by inversion× Hr'.
  subst. specialize (IHHr _ _ Hi eq_refl eq_refl). invert_repl. apply× IHHr. clear IHHr Hr.
  gen q' a U. induction bs; intros; simpls.
  - repeat rewrite field_sel_nil in ×. apply× pt3_trans2.
  - rewrite <- proj_rewrite' in ×. apply× pt3_field_trans'.

Lemma repl_composition_fld_elim: G p q a T,
    inert G
    G p ⟿' q
    G ⊢!!! p a : T
    G pa ⟿' qa.
  introv Hi Hr. gen T. dependent induction Hr; introv Hpa.
  - apply star_refl.
  - assert ( p', b = {{ p' }}) as [p' Heq]. {
      dependent induction H; destruct_all; eauto. inversions H1. eauto.
    } subst.
    specialize (IHHr _ _ Hi eq_refl eq_refl).
    destruct H as [p'' [q' [S [Hpq [Hq Hr']]]]]. apply star_trans with (b:={{ p'a }}).
    × apply star_one. inversions Hr'. repeat eexists; eauto.
      repeat rewrite <- proj_rewrite' in ×.
      apply× rsngl.
    × invert_repl. apply× IHHr.