
Opening and Substitution Properties and Environment Reasoning

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality List String.
Require Import Definitions.

Close Scope string_scope.

Inverting path equalities

Ltac simpl_dot :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: ?p _ = p_sel _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
    unfold sel_field in H; destruct p; inversions H
  | [ H: pvar _ = _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
    symmetry in H; simpl_dot
  | [ H: p_sel _ _ = _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
    symmetry in H; simpl_dot
  | [ H: _ _ = _ |- _ ] ⇒
    unfold sel_field in H;
    match goal with
    | [ H: match ?p1 with
           | p_sel _ __
           end = match ?p2 with
                 | p_sel _ __
                 end |- _ ] ⇒
      destruct p1; destruct p2; inversions H
  | [ H: ?p •• _ = p_sel _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
    unfold sel_fields in H; destruct p; inversions H
  | [ H: pvar _ = _ •• _ |- _ ] ⇒
    symmetry in H; simpl_dot
  | [ H: p_sel _ _ = _ •• _ |- _ ] ⇒
    symmetry in H; simpl_dot
  | [ H: _ •• _ = _ |- _ ] ⇒
    unfold sel_fields in H;
    match goal with
    | [ H: match ?p1 with
           | p_sel _ __
           end = match ?p2 with
                 | p_sel _ __
                 end |- _ ] ⇒
      destruct p1; destruct p2; inversions H

Substitution definitions

  • substitute a variable z with a variable y inside of a named variable x: x[y/z]
Definition subst_var (z: var) (y: var) (x: var): var :=
  If x = z then y else x.

  • substitute a variable z with a path p inside of a named variable x: x[p/z]
Definition subst_var_p (z: var) (p: path) (x: var): path :=
  If x = z then p else (pvar x).

Hint Unfold subst_var subst_var_p.

  • substitute a variable z with a path p inside of a locally nameless variable x: x[p/z]
Definition subst_avar (z: var) (p: path) (x: avar) : path :=
  match x with
  | avar_b ip_sel (avar_b i) nil
  | avar_f ysubst_var_p z p y

  • substitute a variable z with a path q inside of a path p:
    to encode p[q / z] where p =, we need to compute [q / z], which is the same as x [q / z] . bs
Definition subst_path (z: var) (q: path) (p: path) : path :=
  match p with
  | p_sel x bssel_fields (subst_avar z q x) bs

  • substitution of variables with paths in types and declarations: T[p/z] and D[p/z].
Fixpoint subst_typ (z: var) (p: path) (T: typ) { struct T } : typ :=
  match T with
  | typ_rcd Dtyp_rcd (subst_dec z p D)
  | T1 T2subst_typ z p T1 subst_typ z p T2
  | q Lsubst_path z p q L
  | μ Tμ (subst_typ z p T)
  | ∀(T) U (subst_typ z p T) subst_typ z p U
  | {{ q }}{{ subst_path z p q }}
with subst_dec (z: var) (p: path) (D: dec) { struct D } : dec :=
  match D with
  | {A >: T <: U}{A >: subst_typ z p T <: subst_typ z p U}
  | {a U}{a subst_typ z p U }

Substitution of variables with paths in terms, values, and definitions: t[p/z], v[p/z], d[p/z].
Fixpoint subst_trm (z: var) (u: path) (t: trm) : trm :=
  match t with
  | trm_val vtrm_val (subst_val z u v)
  | trm_path ptrm_path (subst_path z u p)
  | trm_app x1 x2trm_app (subst_path z u x1) (subst_path z u x2)
  | trm_let t1 t2trm_let (subst_trm z u t1) (subst_trm z u t2)
with subst_val (z: var) (u: path) (v: val) : val :=
  match v with
  | ν(T) dsν(subst_typ z u T) subst_defs z u ds
  | λ(T) tλ(subst_typ z u T) subst_trm z u t
with subst_def (z: var) (u: path) (d: def) : def :=
  match d with
  | def_typ L Tdef_typ L (subst_typ z u T)
  | { a := t }{ a := subst_defrhs z u t }
with subst_defs (z: var) (u: path) (ds: defs) : defs :=
  match ds with
  | defs_nildefs_nil
  | defs_cons rest ddefs_cons (subst_defs z u rest) (subst_def z u d)
with subst_defrhs (z: var) (u: path) (drhs: def_rhs) : def_rhs :=
  match drhs with
  | defp pdefp (subst_path z u p)
  | defv vdefv (subst_val z u v)

Substitution of variables with paths in the types of a typing environment: G[p/z].
Definition subst_ctx (z: var) (p: path) (G: ctx) : ctx :=
  map (subst_typ z p) G.

Field selection

Opening does not affect the last fields of a path: qᵖ.bs =
Lemma sel_fields_open : n q p bs,
  sel_fields (open_rec_path_p n q p) bs = open_rec_path_p n q (sel_fields p bs).
  intros. destruct p. simpl. destruct q. destruct a. case_if; simpl; auto. rewrite× app_assoc.
  simpl. auto.

Opening is only applied to the receiver of a path: [p/x] = ( [p/x]).b
Lemma sel_fields_subst : x p y bs b,
    subst_path x p (p_sel y bs) b = (subst_path x p (p_sel y bs)) b.
  intros. destruct p, y; auto. simpl. unfold subst_var_p. case_if; simpl; auto.

If p.a = then bs = a :: bs'
Lemma last_field : p a x bs,
    p a = p_sel x bs
     bs', bs = a :: bs'.
  introv Heq. destruct× p. inversion× Heq.

The same for a different notation of field selection: = qᵖ.bs
Lemma field_sel_open: p q bs n,
    open_rec_path_p n p (q •• bs) = (open_rec_path_p n p q) •• bs.
  introv. unfold sel_fields. destruct p, q, a, a0; simpl; try case_if; auto;
                               rewrite× app_assoc.

A path whose receiver x is a named variable
Definition named_path p := x bs, p = p_sel (avar_f x) bs.

Opening does not affect named paths
Lemma open_named_path : p q n,
    named_path p
    open_rec_path_p n q p = p.
  introv Hn. inversions Hn. destruct_all. subst. simpl. destruct q. auto.

Simple Implications of Typing

If a variable can be typed in an environment, then it is bound in that environment.
Lemma typing_implies_bound: G x bs T,
  G trm_path (p_sel (avar_f x) bs) : T
   S, binds x S G.
  introv Ht. dependent induction Ht; eauto.
  destruct (last_field _ _ x) as [bs' Hbs]. subst.
  eapply IHHt. destruct p. inversion× x.
  eapply IHHt. simpl. eauto.
  simpl_dot. eauto.

Any well-typed path starts with a named variable.
Lemma typed_paths_named: G p T,
    G trm_path p : T
    named_path p.
  intros. destruct p.
  dependent induction H; eauto; unfolds named_path; try solve [repeat eexists].
  - destruct (last_field _ _ x) as [bs' Hbs]. subst. destruct p.
    specialize (IHty_trm _ _ eq_refl). destruct_all. inversions x. inversions H0. repeat eexists.
  - simpl in ×.
    specialize (IHty_trm _ _ eq_refl). destruct_all. inversions H0. repeat eexists.
  - simpl_dot. specialize (IHty_trm1 _ _ eq_refl). destruct_all.
    inversions H1. eauto.

Paths cannot be typed in empty environments
Lemma typing_empty_false: p T,
    empty trm_path p: T False.
  introv Hp. dependent induction Hp; eauto; false× binds_empty_inv.

Opening Lemmas

Conversion between opening with paths and variables

Lemma open_var_path_eq : x p n,
    open_rec_path n x p = open_rec_path_p n (pvar x) p.
  intros. destruct p, a. simpl. repeat case_if×. rewrite× app_nil_r.
  simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma open_var_typ_dec_eq: x,
    ( T : typ, n : nat,
          open_rec_typ n x T = open_rec_typ_p n (pvar x) T)
    ( D : dec, n : nat,
          open_rec_dec n x D = open_rec_dec_p n (pvar x) D).
  intros. apply typ_mutind; unfold open_typ, open_typ_p; simpl; intros; auto;
            try solve [rewrite× H; rewrite× H0].
  unfold open_rec_avar, open_rec_avar_p. rewrite× open_var_path_eq.
  f_equal. apply open_var_path_eq.

Lemma open_var_typ_eq: x T,
  open_typ x T = open_typ_p (pvar x) T.
  intros. apply open_var_typ_dec_eq.

Hint Rewrite open_var_typ_eq open_var_path_eq.

Lemma open_var_trm_val_def_eq : x,
  ( t n,
      open_rec_trm n x t = open_rec_trm_p n (pvar x) t)
  ( v n,
      open_rec_val n x v = open_rec_val_p n (pvar x) v)
  ( d n,
      open_rec_def n x d = open_rec_def_p n (pvar x) d)
  ( ds n,
      open_rec_defs n x ds = open_rec_defs_p n (pvar x) ds)
  ( drhs n,
      open_rec_defrhs n x drhs = open_rec_defrhs_p n (pvar x) drhs).
  introv. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*;
            try (rewrite× open_var_path_eq); rewrite× (proj1 (open_var_typ_dec_eq x)).

Lemma open_var_defs_eq: x ds,
    open_defs x ds = open_defs_p (pvar x) ds.
  intros. apply× open_var_trm_val_def_eq.

Lemma open_var_trm_eq: x t,
    open_trm x t = open_trm_p (pvar x) t.
  intros. apply× open_var_trm_val_def_eq.

Ltac avar_solve :=
  repeat match goal with
  | [ a: avar |- _ ] ⇒
    destruct a; simpl; auto; repeat case_if; subst; simpls; repeat case_if*;
    subst; simpls; repeat case_if×

The following open_fresh_XYZ_injective lemmas state that given two symbols (variables, types, terms, etc.) X and Y and a variable z, if z fv(X) and z fv(Y), then X = Y implies X = Y.
  • variables
Lemma open_fresh_avar_injective : x y k z,
    z \notin fv_avar x
    z \notin fv_avar y
    open_rec_avar k z x = open_rec_avar k z y
    x = y.
  intros. avar_solve; inversion× H1; try (inversions H3; false× notin_same).

  • paths
Lemma open_fresh_path_injective : p q k z,
    z \notin fv_path p
    z \notin fv_path q
    open_rec_path k z p = open_rec_path k z q
    p = q.
  intros. destruct p, q. inversions× H1. simpl in *; f_equal.
  eapply open_fresh_avar_injective; eauto.

  • types and declarations
Lemma open_fresh_typ_dec_injective:
  ( T T' k x,
    x \notin fv_typ T
    x \notin fv_typ T'
    open_rec_typ k x T = open_rec_typ k x T'
    T = T')
  ( D D' k x,
    x \notin fv_dec D
    x \notin fv_dec D'
    open_rec_dec k x D = open_rec_dec k x D'
    D = D').
  apply typ_mutind; intros;
    match goal with
    | [ H: _ = open_rec_typ _ _ ?T' |- _ ] ⇒
       destruct T'; inversions× H
    | [ H: _ = open_rec_dec _ _ ?D' |- _ ] ⇒
       destruct D'; inversions× H
    end; simpl in *;
    f_equal; destruct_notin; eauto using open_fresh_avar_injective, open_fresh_path_injective.

Variable Substitution Lemmas

The following subst_fresh_XYZ lemmas state that if x is not free in a symbol Y, then Y[z/x] = Y.
Fresh substitution
  • in paths
Lemma subst_fresh_path : x q p,
    x \notin fv_path p
    subst_path x q p = p.
  intros. destruct p as [[n | z] bs]; simpls.
  - Case "p = (avar_b n).bs"%string.
    rewrite× app_nil_r.
  - Case "p = (avar_f z).bs"%string.
    unfold subst_var_p. apply notin_singleton in H. case_if.
    simpl. rewrite× app_nil_r.

  • in types, declarations
Lemma subst_fresh_typ_dec: x y,
  ( T : typ , x \notin fv_typ T subst_typ x y T = T )
  ( D : dec , x \notin fv_dec D subst_dec x y D = D ).
  intros x y. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal*; apply× subst_fresh_path.

  • in types, declarations
Lemma fresh_subst_typ_dec: x y,
  ( T : typ , x \notin fv_path y x \notin fv_typ (subst_typ x y T))
  ( D : dec , x \notin fv_path y x \notin fv_dec (subst_dec x y D)).
  intros x y. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal×.
  - destruct p. destruct a; simpl; eauto. unfold subst_var_p.
    case_if; subst.
    + destruct y, a; simpl; eauto.
    + simpl. intros Hin. rewrite in_singleton in Hin. false×.
  - destruct p. destruct a; simpl; eauto. unfold subst_var_p.
    case_if; subst.
    + destruct y, a; simpl; eauto.
    + simpl. intros Hin. rewrite in_singleton in Hin. false×.

Definition subst_fresh_typ x p := proj1 (subst_fresh_typ_dec x p).

  • in terms, values, and definitions
Lemma subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs: x y,
  ( t : trm , x \notin fv_trm t subst_trm x y t = t )
  ( v : val , x \notin fv_val v subst_val x y v = v )
  ( d : def , x \notin fv_def d subst_def x y d = d )
  ( ds: defs, x \notin fv_defs ds subst_defs x y ds = ds)
  ( drhs: def_rhs, x \notin fv_defrhs drhs subst_defrhs x y drhs = drhs).
  intros x y. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal*;
    (apply× subst_fresh_typ_dec || apply× subst_fresh_path).

fv(G, x: T) = fv(G) \u fv(T)
Lemma fv_ctx_types_push_eq : G x T,
    fv_ctx_types (G & x ~ T) = fv_ctx_types G \u fv_typ T.
  rewrite concat_def, single_def.
  unfold fv_ctx_types, fv_in_values; rewrite values_def.
  rewrite union_comm. reflexivity.

If x fv(G, z: T) and x fv(T) then x fv(T) and x fv(G)
Lemma invert_fv_ctx_types_push: x z T G,
  x \notin fv_ctx_types (G & z ~ T) x \notin fv_typ T x \notin (fv_ctx_types G).
  introv H. rewrite fv_ctx_types_push_eq in H.
  apply~ notin_union.

If x fv(G) then G[y/x] = G
Lemma subst_fresh_ctx: x y G,
  x \notin fv_ctx_types G subst_ctx x y G = G.
  intros x y.
  apply (env_ind (fun Gx \notin fv_ctx_types G subst_ctx x y G = G)).
  + intro N. unfold subst_ctx. apply map_empty.
  + intros G z T IH N.
    apply invert_fv_ctx_types_push in N. destruct N as [N1 N2].
    unfold subst_ctx in ×. rewrite map_push.
    rewrite (IH N2).
    rewrite ((proj1 (subst_fresh_typ_dec _ _)) _ N1).

The following lemmas state that substitution commutes with opening: for a symbol Z,
(Zᵃ)[y/x] = Z[y/x]a[y/x].
Substitution commutes with variable-opening
  • variables: yᶻ[p/x] = y[p/x]z[p/x]
Lemma subst_open_commut_avar: x p z y n,
    named_path p
    subst_avar x p (open_rec_avar n z y)
    = open_rec_path_p n (subst_var_p x p z) (subst_avar x p y).
  introv Hl. unfold subst_var_p, subst_avar, open_rec_avar, subst_var_p.
  destruct y as [? | ?]; autounfold; destruct p as [[? | ?] ?];
    repeat case_if; simpl; try case_if*; eauto; inversions Hl; destruct_all; inversion H.

  • paths: qᶻ[p/x] = q[p/x]z[p/x]
Lemma subst_open_commut_path: p n x q z,
    named_path p
    subst_path x p (open_rec_path n z q)
    = open_rec_path_p n (subst_var_p x p z) (subst_path x p q).
  introv Hl. destruct q as [? ?]. simpl. rewrite× subst_open_commut_avar. rewrite× sel_fields_open.

  • types and declarations: Tᶻ[p/x] = T[p/x]z[p/x]
Lemma subst_open_commut_typ_dec: x p z,
  named_path p
  ( T : typ, n: nat,
     subst_typ x p (open_rec_typ n z T)
     = open_rec_typ_p n (subst_var_p x p z) (subst_typ x p T))
  ( D : dec, n: nat,
     subst_dec x p (open_rec_dec n z D)
     = open_rec_dec_p n (subst_var_p x p z) (subst_dec x p D)).
  intros. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*; apply× subst_open_commut_path.

  • types only
Lemma subst_open_commut_typ: x y u T,
  named_path y
  subst_typ x y (open_typ u T) = open_typ_p (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_typ x y T).
  intros. apply× subst_open_commut_typ_dec.

  • terms, values, definitions, and list of definitions
Lemma subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs: x y u,
    named_path y
  ( t : trm, n: nat,
     subst_trm x y (open_rec_trm n u t)
     = open_rec_trm_p n (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_trm x y t))
  ( v : val, n: nat,
     subst_val x y (open_rec_val n u v)
     = open_rec_val_p n (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_val x y v))
  ( d : def , n: nat,
     subst_def x y (open_rec_def n u d)
     = open_rec_def_p n (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_def x y d))
  ( ds: defs, n: nat,
     subst_defs x y (open_rec_defs n u ds)
     = open_rec_defs_p n (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_defs x y ds))
  ( drhs: def_rhs, n: nat,
     subst_defrhs x y (open_rec_defrhs n u drhs)
     = open_rec_defrhs_p n (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_defrhs x y drhs)).
  intros. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*;
  apply× subst_open_commut_path || apply× subst_open_commut_typ_dec.

  • terms only
Lemma subst_open_commut_trm: x y u t,
    named_path y
    subst_trm x y (open_trm u t)
    = open_trm_p (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_trm x y t).
  intros. apply× subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs.

  • definitions only
Lemma subst_open_commut_defs: x y u ds,
    named_path y
    subst_defs x y (open_defs u ds)
    = open_defs_p (subst_var_p x y u) (subst_defs x y ds).
  intros. apply× subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs.

Substitution commutes with path-opening
  • paths: pʳ[q/x] = p[q/x]r[q/x]
Lemma subst_open_commut_path_p: p n x q r,
    named_path q
    subst_path x q (open_rec_path_p n r p)
    = open_rec_path_p n (subst_path x q r) (subst_path x q p).
  introv Hl. destruct p as [z bs]. simpl.
  unfold subst_path. destruct r. rewrite <- sel_fields_open.
  unfold open_rec_path_p, subst_avar.
  destruct z; simpl; destruct a; repeat case_if*;
    unfold subst_var_p; repeat case_if;
      destruct q; simpl; try (rewrite app_assoc || rewrite app_nil_r);
        inversion× Hl; subst; destruct_all; inversions H;
  unfold sel_fields; reflexivity.

  • types and declarations: Tʳ[q/x] = T[q/x]r[q/x]
Lemma subst_open_commut_typ_dec_p: x y r,
  named_path y
  ( T : typ, n: nat,
     subst_typ x y (open_rec_typ_p n r T)
     = open_rec_typ_p n (subst_path x y r) (subst_typ x y T))
  ( D : dec, n: nat,
     subst_dec x y (open_rec_dec_p n r D)
     = open_rec_dec_p n (subst_path x y r) (subst_dec x y D)).
  intros. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*;
  apply× subst_open_commut_path_p.

  • types only
Lemma subst_open_commut_typ_p: x y u T,
    named_path y
    subst_typ x y (open_typ_p u T) = open_typ_p (subst_path x y u) (subst_typ x y T).
  intros. apply× subst_open_commut_typ_dec_p.

  • terms, values, definitions, and list of definitions
Lemma subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs_p: x y u,
    named_path y
  ( t : trm, n: nat,
     subst_trm x y (open_rec_trm_p n u t)
     = open_rec_trm_p n (subst_path x y u) (subst_trm x y t))
  ( v : val, n: nat,
     subst_val x y (open_rec_val_p n u v)
     = open_rec_val_p n (subst_path x y u) (subst_val x y v))
  ( d : def , n: nat,
     subst_def x y (open_rec_def_p n u d)
     = open_rec_def_p n (subst_path x y u) (subst_def x y d))
  ( ds: defs, n: nat,
     subst_defs x y (open_rec_defs_p n u ds)
     = open_rec_defs_p n (subst_path x y u) (subst_defs x y ds))
  ( drhs: def_rhs, n: nat,
     subst_defrhs x y (open_rec_defrhs_p n u drhs)
     = open_rec_defrhs_p n (subst_path x y u) (subst_defrhs x y drhs)).
  intros. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*;
  apply× subst_open_commut_typ_dec_p || apply× subst_open_commut_path_p.

  • terms only
Lemma subst_open_commut_trm_p: x y u t,
    named_path y
    subst_trm x y (open_trm_p u t)
    = open_trm_p (subst_path x y u) (subst_trm x y t).
  intros. apply× subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs_p.

  • definitions only
Lemma subst_open_commut_defs_p: x y u ds,
    named_path y
    subst_defs x y (open_defs_p u ds)
    = open_defs_p (subst_path x y u) (subst_defs x y ds).
  intros. apply× subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs_p.

The following lemmas state that opening a symbol with a variable y is the same as opening the symbol with another variable x and substituting x with y:
Zʸ = (Zˣ)[y/x]
Substitution after opening
  • terms
Lemma subst_intro_trm: x u t, x \notin (fv_trm t) named_path u
  open_trm_p u t = subst_trm x u (open_trm x t).
  introv Fr Hl. unfold open_trm. rewrite× subst_open_commut_trm.
  destruct (@subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs x u) as [Q _]. rewrite~ (Q t).
  unfold subst_var_p. case_var~.

  • types
Lemma subst_intro_typ: x u T, x \notin (fv_typ T) named_path u
  open_typ_p u T = subst_typ x u (open_typ x T).
  introv Fr Hl. unfold open_typ. rewrite× subst_open_commut_typ.
  destruct (@subst_fresh_typ_dec x u) as [Q _]. rewrite× (Q T).
  unfold subst_var_p. case_var×.

  • definitions
Lemma subst_intro_defs x u ds : x \notin (fv_defs ds) named_path u
  open_defs_p u ds = subst_defs x u (open_defs x ds).
  introv Fr Hl. unfold open_defs. rewrite× subst_open_commut_defs.
  destruct (subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs x u) as [_ [_ [_ [Q _]]]]. rewrite× (Q ds).
  unfold subst_var_p. case_var×.

Substitution preserves labels of definitions: label(d) = label(d[y/x])
Lemma subst_label_of_def: x y d,
  label_of_def d = label_of_def (subst_def x y d).
  intros. destruct× d.

If l labels(ds) then l labels(ds[y/x]
Lemma subst_defs_hasnt: x y l ds,
  defs_hasnt ds l
  defs_hasnt (subst_defs x y ds) l.
  intros x y l ds. unfold defs_hasnt. induction ds; introv Eq; auto.
  unfold get_def. simpl. rewrite <- subst_label_of_def.
  simpl in Eq. case_if~.

Lemma subst_defs_hasnt_label:
   ds d (x : var) (y : path),
  defs_hasnt ds (label_of_def d)
  defs_hasnt (subst_defs x y ds) (label_of_def (subst_def x y d)).
  intros. rewrite <- subst_label_of_def.
  apply subst_defs_hasnt. apply H.

Each field can appear only once in the same intersection of definitions: if ds = ... {a = t} ... and ds = ... {a = t'} ... then t = t'
Lemma defs_has_inv: ds a t t',
    defs_has ds {a := t}
    defs_has ds {a := t'}
    t = t'.
  intros. unfold defs_has in ×.
  inversions H. inversions H0.
  rewrite H1 in H2. inversions H2.

Equalities between different representations of field selection
Lemma proj_rewrite : x bs a,
    (p_sel x (a :: bs)) = (p_sel x bs) a.
  auto. Qed.

Lemma proj_rewrite_mult: x bs cs,
    p_sel x (bs ++ cs) = (p_sel x cs) •• bs.
Proof. auto. Qed.

Lemma proj_rewrite': p a bs,
    p •• (a :: bs) = (p •• bs) a.
  introv. unfolds sel_fields. destruct p. simpls. auto.

Lemma field_sel_nil: p,
    p •• nil = p.
  introv. unfold sel_fields. destruct p. auto.

Lemma sel_field_to_fields: p a bs,
  (p a) •• bs = p •• (bs ++ (a :: nil)).
  intros p a bs. destruct p eqn:Hp.
  simpl. rewrite <- app_assoc. reflexivity.

Lemma sel_fields_equal: p bs cs,
  p •• bs = p •• cs bs = cs.
  intros p bs cs H. destruct p.
  unfold sel_fields. inversions H. simpl.
  eapply app_inv_tail. apply H1.

Lemma app_inv_right: T (m n x y : list T),
  m ++ x = n ++ y
   l, x = l ++ y y = l ++ x.
  intros. generalize dependent n.
  generalize dependent x.
  generalize dependent y.
  induction m as [| a m IHm]; eauto.
  intros. destruct n.
  × (a :: m). right. auto.
  × inversions H. eauto.

Lemma sel_sub_fields: p bs0 q bs1,
  p •• bs0 = q •• bs1
   bs, p = q •• bs q = p •• bs.
  unfold sel_fields. intros.
  destruct p. destruct q. inversions H.
  destruct (app_inv_right bs0 bs1 f f0 H2) as [cs [H2l | H2r]];
   cs; subst; eauto.

Lemma app_sel_fields: p xs ys,
  (p •• xs) •• ys = p •• (ys ++ xs).
  intros. destruct p. simpl. rewrite app_assoc.

If d1 ds and label(d2) ds then label(d1) label(d2)
Lemma defs_has_hasnt_neq: ds d1 d2,
  defs_has ds d1
  defs_hasnt ds (label_of_def d2)
  label_of_def d1 label_of_def d2.
  introv Hhas Hhasnt.
  unfold defs_has in Hhas.
  unfold defs_hasnt in Hhasnt.
  induction ds.
  - simpl in Hhas. inversion Hhas.
  - simpl in Hhasnt. simpl in Hhas. case_if; case_if.
    + inversions Hhas. assumption.
    + apply IHds; eauto.

If G ds :: ... D ... and d, ds = ... d ... then G d: D
Lemma record_has_ty_defs: z bs G T ds D,
  z; bs; G ds :: T
  record_has T D
   d, defs_has ds d z; bs; G d : D.
   introv Hdefs Hhas. induction Hdefs.
  - inversion Hhas; subst. d. split.
    + unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_l; reflexivity.
    + assumption.
  - inversion Hhas; subst.
    + destruct (IHHdefs H4) as [d' [H1 H2]].
       d'. split.
      × unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_r. apply H1.
        apply not_eq_sym. eapply defs_has_hasnt_neq; eauto.
      × assumption.
    + d. split.
      × unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_l; reflexivity.
      × inversions× H4.

Closing recursive types in the environment does not affect typing: if G1, x: Sˣ, G2 t: T then G1, x: μ(x: S), G2 t: T, and the same holds for definition typing and subtyping.
Lemma open_env_rules:
  ( G t T, G t : T G1 G2 x S,
    G = G1 & x ~ open_typ x S & G2
    ok G
    G1 & x ~ (μ S) & G2 t : T)
  ( z bs G d D, z; bs; G d : D G1 G2 x S,
    G = G1 & x ~ open_typ x S & G2
    ok G
    z; bs; G1 & x ~ (μ S) & G2 d : D)
  ( z bs G ds T, z; bs; G ds :: T G1 G2 x S,
    G = G1 & x ~ open_typ x S & G2
    ok G
    z; bs; G1 & x ~ (μ S) & G2 ds :: T)
  ( G T U, G T <: U G1 G2 x S,
    G = G1 & x ~ open_typ x S & G2
    ok G
    G1 & x ~ (μ S) & G2 T <: U).
  apply rules_mutind; intros; subst; simpl; auto;
    try solve [fresh_constructor; rewrite <- concat_assoc; (apply× H || apply× H0); rewrite× concat_assoc]; eauto.
  - Case "ty_var"%string.
    destruct (classicT (x=x0)) as [-> | Hn].
    + apply binds_middle_eq_inv in b; subst×. rewrite open_var_typ_eq.
      apply ty_rec_elim. constructor. apply× binds_middle_eq. apply× ok_middle_inv_r.
    + constructor. apply binds_subst in b; auto. apply× binds_weaken. apply× ok_middle_change.

the same for definition-typing only:
Lemma open_env_last_defs z bs G x T ds U :
  ok (G & x ~ open_typ x T)
  z ; bs ; G & x ~ open_typ x T ds :: U
  z ; bs ; G & x ~ (μ T) ds :: U.
  intros Hok Hds. erewrite <- concat_empty_r at 1. apply× open_env_rules.
  rewrite× concat_empty_r.

Inverting environment equalities I
Lemma env_ok_inv {A} (G1 G2 G1' G2' : env A) x T T' :
  G1 & x ~ T & G2 = G1' & x ~ T' & G2'
  ok (G1' & x ~ T' & G2')
  G1 = G1' T = T' G2 = G2'.
  gen G1' G2' T'. induction G2 using env_ind; introv Heq Hn; destruct (env_case G2') as [-> | [y [U [G2'' ->]]]];
             repeat rewrite concat_empty_r in ×.
  - apply eq_push_inv in Heq; destruct_all; subst; auto.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in Heq.
    apply eq_push_inv in Heq as [-> [-> ->]].
    apply ok_middle_inv_r in Hn. simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hn as [C _]. false× notin_same.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in Heq. apply eq_push_inv in Heq as [-> [-> <-]]. rewrite <- concat_assoc in Hn.
    apply ok_middle_inv_r in Hn. simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hn as [C _]. false× notin_same.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in Hn. repeat rewrite concat_assoc in Heq.
    apply eq_push_inv in Heq as [-> [-> Heq]]. apply ok_concat_inv_l in Hn.
    specialize (IHG2 _ _ _ Heq Hn) as [-> [-> ->]]. auto.

Inverting environment equalities II
Lemma env_ok_inv' {A} (G1 G2 G1' G2' : env A) x T T' :
  G1 & x ~ T & G2 = G1' & x ~ T' & G2'
  ok (G1 & x ~ T & G2)
  G1 = G1' T = T' G2 = G2'.
  intros Heq Hok. rewrite Heq in Hok. apply (env_ok_inv Heq) in Hok.

If E(x)=v then E = E1, xv, E2
Lemma binds_destruct: x {A} (v:A) (E:env A),
    binds x v E
     E1 E2, E = E1 & x ~ v & E2.
  introv Hb. induction E using env_ind. false× binds_empty_inv.
  destruct (binds_push_inv Hb) as [[H1 H2] | [H1 H2]]; subst.
  repeat eexists. rewrite× concat_empty_r.
  specialize (IHE H2). destruct_all. subst. x1 (x2 & x0 ~ v0). rewrite× concat_assoc.

A prefix of a well-typed environment is well-typed
Lemma wt_prefix G1 x T G2 γ :
  γ G1 & x ~ T & G2
   v γ1 γ2,
    γ = γ1 & x ~ v & γ2
    γ1 & x ~ v G1 & x ~ T.
  intros Hwt. dependent induction Hwt.
  - false× empty_middle_inv.
  - destruct (env_case G2) as [-> | [y [U [G2' ->]]]].
    + rewrite concat_empty_r in ×. apply eq_push_inv in x as [-> [-> ->]].
      repeat eexists. rewrite concat_empty_r. eauto. constructor×.
    + rewrite concat_assoc in x. apply eq_push_inv in x as [-> [-> ->]].
      specialize (IHHwt _ _ _ _ JMeq_refl) as [w [s1 [s2 [-> Hwt']]]].
       w s1 (s2 & y ~ v). split×. rewrite concat_assoc. auto.

The elements of a well-typed environment's domain are unique
Lemma wt_to_ok_γ G γ :
  γ G
  ok γ.
  induction 1; eauto.

If e: G, the variables in the domain of e are distinct.
Lemma well_typed_to_ok_G: γ G,
    γ G
    ok G.
  intros. induction H; jauto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_to_ok_G.

If s: G and x dom(G) then x dom(γ)
Lemma well_typed_notin_dom: G γ x,
    γ G
    x # γ
    x # G.
  intros. induction H; auto.