Canonical Forms
This module proves the Canonical Forms Lemmas, which allow us to retrieve the shape of a value given its type.Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality List String.
Require Import Binding Definitions GeneralToTight InvertibleTyping Lookup Narrowing
PreciseTyping Replacement ReplacementTyping RecordAndInertTypes Substitution
Subenvironments TightTyping Weakening.
Require Import Sequences.
Converting a stable term to a general term
Type preservation for path lookup
- a function that has type V,
- an object ν(U)ds that has type μ(U), and V=μ(U), or
- a well-typed path q, and V=q.type
Lemma object_typing G x bs ds T a t V :
inert G →
x; bs; G ⊢ ds :: T →
defs_has ds {a := t} →
record_has T {a ⦂ V} →
(∃ U u, t = defv (λ(U) u) ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : V) ∨
(∃ U ds', t = defv (ν(U) ds') ∧
x; (a :: bs); G ⊢ open_defs_p (p_sel (avar_f x) (a :: bs)) ds' ::
open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f x) (a :: bs)) U ∧
V = μ U) ∨
(∃ q S, t = defp q ∧ V = {{ q }} ∧ G ⊢ trm_path q : S).
intros Hi Hds Hdh Hr.
destruct (record_has_ty_defs Hds Hr) as [? [Hdh' Hdt]].
destruct (defs_invert_trm Hdt) as [t' ->].
pose proof (defs_has_inv Hdh Hdh') as <-. destruct t as [q | v]; simpl in ×.
- inversion× Hdt.
- destruct v.
× right. left. inversions Hdt.
simpl in ×. repeat eexists; auto.
× left. inversions Hdt. eauto.
inert G →
x; bs; G ⊢ ds :: T →
defs_has ds {a := t} →
record_has T {a ⦂ V} →
(∃ U u, t = defv (λ(U) u) ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : V) ∨
(∃ U ds', t = defv (ν(U) ds') ∧
x; (a :: bs); G ⊢ open_defs_p (p_sel (avar_f x) (a :: bs)) ds' ::
open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f x) (a :: bs)) U ∧
V = μ U) ∨
(∃ q S, t = defp q ∧ V = {{ q }} ∧ G ⊢ trm_path q : S).
intros Hi Hds Hdh Hr.
destruct (record_has_ty_defs Hds Hr) as [? [Hdh' Hdt]].
destruct (defs_invert_trm Hdt) as [t' ->].
pose proof (defs_has_inv Hdh Hdh') as <-. destruct t as [q | v]; simpl in ×.
- inversion× Hdt.
- destruct v.
× right. left. inversions Hdt.
simpl in ×. repeat eexists; auto.
× left. inversions Hdt. eauto.
If p looks up to t in a value environment, p's environment type
is T and p's precise type is U, then either t is
- a function that has type T,
- an object ν(S)ds that has type μ(S), and T and μ(s) are equivalent, or
- a well-typed path q, and T is equivalent to q.type
Lemma lookup_step_preservation_prec1: ∀ G γ p px pbs t T U,
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢! p : T ⪼ U →
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs →
(∃ S u, t = defv (λ(S) u) ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : T) ∨
(∃ S ds W T' G1 G2 pT,
t = defv (ν(S) ds) ∧
T = μ T' ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
px ; pbs; G ⊢ open_defs_p p ds :: open_typ_p p S ∧
G1 ⊩ S ⟿ W ⬳ T') ∨
(∃ q r r' G1 G2 pT,
t = defp q ∧
T = {{ r }} ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
(r = r' ∨ G1 ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}) ∧ (q = r' ∨ G1 ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }})).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt. gen p px pbs t T U.
(* induction on well-formedness **)
induction Hwt; introv Hs Hp Heq.
- Case "G is empty"%string.
false× lookup_empty.
- Case "G is not empty"%string.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [px' [bs ->]].
destruct (classicT (x = px')) as [-> | Hn].
× SCase "x = px"%string.
(* induction on ⟦⤳⟧ **)
gen T U T0 px pbs.
dependent induction Hs; introv Hwf Hi Hv; introv Hp; introv [= → <-];
try simpl_dot; try rewrite proj_rewrite in ×.
+ SSCase "lookup_var"%string.
apply binds_push_eq_inv in H1 as →.
lets Hb: (pf_binds Hi Hp). pose proof (binds_push_eq_inv Hb) as →.
apply binds_inert in Hb; auto.
destruct v as [S ds | S u].
++ (* v is an object *)
right. left.
lets Hi': (inert_prefix Hi). lets Hwf': (wf_prefix Hwf).
inversions Hb; proof_recipe. { inversion Hvpr. }
inversions Hv. pick_fresh z. assert (z \notin L) as Hz by auto.
apply H4 in Hz. repeat eexists.
+++ rewrite concat_empty_r. eauto.
+++ apply open_env_last_defs; auto.
apply narrow_defs with (G:=G & px ~ open_typ px S). {
assert (open_defs_p (p_sel (avar_f px) nil) ds = open_defs px ds) as → by rewrite× open_var_defs_eq.
assert (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f px) nil) S = open_typ px S) as → by rewrite× open_var_typ_eq.
apply rename_defs with (x := z); auto.
apply subenv_last; auto. apply (repl_composition_open (pvar px)) in Hrc.
eapply (repl_composition_open (pvar px)) in Hrc'.
apply subtyp_trans with (T:=open_typ px U');
apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc'; apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc; destruct_all;
repeat rewrite open_var_typ_eq in *; auto. all: auto.
+++ eauto.
+++ eauto.
++ (* v is a function *) left. repeat eexists. apply× weaken_ty_trm.
+ SSCase "lookup_sel_p"%string.
destruct (pf_path_sel _ _ Hi Hp) as [V Hp'].
specialize (IHHs _ _ _ Hwt IHHwt _ H0 H JMeq_refl eq_refl _ Hwf Hi Hv _ _ Hp' _ _ eq_refl)
as [[? [? [[=] ?]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [[=] ?]]]]]]]]]].
+ SSCase "lookup_sel_v"%string.
destruct (pf_path_sel _ _ Hi Hp) as [V Hp'].
specialize (IHHs _ _ _ Hwt IHHwt _ H0 H JMeq_refl eq_refl _ Hwf Hi Hv _ _ Hp' _ _ eq_refl)
as [[? [? [[=] ?]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= → ->] [[= ->] [Heq [Hds Hrc]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [-> [[= ->] ?]]]]]]]]]]].
lets H': (defs_has_open (p_sel (avar_f px) f) H1). simpl in ×.
lets Hr: (pf_record_has_U Hi Hp').
rewrite Heq in Hi, Hwf.
pose proof (repl_comp_trans_open (p_sel (avar_f px) f)
(inert_prefix (inert_prefix Hi))
Hrc) as Hrc_op.
pose proof (repl_comp_trans_record_has Hrc_op Hr) as [V [W' [Hrh [Hrc1' Hrc2']]]].
rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Heq at 1.
assert (G2 = empty) as →. {
eapply env_ok_inv. eauto. rewrite concat_empty_r. rewrite <- Heq, concat_empty_r in Hi. auto.
repeat rewrite concat_empty_r in ×. apply eq_push_inv in Heq as [_ [<- <-]].
assert (G & px ~ T0 ⊢ V <: T1 ∧ G & px ~ T0 ⊢ T1 <: V) as [HVT HTV]. {
apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc2'. apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc1'.
split; apply weaken_subtyp; eauto.
destruct (object_typing Hi Hds H' Hrh) as [[U' [u [Heq Ht']]] |
[[U' [ds'' [Heq [Hds'' ->]]]] | [q [V' [Heq1 [-> Hq]]]]]].
++ destruct t; inversions Heq. destruct v0; inversions H3.
left. repeat eexists. eauto.
++ destruct t as [|]; inversions Heq. destruct v0 as [X ds |]; inversions H3. fold open_rec_defs_p in Hds''.
right. left.
pose proof (repl_comp_bnd_inv1 Hrc1') as [Y ->]. pose proof (repl_comp_bnd_inv2 Hrc2') as [Z ->].
repeat eexists; eauto.
+++ apply repl_comp_bnd' in Hrc1'. rewrite concat_empty_r. eauto.
+++ apply repl_comp_bnd' in Hrc1'. apply Hrc1'.
+++ apply× repl_comp_bnd'.
++ destruct t; inversions Heq1. right. right.
pose proof (repl_comp_sngl_inv1 Hrc1') as [r ->]. pose proof (repl_comp_sngl_inv2 Hrc2') as [r' ->].
pose proof (pf_sngl_U Hp) as →.
pose proof (sngl_typed Hi Hwf Hp) as [V Hr'%pt3].
pose proof (pt3_exists Hi Hq) as [V'' Hp3].
pose proof (repl_comp_to_prec' Hi Hwf Hrc2' Hr')
as [-> | Hpr];
pose proof (repl_comp_to_prec' Hi Hwf Hrc1' Hp3)
as [<- | Hpr']; clear Hrc1' Hrc2';
repeat eexists; try rewrite concat_empty_r; eauto.
× SCase "x <> x0"%string.
apply pf_strengthen in Hp; auto. apply lookup_strengthen_one in Hs; auto.
inversions Heq.
specialize (IHHwt (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) _ _ _ _ _ _ Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[? [? [[= ->]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [-> [Hds [? ?]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [[= ->] [-> [? ?]]]]]]]]]]]].
+ left. repeat eexists. apply× weaken_ty_trm.
+ right. left. repeat eexists. rewrite concat_assoc. eauto.
apply× weaken_ty_defs. all: eauto.
+ right. right. repeat eexists. rewrite concat_assoc. all: eauto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢! p : T ⪼ U →
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs →
(∃ S u, t = defv (λ(S) u) ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : T) ∨
(∃ S ds W T' G1 G2 pT,
t = defv (ν(S) ds) ∧
T = μ T' ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
px ; pbs; G ⊢ open_defs_p p ds :: open_typ_p p S ∧
G1 ⊩ S ⟿ W ⬳ T') ∨
(∃ q r r' G1 G2 pT,
t = defp q ∧
T = {{ r }} ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
(r = r' ∨ G1 ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}) ∧ (q = r' ∨ G1 ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }})).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt. gen p px pbs t T U.
(* induction on well-formedness **)
induction Hwt; introv Hs Hp Heq.
- Case "G is empty"%string.
false× lookup_empty.
- Case "G is not empty"%string.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [px' [bs ->]].
destruct (classicT (x = px')) as [-> | Hn].
× SCase "x = px"%string.
(* induction on ⟦⤳⟧ **)
gen T U T0 px pbs.
dependent induction Hs; introv Hwf Hi Hv; introv Hp; introv [= → <-];
try simpl_dot; try rewrite proj_rewrite in ×.
+ SSCase "lookup_var"%string.
apply binds_push_eq_inv in H1 as →.
lets Hb: (pf_binds Hi Hp). pose proof (binds_push_eq_inv Hb) as →.
apply binds_inert in Hb; auto.
destruct v as [S ds | S u].
++ (* v is an object *)
right. left.
lets Hi': (inert_prefix Hi). lets Hwf': (wf_prefix Hwf).
inversions Hb; proof_recipe. { inversion Hvpr. }
inversions Hv. pick_fresh z. assert (z \notin L) as Hz by auto.
apply H4 in Hz. repeat eexists.
+++ rewrite concat_empty_r. eauto.
+++ apply open_env_last_defs; auto.
apply narrow_defs with (G:=G & px ~ open_typ px S). {
assert (open_defs_p (p_sel (avar_f px) nil) ds = open_defs px ds) as → by rewrite× open_var_defs_eq.
assert (open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f px) nil) S = open_typ px S) as → by rewrite× open_var_typ_eq.
apply rename_defs with (x := z); auto.
apply subenv_last; auto. apply (repl_composition_open (pvar px)) in Hrc.
eapply (repl_composition_open (pvar px)) in Hrc'.
apply subtyp_trans with (T:=open_typ px U');
apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc'; apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc; destruct_all;
repeat rewrite open_var_typ_eq in *; auto. all: auto.
+++ eauto.
+++ eauto.
++ (* v is a function *) left. repeat eexists. apply× weaken_ty_trm.
+ SSCase "lookup_sel_p"%string.
destruct (pf_path_sel _ _ Hi Hp) as [V Hp'].
specialize (IHHs _ _ _ Hwt IHHwt _ H0 H JMeq_refl eq_refl _ Hwf Hi Hv _ _ Hp' _ _ eq_refl)
as [[? [? [[=] ?]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [[=] ?]]]]]]]]]].
+ SSCase "lookup_sel_v"%string.
destruct (pf_path_sel _ _ Hi Hp) as [V Hp'].
specialize (IHHs _ _ _ Hwt IHHwt _ H0 H JMeq_refl eq_refl _ Hwf Hi Hv _ _ Hp' _ _ eq_refl)
as [[? [? [[=] ?]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= → ->] [[= ->] [Heq [Hds Hrc]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [-> [[= ->] ?]]]]]]]]]]].
lets H': (defs_has_open (p_sel (avar_f px) f) H1). simpl in ×.
lets Hr: (pf_record_has_U Hi Hp').
rewrite Heq in Hi, Hwf.
pose proof (repl_comp_trans_open (p_sel (avar_f px) f)
(inert_prefix (inert_prefix Hi))
Hrc) as Hrc_op.
pose proof (repl_comp_trans_record_has Hrc_op Hr) as [V [W' [Hrh [Hrc1' Hrc2']]]].
rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Heq at 1.
assert (G2 = empty) as →. {
eapply env_ok_inv. eauto. rewrite concat_empty_r. rewrite <- Heq, concat_empty_r in Hi. auto.
repeat rewrite concat_empty_r in ×. apply eq_push_inv in Heq as [_ [<- <-]].
assert (G & px ~ T0 ⊢ V <: T1 ∧ G & px ~ T0 ⊢ T1 <: V) as [HVT HTV]. {
apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc2'. apply repl_composition_sub in Hrc1'.
split; apply weaken_subtyp; eauto.
destruct (object_typing Hi Hds H' Hrh) as [[U' [u [Heq Ht']]] |
[[U' [ds'' [Heq [Hds'' ->]]]] | [q [V' [Heq1 [-> Hq]]]]]].
++ destruct t; inversions Heq. destruct v0; inversions H3.
left. repeat eexists. eauto.
++ destruct t as [|]; inversions Heq. destruct v0 as [X ds |]; inversions H3. fold open_rec_defs_p in Hds''.
right. left.
pose proof (repl_comp_bnd_inv1 Hrc1') as [Y ->]. pose proof (repl_comp_bnd_inv2 Hrc2') as [Z ->].
repeat eexists; eauto.
+++ apply repl_comp_bnd' in Hrc1'. rewrite concat_empty_r. eauto.
+++ apply repl_comp_bnd' in Hrc1'. apply Hrc1'.
+++ apply× repl_comp_bnd'.
++ destruct t; inversions Heq1. right. right.
pose proof (repl_comp_sngl_inv1 Hrc1') as [r ->]. pose proof (repl_comp_sngl_inv2 Hrc2') as [r' ->].
pose proof (pf_sngl_U Hp) as →.
pose proof (sngl_typed Hi Hwf Hp) as [V Hr'%pt3].
pose proof (pt3_exists Hi Hq) as [V'' Hp3].
pose proof (repl_comp_to_prec' Hi Hwf Hrc2' Hr')
as [-> | Hpr];
pose proof (repl_comp_to_prec' Hi Hwf Hrc1' Hp3)
as [<- | Hpr']; clear Hrc1' Hrc2';
repeat eexists; try rewrite concat_empty_r; eauto.
× SCase "x <> x0"%string.
apply pf_strengthen in Hp; auto. apply lookup_strengthen_one in Hs; auto.
inversions Heq.
specialize (IHHwt (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) _ _ _ _ _ _ Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[? [? [[= ->]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [-> [Hds [? ?]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [[= ->] [-> [? ?]]]]]]]]]]]].
+ left. repeat eexists. apply× weaken_ty_trm.
+ right. left. repeat eexists. rewrite concat_assoc. eauto.
apply× weaken_ty_defs. all: eauto.
+ right. right. repeat eexists. rewrite concat_assoc. all: eauto.
If p looks up to t in a value environment and p's II-level precise type
is T, then either t is
- a function that has type T, and T is p's precise type,
- an object ν(S)ds that has type μ(S), and T and μ(s) are equivalent, or
- a well-typed path q, and T is equivalent to q.type
Lemma lookup_step_preservation_prec2 G γ p px pbs t T :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!! p : T →
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs →
(∃ S U u, t = defv (λ(S) u) ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : U ∧ G ⊢! p : U ⪼ T) ∨
(∃ S ds W U G1 G2 pT,
t = defv (ν(S) ds) ∧
G ⊢! p : μ U ⪼ T ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
px ; pbs; G ⊢ open_defs_p p ds :: open_typ_p p S ∧
G1 ⊩ S ⟿ W ⬳ U) ∨
(∃ q r r' G1 G2 pT,
t = defp q ∧
T = {{ r }} ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
(r = r' ∨ G1 ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}) ∧ (r' = q ∨ G1 ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }})).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp Heq. gen γ t px pbs. induction Hp; introv Hwt; introv Hs; introv Heq.
- destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H Heq)
as [[? [? [[= ->]]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [-> [-> [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [-> [? ?]]]]]]]]]]]].
× left. repeat eexists; eauto.
× right. left. repeat eexists; eauto.
× pose proof (pf_sngl_U H) as →. right. right. repeat eexists; eauto.
destruct_all; eauto.
- clear IHHp2. simpl_dot. specialize (IHHp1 Hi Hwf _ Hwt).
gen q U. dependent induction Hs; simpl_dot; introv Hp IHHp1 Hv.
× specialize (IHHp1 _ Hs _ _ eq_refl) as [[? [? [? [[=] ?]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] ?]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= <-] [[= ->] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
right. right. ∃ (q • a) (r • a).
pose proof (inert_prefix (inert_prefix Hi)) as Hi'.
pose proof (wf_prefix (wf_prefix Hwf)) as Hwf'.
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hr1]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hr2].
** repeat eexists; eauto.
** repeat eexists; eauto. right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
apply× pt3_trans2.
pose proof (sngl_typed3 Hi' Hwf' Hr2) as [_ [T Ht]%pt2_exists].
constructor. rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt2_fld_strengthen.
** repeat eexists. right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt3_fld_strengthen.
** pose proof (field_elim_q3) as Hf.
rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×.
pose proof (pt3_weaken (inert_ok Hi) Hr1).
specialize (Hf _ _ _ _ _ Hi H (pt3 Hv)) as [S Ht].
repeat eexists. rewrite× concat_assoc.
right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
apply× pt3_fld_strengthen.
right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p. apply× pt3_fld_strengthen.
eapply pt3_trans2. eapply pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply Hr2.
eapply pt3_weaken in Hr1. apply Ht. apply× inert_ok.
× specialize (IHHp1 _ Hs) as [[? [? [? [[= ->] ?]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=]%pf_sngl_T [[=] [HH [HHH ?]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] ?]]]]]]]]]; auto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!! p : T →
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs →
(∃ S U u, t = defv (λ(S) u) ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : U ∧ G ⊢! p : U ⪼ T) ∨
(∃ S ds W U G1 G2 pT,
t = defv (ν(S) ds) ∧
G ⊢! p : μ U ⪼ T ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
px ; pbs; G ⊢ open_defs_p p ds :: open_typ_p p S ∧
G1 ⊩ S ⟿ W ⬳ U) ∨
(∃ q r r' G1 G2 pT,
t = defp q ∧
T = {{ r }} ∧
G = G1 & px ~ pT & G2 ∧
(r = r' ∨ G1 ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}) ∧ (r' = q ∨ G1 ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }})).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp Heq. gen γ t px pbs. induction Hp; introv Hwt; introv Hs; introv Heq.
- destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H Heq)
as [[? [? [[= ->]]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [-> [-> [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [-> [? ?]]]]]]]]]]]].
× left. repeat eexists; eauto.
× right. left. repeat eexists; eauto.
× pose proof (pf_sngl_U H) as →. right. right. repeat eexists; eauto.
destruct_all; eauto.
- clear IHHp2. simpl_dot. specialize (IHHp1 Hi Hwf _ Hwt).
gen q U. dependent induction Hs; simpl_dot; introv Hp IHHp1 Hv.
× specialize (IHHp1 _ Hs _ _ eq_refl) as [[? [? [? [[=] ?]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] ?]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= <-] [[= ->] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
right. right. ∃ (q • a) (r • a).
pose proof (inert_prefix (inert_prefix Hi)) as Hi'.
pose proof (wf_prefix (wf_prefix Hwf)) as Hwf'.
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hr1]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hr2].
** repeat eexists; eauto.
** repeat eexists; eauto. right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
apply× pt3_trans2.
pose proof (sngl_typed3 Hi' Hwf' Hr2) as [_ [T Ht]%pt2_exists].
constructor. rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt2_fld_strengthen.
** repeat eexists. right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×. apply× pt3_fld_strengthen.
** pose proof (field_elim_q3) as Hf.
rewrite <- concat_assoc in ×.
pose proof (pt3_weaken (inert_ok Hi) Hr1).
specialize (Hf _ _ _ _ _ Hi H (pt3 Hv)) as [S Ht].
repeat eexists. rewrite× concat_assoc.
right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p.
apply× pt3_fld_strengthen.
right. apply× pt3_field_elim_p. apply× pt3_fld_strengthen.
eapply pt3_trans2. eapply pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply Hr2.
eapply pt3_weaken in Hr1. apply Ht. apply× inert_ok.
× specialize (IHHp1 _ Hs) as [[? [? [? [[= ->] ?]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=]%pf_sngl_T [[=] [HH [HHH ?]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] ?]]]]]]]]]; auto.
If p looks up to t in a value environment and p's III-level precise type
is an inert type T, then either t is
- a function that has type T,
- an object ν(S)ds that has type μ(S), and T and μ(s) are equivalent, or
- a well-typed path q, and q's type is T
Lemma lookup_step_preservation_inert_prec3: ∀ G γ p T t,
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!!! p : T →
inert_typ T →
(∃ S U, T = ∀(S) U ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : ∀(S) U) ∨
(∃ U, T = μ U ∧
((∃ S ds px pbs W, t = defv (ν(S) ds) ∧
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs ∧
px; pbs; G ⊢ open_defs_p p ds :: open_typ_p p S ∧
G ⊩ S ⟿ W ⬳ U) ∨
(∃ q, t = defp q ∧ G ⊢!!! q : T))).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp. gen t.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs Heq]].
dependent induction Hp; introv Hs Hit;
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H Heq)
as [[S' [U [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U [G1 [G2 [pT [[= ->] [Hp' [-> [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= ->] [[= ->] [Heq' [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]]; simpl.
- left. simpl in ×. inversions Hit.
× apply (pf_forall_T Hi) in Hp' as →. repeat eexists; eauto.
× apply (pf_bnd_T Hi) in Hp' as →. proof_recipe. inversion Hv.
- right. inversions Hit.
× apply (pf_forall_T Hi) in Hp' as [=].
× apply (pf_bnd_T Hi) in Hp' as [= ->]. eexists. split×. left. repeat eexists; eauto;
repeat apply× repl_composition_weaken; apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
- inversion Hit.
- apply pf_sngl_T in Hp' as ->; auto. proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H0. inversion H1.
- apply (pf_sngl_T Hi) in Hp' as [=].
- clear IHHp.
assert (∃ V, G ⊢!!! q' : V) as [V Hq']. {
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hr]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hr']; subst; rewrite <- concat_assoc in *; eauto.
- eexists. apply× pt3_weaken.
- apply sngl_typed3 in Hr as [S Ht]. eexists. apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_prefix. apply× wf_prefix.
- eexists. apply× pt3_weaken.
lets Hok: (inert_ok Hi). rewrite Heq' in Hok.
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hr]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hr']; inversions Hit.
+ left; repeat eexists; apply× precise_to_general3.
+ right. eexists. split×.
+ left. repeat eexists. apply× precise_to_general3. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3.
repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ right. eexists. split×. right. eexists. split×.
apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ left. repeat eexists.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hr.
pose proof (pt3_inert_sngl_invert Hi Hp Hr (inert_typ_all _ _)) as Hr'.
apply× precise_to_general3. all: eauto; apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
+ right. eexists. split×. right. eexists. split×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hr.
apply× (pt3_inert_sngl_invert Hi Hp Hr).
all: eauto; apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
+ left. repeat eexists. apply precise_to_general3.
eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× pt3_inert_sngl_invert. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ right. eexists. split×. right. eexists. split×.
eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× pt3_inert_sngl_invert. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!!! p : T →
inert_typ T →
(∃ S U, T = ∀(S) U ∧ G ⊢ deftrm t : ∀(S) U) ∨
(∃ U, T = μ U ∧
((∃ S ds px pbs W, t = defv (ν(S) ds) ∧
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs ∧
px; pbs; G ⊢ open_defs_p p ds :: open_typ_p p S ∧
G ⊩ S ⟿ W ⬳ U) ∨
(∃ q, t = defp q ∧ G ⊢!!! q : T))).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp. gen t.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs Heq]].
dependent induction Hp; introv Hs Hit;
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H Heq)
as [[S' [U [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U [G1 [G2 [pT [[= ->] [Hp' [-> [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= ->] [[= ->] [Heq' [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]]; simpl.
- left. simpl in ×. inversions Hit.
× apply (pf_forall_T Hi) in Hp' as →. repeat eexists; eauto.
× apply (pf_bnd_T Hi) in Hp' as →. proof_recipe. inversion Hv.
- right. inversions Hit.
× apply (pf_forall_T Hi) in Hp' as [=].
× apply (pf_bnd_T Hi) in Hp' as [= ->]. eexists. split×. left. repeat eexists; eauto;
repeat apply× repl_composition_weaken; apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
- inversion Hit.
- apply pf_sngl_T in Hp' as ->; auto. proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H0. inversion H1.
- apply (pf_sngl_T Hi) in Hp' as [=].
- clear IHHp.
assert (∃ V, G ⊢!!! q' : V) as [V Hq']. {
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hr]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hr']; subst; rewrite <- concat_assoc in *; eauto.
- eexists. apply× pt3_weaken.
- apply sngl_typed3 in Hr as [S Ht]. eexists. apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_prefix. apply× wf_prefix.
- eexists. apply× pt3_weaken.
lets Hok: (inert_ok Hi). rewrite Heq' in Hok.
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hr]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hr']; inversions Hit.
+ left; repeat eexists; apply× precise_to_general3.
+ right. eexists. split×.
+ left. repeat eexists. apply× precise_to_general3. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3.
repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ right. eexists. split×. right. eexists. split×.
apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ left. repeat eexists.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hr.
pose proof (pt3_inert_sngl_invert Hi Hp Hr (inert_typ_all _ _)) as Hr'.
apply× precise_to_general3. all: eauto; apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
+ right. eexists. split×. right. eexists. split×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hr.
apply× (pt3_inert_sngl_invert Hi Hp Hr).
all: eauto; apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
+ left. repeat eexists. apply precise_to_general3.
eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× pt3_inert_sngl_invert. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ right. eexists. split×. right. eexists. split×.
eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× pt3_inert_sngl_invert. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
If p looks up to t in a value environment and p's III-level precise type
is a function type, then t has the same function type
Lemma lookup_step_preservation_prec3_fun G γ p T S t :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!!! p : ∀(T) S →
G ⊢ deftrm t : ∀(T) S.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp.
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_inert_prec3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp) as
[[? [? [-> Ht]]] | [? [[=] ?]]]; auto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!!! p : ∀(T) S →
G ⊢ deftrm t : ∀(T) S.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp.
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_inert_prec3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp) as
[[? [? [-> Ht]]] | [? [[=] ?]]]; auto.
The following two lemmas are needed only for path safety (not for term safety)
If a well-typed path p looks up to a path q then q is also well-typed.
Lemma lookup_step_pres G p T q γ :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p : T →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ defp q ⟧ →
∃ U, G ⊢!!! q : U.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp Hl.
apply pt2_exists in Hp as [U Hp].
pose proof (named_lookup_step Hl) as [x [bs Heq]].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hl Hp Heq)
as [[? [? [? [[=] ?]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] ?]]]]]]]] |
[r' [r [G1 [G2 [pT [S [[= ->] [-> [-> [[-> | Hr] [-> | Hr']]]]]]]]]]]]].
- apply sngl_typed2 in Hp as [U Hr]; eauto.
- eexists. do 2 apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok in Hi.
apply× ok_concat_inv_l.
- apply sngl_typed3 in Hr as [U Hr]; eauto.
eexists. do 2 apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok in Hi.
apply× ok_concat_inv_l. do 2 apply× inert_prefix.
- eexists. do 2 apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok in Hi.
apply× ok_concat_inv_l.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p : T →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ defp q ⟧ →
∃ U, G ⊢!!! q : U.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp Hl.
apply pt2_exists in Hp as [U Hp].
pose proof (named_lookup_step Hl) as [x [bs Heq]].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hl Hp Heq)
as [[? [? [? [[=] ?]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] ?]]]]]]]] |
[r' [r [G1 [G2 [pT [S [[= ->] [-> [-> [[-> | Hr] [-> | Hr']]]]]]]]]]]]].
- apply sngl_typed2 in Hp as [U Hr]; eauto.
- eexists. do 2 apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok in Hi.
apply× ok_concat_inv_l.
- apply sngl_typed3 in Hr as [U Hr]; eauto.
eexists. do 2 apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok in Hi.
apply× ok_concat_inv_l. do 2 apply× inert_prefix.
- eexists. do 2 apply× pt3_weaken. apply inert_ok in Hi.
apply× ok_concat_inv_l.
If a well-typed path p looks up to a path q in a finite number
of steps then q is also well-typed.
Lemma lookup_pres G p T q γ :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p : T →
γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defp q ⟧ →
∃ U, G ⊢!!! q : U.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp Hl. gen T. dependent induction Hl; introv Hp; eauto.
destruct b.
- pose proof (lookup_step_pres Hi Hwf Hwt Hp H) as [U Hq]. eauto.
- apply lookup_val_inv in Hl as [=].
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p : T →
γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defp q ⟧ →
∃ U, G ⊢!!! q : U.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp Hl. gen T. dependent induction Hl; introv Hp; eauto.
destruct b.
- pose proof (lookup_step_pres Hi Hwf Hwt Hp H) as [U Hq]. eauto.
- apply lookup_val_inv in Hl as [=].
If a stable term t has a function type and t can be looked
up to u in a finite number of steps in the value environment,
then u has the same function type.
Lemma lookup_preservation_forall : ∀ G γ t u T S,
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ t ⤳* u ⟧ →
G ⊢ deftrm t : ∀(S) T →
G ⊢ deftrm u: ∀(S) T.
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hl Hp. dependent induction Hl; auto.
assert (∃ q, a = defp q) as [q ->] by (inversions H; eauto).
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec3_fun Hi Hwf Hwt H Hpr) as Hb.
apply IHHl.
apply ty_sub with (T:=∀(Spr) Tpr); auto; fresh_constructor; apply× tight_to_general.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ t ⤳* u ⟧ →
G ⊢ deftrm t : ∀(S) T →
G ⊢ deftrm u: ∀(S) T.
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hl Hp. dependent induction Hl; auto.
assert (∃ q, a = defp q) as [q ->] by (inversions H; eauto).
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec3_fun Hi Hwf Hwt H Hpr) as Hb.
apply IHHl.
apply ty_sub with (T:=∀(Spr) Tpr); auto; fresh_constructor; apply× tight_to_general.
Looking up well-typed paths
If a path has a precise type then it can be looked up in the value environment
Lemma typ_to_lookup1 G γ p T U :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢! p : T ⪼ U →
∃ t, γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. gen p T U. induction Hwt; introv Hp.
(* induction on ⟦~⟧ **)
- false. dependent induction Hp; eauto. apply× binds_empty_inv.
- pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [y [bs ->]].
(* later when we figure out how to make env closed *)
destruct (classicT (x = y)) as [-> | Hn].
× SCase "x = y"%string.
(* induction on ⟦⊢!⟧ **)
dependent induction Hp; try simpl_dot.
+ eexists. apply× lookup_var.
+ specialize (IHHp _ _ H0 _ _ Hwf Hi Hwt H H1 IHHwt JMeq_refl eq_refl) as [t Hs].
pose proof (pf_bnd_T2 Hi Hp) as [V ->].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf (well_typed_push Hwt H H0 H1) Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [Heq [Hds Hrc]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] [? ?]]]]]]]]]]].
++ proof_recipe. inversion Ht.
++ assert (∃ u, defs_has ds' {a := u}) as [u Hu]. {
apply pf_record_has_U in Hp; auto.
eapply repl_comp_trans_open in Hrc.
eapply repl_comp_trans_record_has in Hrc as [V [X [Hr _]]]; try apply Hp.
eapply record_has_ty_defs in Hds as [d [Hdh Hds]]; eauto.
eapply defs_invert_trm in Hds as [t ->]. unfold defs_has in ×.
simpl in ×. apply× defs_has_open'. rewrite Heq in Hi, Hwf.
repeat apply× inert_prefix.
eexists. rewrite proj_rewrite. eauto.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
× SCase "x <> y"%string.
apply pf_strengthen in Hp; auto. specialize (IHHwt (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) _ _ _ Hp) as [t Hs].
eexists. apply× lookup_step_weaken_one.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢! p : T ⪼ U →
∃ t, γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. gen p T U. induction Hwt; introv Hp.
(* induction on ⟦~⟧ **)
- false. dependent induction Hp; eauto. apply× binds_empty_inv.
- pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [y [bs ->]].
(* later when we figure out how to make env closed *)
destruct (classicT (x = y)) as [-> | Hn].
× SCase "x = y"%string.
(* induction on ⟦⊢!⟧ **)
dependent induction Hp; try simpl_dot.
+ eexists. apply× lookup_var.
+ specialize (IHHp _ _ H0 _ _ Hwf Hi Hwt H H1 IHHwt JMeq_refl eq_refl) as [t Hs].
pose proof (pf_bnd_T2 Hi Hp) as [V ->].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf (well_typed_push Hwt H H0 H1) Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [Heq [Hds Hrc]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[=] [? ?]]]]]]]]]]].
++ proof_recipe. inversion Ht.
++ assert (∃ u, defs_has ds' {a := u}) as [u Hu]. {
apply pf_record_has_U in Hp; auto.
eapply repl_comp_trans_open in Hrc.
eapply repl_comp_trans_record_has in Hrc as [V [X [Hr _]]]; try apply Hp.
eapply record_has_ty_defs in Hds as [d [Hdh Hds]]; eauto.
eapply defs_invert_trm in Hds as [t ->]. unfold defs_has in ×.
simpl in ×. apply× defs_has_open'. rewrite Heq in Hi, Hwf.
repeat apply× inert_prefix.
eexists. rewrite proj_rewrite. eauto.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
× SCase "x <> y"%string.
apply pf_strengthen in Hp; auto. specialize (IHHwt (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) _ _ _ Hp) as [t Hs].
eexists. apply× lookup_step_weaken_one.
If a path has a II-level precise type then it can be looked up in the value environment
Lemma typ_to_lookup2 G γ p T :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!! p : T →
∃ t, γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. induction Hp.
- apply× typ_to_lookup1.
- specialize (IHHp1 Hi Hwf Hwt) as [u1 Hs1]. specialize (IHHp2 Hi Hwf Hwt) as [u2 Hs2].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general2 Hp1)) as [px [pbs ->]].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs1 Hp1 eq_refl)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [Hp' [Heq [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [[= ->] ?]]]]]]]]]].
+ pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as →. proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H. inversions H0.
+ pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as [=].
+ eauto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!! p : T →
∃ t, γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. induction Hp.
- apply× typ_to_lookup1.
- specialize (IHHp1 Hi Hwf Hwt) as [u1 Hs1]. specialize (IHHp2 Hi Hwf Hwt) as [u2 Hs2].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general2 Hp1)) as [px [pbs ->]].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs1 Hp1 eq_refl)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [Hp' [Heq [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [[= ->] ?]]]]]]]]]].
+ pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as →. proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H. inversions H0.
+ pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as [=].
+ eauto.
If a path has a III-level precise type then it can be looked up
in the value environment
Lemma typ_to_lookup3 G γ p T :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!!p : T →
∃ t, γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. induction Hp; apply× typ_to_lookup2.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!!p : T →
∃ t, γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. induction Hp; apply× typ_to_lookup2.
If a path p's environment type is a singleton type q.type
then p can be looked up to a path r in the value environment,
and either q=r, or there exists a path r' such that
both r' is the III-level precise type of both q and r.
In other words, q and r are aliases of the same path r'.
Lemma sngl_path_lookup G γ p q U :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢! p : {{ q }} ⪼ U →
∃ r r', γ ⟦ p ⤳ defp r ⟧ ∧
(r = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}) ∧
(q = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }}).
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. destruct (typ_to_lookup1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [t Hs].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [px [pbs ->]].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] ?]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= → ] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
- proof_recipe. inversions Ht. inversions H. inversion H0.
- pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok%ok_concat_inv_l.
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hx0]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hrx1]; do 2 eexists; eauto.
+ split×. split. right.
repeat apply× pt3_weaken. eauto.
+ split×. split. left×. right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ split×. split; right; repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢! p : {{ q }} ⪼ U →
∃ r r', γ ⟦ p ⤳ defp r ⟧ ∧
(r = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}) ∧
(q = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }}).
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. destruct (typ_to_lookup1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [t Hs].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general Hp)) as [px [pbs ->]].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] ?]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= → ] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
- proof_recipe. inversions Ht. inversions H. inversion H0.
- pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok%ok_concat_inv_l.
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hx0]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hrx1]; do 2 eexists; eauto.
+ split×. split. right.
repeat apply× pt3_weaken. eauto.
+ split×. split. left×. right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
+ split×. split; right; repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
If p looks up to t in a value environment and p's III-level precise type
is q.type, where q's environment type is a function type, then
t is a path r, and q and r are aliases.
Lemma lookup_step_preservation_sngl_prec3: ∀ G γ p q t Q1 Q2 Q3,
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }} →
G ⊢! q : ∀(Q1) Q2 ⪼ Q3 →
∃ r r', t = defp r ∧
(q = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }}) ∧
(r = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp. gen t.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs Heq]].
dependent induction Hp; introv Hs Hq;
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H Heq)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [Hp' [Heq' [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as →. pose proof (sngl_path_lookup Hi Hwf Hwt Hp') as [? [? [Hl ?]]].
pose proof (lookup_step_func Hl Hs) as [=].
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as [=].
- destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hrc1]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hrc2]; do 2 eexists; eauto; split*; split;
[ left× | right | right | left× | right | right ]; repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
all: apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as →. pose proof (sngl_path_lookup Hi Hwf Hwt Hp') as [? [? [Hl ?]]].
pose proof (lookup_step_func Hl Hs) as [=].
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as [=].
- pose proof (typ_to_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [t Hl].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [rx [rbs Heqr]].
specialize (IHHp _ Hi Hwf Hwt eq_refl _ _ Heqr _ Hl Hq) as [r1 [r2 [-> [[-> | Hq'] [-> | Hq'']]]]].
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
** split. left×. do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'. pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto.
false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false. all: apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
** split. left×. do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. eapply inert_ok, inert_prefix; eauto.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. eapply inert_ok, inert_prefix; eauto.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix. auto.
** split. left×. do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto. false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp') as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | HHH]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto.
false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix. auto.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto. false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp') as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | HHH]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p ⤳ t ⟧ →
G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }} →
G ⊢! q : ∀(Q1) Q2 ⪼ Q3 →
∃ r r', t = defp r ∧
(q = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! q : {{ r' }}) ∧
(r = r' ∨ G ⊢!!! r : {{ r' }}).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp. gen t.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs Heq]].
dependent induction Hp; introv Hs Hq;
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H Heq)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [Hp' [Heq' [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as →. pose proof (sngl_path_lookup Hi Hwf Hwt Hp') as [? [? [Hl ?]]].
pose proof (lookup_step_func Hl Hs) as [=].
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as [=].
- destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hrc1]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hrc2]; do 2 eexists; eauto; split*; split;
[ left× | right | right | left× | right | right ]; repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
all: apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as →. pose proof (sngl_path_lookup Hi Hwf Hwt Hp') as [? [? [Hl ?]]].
pose proof (lookup_step_func Hl Hs) as [=].
- pose proof (pf_sngl_T Hi Hp') as [=].
- pose proof (typ_to_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [t Hl].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [rx [rbs Heqr]].
specialize (IHHp _ Hi Hwf Hwt eq_refl _ _ Heqr _ Hl Hq) as [r1 [r2 [-> [[-> | Hq'] [-> | Hq'']]]]].
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
** split. left×. do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'. pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto.
false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false. all: apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
** split. left×. do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. eapply inert_ok, inert_prefix; eauto.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. eapply inert_ok, inert_prefix; eauto.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix. auto.
** split. left×. do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto. false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp') as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | HHH]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto.
false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1 [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
× destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hp']; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hp'']; do 2 eexists; split×.
** split. left×. right. eapply pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken.
apply inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix. auto.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp')
as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | ?]]]]; eauto. false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
** split. left×.
do 2 eapply pt3_weaken in Hp'; try solve [apply× inert_ok; apply× inert_prefix].
pose proof (pt3_invert Hi Hp Hp') as [? | [r1' [[= ->] [-> | HHH]]]].
*** right. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** right. repeat apply× pt3_weaken. apply× inert_ok. apply× inert_prefix.
*** false× pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false.
If a looks up to a path x.cs in the value environment,
and's environment type is T then T = x.cs.type.
Lemma lookup_same_var_same_type G γ x bs cs T:
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p_sel (avar_f x) bs ⤳ defp (p_sel (avar_f x) cs) ⟧ →
G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : T →
T = {{ p_sel (avar_f x) cs }}.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt. gen x bs cs T. induction Hwt; introv Hs Ht.
- Case "s is empty"%string.
false× lookup_empty.
- Case "G is not empty"%string.
destruct (classicT (x = x0)) as [<- | Hn].
+ SCase "x = x0"%string.
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf (well_typed_push Hwt H H0 H1) Hs Ht eq_refl)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U' [G1 [G2 [pT [[=] [Hp' [Heq [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= <-] [-> [Heq [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Heq at 1.
apply eq_sym in Heq. apply env_ok_inv in Heq as [<- [<- ->]]; try rewrite concat_empty_r in *; auto.
pose proof (sngl_typed2 Hi Hwf Ht) as [T [rx [rbs ->]]%precise_to_general2%typed_paths_named].
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hrc1];
destruct Hrc2 as [-> | [U Hu]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound];
× false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
× apply sngl_typed3 in Hrc1 as
[? [S Hb]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto. apply× inert_prefix. apply× wf_prefix.
× false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
+ SCase "x <> x0"%string.
apply pt2_strengthen_one in Ht; auto.
apply lookup_strengthen_one in Hs; eauto. apply× IHHwt. apply× inert_prefix. apply× wf_prefix.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
γ ⟦ p_sel (avar_f x) bs ⤳ defp (p_sel (avar_f x) cs) ⟧ →
G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f x) bs : T →
T = {{ p_sel (avar_f x) cs }}.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt. gen x bs cs T. induction Hwt; introv Hs Ht.
- Case "s is empty"%string.
false× lookup_empty.
- Case "G is not empty"%string.
destruct (classicT (x = x0)) as [<- | Hn].
+ SCase "x = x0"%string.
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf (well_typed_push Hwt H H0 H1) Hs Ht eq_refl)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv Hp']]]]] |
[[S' [ds [W [U' [G1 [G2 [pT [[=] [Hp' [Heq [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= <-] [-> [Heq [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]].
rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Heq at 1.
apply eq_sym in Heq. apply env_ok_inv in Heq as [<- [<- ->]]; try rewrite concat_empty_r in *; auto.
pose proof (sngl_typed2 Hi Hwf Ht) as [T [rx [rbs ->]]%precise_to_general2%typed_paths_named].
destruct Hrc1 as [-> | Hrc1];
destruct Hrc2 as [-> | [U Hu]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound];
× false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
× apply sngl_typed3 in Hrc1 as
[? [S Hb]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto. apply× inert_prefix. apply× wf_prefix.
× false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
+ SCase "x <> x0"%string.
apply pt2_strengthen_one in Ht; auto.
apply lookup_strengthen_one in Hs; eauto. apply× IHHwt. apply× inert_prefix. apply× wf_prefix.
If the path has II-level precise type y.cs.type then looks up to y.cs in the value environment.
Lemma typed_path_lookup_same_var2 G γ y bs cs :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ p_sel (avar_f y) cs }} →
γ ⟦ p_sel (avar_f y) bs ⤳ defp (p_sel (avar_f y) cs) ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. pose proof (typ_to_lookup2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [t Hs].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[? [? [? [[= ->] [Hv ->%pf_sngl_T]]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [[=]%pf_sngl_T ?]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= <-] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]]; auto.
- proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H. inversion H0.
- apply (pt2_strengthen eq_refl Hi Hwf) in Hp.
pose proof (wt_prefix Hwt) as [v [s1 [s2 [-> Hwt']]]].
pose proof (wt_to_ok_γ Hwt) as Hoks.
apply (lookup_strengthen Hoks eq_refl) in Hs.
pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok%ok_middle_inv_l.
destruct Hrc1 as [<- | Hrc1]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hrc2]; eauto.
+ apply× lookup_step_weaken.
+ apply (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix (inert_prefix Hi))) in Hrc2
as [T [U Hb]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto. repeat apply× wf_prefix.
+ pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general3 Hrc1)) as [S Hb].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
+ pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general3 Hrc1)) as [S Hb].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ p_sel (avar_f y) cs }} →
γ ⟦ p_sel (avar_f y) bs ⤳ defp (p_sel (avar_f y) cs) ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. pose proof (typ_to_lookup2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [t Hs].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs Hp eq_refl)
as [[? [? [? [[= ->] [Hv ->%pf_sngl_T]]]]] |
[[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [[=]%pf_sngl_T ?]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= <-] [-> [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]]; auto.
- proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H. inversion H0.
- apply (pt2_strengthen eq_refl Hi Hwf) in Hp.
pose proof (wt_prefix Hwt) as [v [s1 [s2 [-> Hwt']]]].
pose proof (wt_to_ok_γ Hwt) as Hoks.
apply (lookup_strengthen Hoks eq_refl) in Hs.
pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok%ok_middle_inv_l.
destruct Hrc1 as [<- | Hrc1]; destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hrc2]; eauto.
+ apply× lookup_step_weaken.
+ apply (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix (inert_prefix Hi))) in Hrc2
as [T [U Hb]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto. repeat apply× wf_prefix.
+ pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general3 Hrc1)) as [S Hb].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
+ pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general3 Hrc1)) as [S Hb].
false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
If the path has III-level precise type y.cs.type then looks up to y.cs in the value environment in a finite number of steps.
Lemma typed_path_lookup_same_var3 G γ y bs cs :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ p_sel (avar_f y) cs }} →
γ ⟦ defp (p_sel (avar_f y) bs) ⤳* defp (p_sel (avar_f y) cs) ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. dependent induction Hp.
- apply star_one. apply× typed_path_lookup_same_var2.
- pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [qx [qbs ->]].
destruct (classicT (qx = y)) as [-> | Hn].
+ specialize (IHHp _ _ _ Hi Hwf Hwt eq_refl eq_refl).
pose proof (typed_path_lookup_same_var2 Hi Hwf Hwt H) as Hs.
eapply star_trans. apply× star_one. auto.
+ clear IHHp.
pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general2 H)) as [S [G1 [G2 ->]]%binds_destruct].
pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok%ok_middle_inv_l.
eapply pt2_strengthen in H; eauto.
pose proof (sngl_typed2 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) H)
as [T [U [[-> ->] |
[Hn' [G1' [G2' ->]]%binds_destruct]]%binds_push_inv]%precise_to_general2%typing_implies_bound].
× false×.
× do 2 rewrite <- concat_assoc in Hp, Hi, Hwf. apply (pt3_strengthen eq_refl Hi Hwf) in Hp.
apply (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf)) in Hp
as [V [W Hb]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound].
simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hok as [Hnu _]. false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p_sel (avar_f y) bs : {{ p_sel (avar_f y) cs }} →
γ ⟦ defp (p_sel (avar_f y) bs) ⤳* defp (p_sel (avar_f y) cs) ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp. dependent induction Hp.
- apply star_one. apply× typed_path_lookup_same_var2.
- pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [qx [qbs ->]].
destruct (classicT (qx = y)) as [-> | Hn].
+ specialize (IHHp _ _ _ Hi Hwf Hwt eq_refl eq_refl).
pose proof (typed_path_lookup_same_var2 Hi Hwf Hwt H) as Hs.
eapply star_trans. apply× star_one. auto.
+ clear IHHp.
pose proof (typing_implies_bound (precise_to_general2 H)) as [S [G1 [G2 ->]]%binds_destruct].
pose proof (inert_ok Hi) as Hok%ok_middle_inv_l.
eapply pt2_strengthen in H; eauto.
pose proof (sngl_typed2 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) H)
as [T [U [[-> ->] |
[Hn' [G1' [G2' ->]]%binds_destruct]]%binds_push_inv]%precise_to_general2%typing_implies_bound].
× false×.
× do 2 rewrite <- concat_assoc in Hp, Hi, Hwf. apply (pt3_strengthen eq_refl Hi Hwf) in Hp.
apply (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf)) in Hp
as [V [W Hb]%precise_to_general3%typing_implies_bound].
simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hok as [Hnu _]. false binds_fresh_inv; eauto.
If px.pbs has III-level precise type qx.qbs.type, and px ≠ qx
then there exists a type q' that is px.pbs's II-level precise type,
qx.qbs.type is q''s III-level precise type, and q''s receiver is
not equal to px.
Lemma prev_var_exists G p q px pbs qx qbs:
inert G →
wf G →
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs →
q = p_sel (avar_f qx) qbs →
G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }} →
px ≠ qx →
∃ p' cs q' ds rx,
rx ≠ px ∧
p' = p_sel (avar_f px) cs ∧
q' = p_sel (avar_f rx) ds ∧
(p = p' ∨ G ⊢!!! p : {{ p' }}) ∧
G ⊢!! p' : {{ q' }} ∧
(q' = q ∨ G ⊢!!! q' : {{ q }}).
intros Hi Hwf → → Hp Hn. dependent induction Hp.
- repeat eexists; eauto.
- pose proof (sngl_typed2 Hi Hwf H) as [? [rx [rbs ->]]%precise_to_general2%typed_paths_named].
destruct (classicT (rx = qx)) as [-> | Hn'].
+ do 5 eexists. split. eauto. split×.
+ specialize (IHHp _ _ _ _ Hi Hwf eq_refl eq_refl Hn')
as [p' [cs [q' [ds [sx [Hn'' [-> [-> [Hp' [Hpq Hq]]]]]]]]]].
destruct (classicT (px = rx)) as [-> | Hnpr].
× eexists. ∃ cs. eexists. ∃ ds sx. repeat split×. right.
destruct Hp' as [<- | Hnr]; eauto.
× eexists. ∃ pbs. eexists. ∃ rbs rx. split×.
inert G →
wf G →
p = p_sel (avar_f px) pbs →
q = p_sel (avar_f qx) qbs →
G ⊢!!! p : {{ q }} →
px ≠ qx →
∃ p' cs q' ds rx,
rx ≠ px ∧
p' = p_sel (avar_f px) cs ∧
q' = p_sel (avar_f rx) ds ∧
(p = p' ∨ G ⊢!!! p : {{ p' }}) ∧
G ⊢!! p' : {{ q' }} ∧
(q' = q ∨ G ⊢!!! q' : {{ q }}).
intros Hi Hwf → → Hp Hn. dependent induction Hp.
- repeat eexists; eauto.
- pose proof (sngl_typed2 Hi Hwf H) as [? [rx [rbs ->]]%precise_to_general2%typed_paths_named].
destruct (classicT (rx = qx)) as [-> | Hn'].
+ do 5 eexists. split. eauto. split×.
+ specialize (IHHp _ _ _ _ Hi Hwf eq_refl eq_refl Hn')
as [p' [cs [q' [ds [sx [Hn'' [-> [-> [Hp' [Hpq Hq]]]]]]]]]].
destruct (classicT (px = rx)) as [-> | Hnpr].
× eexists. ∃ cs. eexists. ∃ ds sx. repeat split×. right.
destruct Hp' as [<- | Hnr]; eauto.
× eexists. ∃ pbs. eexists. ∃ rbs rx. split×.
If p's III-level precise type is r.type and r's environment type is
a function type then p can be looked up to r in the value environment
in a finite number of steps.
Lemma typed_path_lookup_helper G γ p r S T V :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p : {{ r }} →
G ⊢! r : ∀(S) T ⪼ V→
γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defp r ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt. gen p r S T V. induction Hwt; introv Hp Hr.
- Case "G is empty"%string.
apply precise_to_general in Hr. false× typing_empty_false.
- Case "G is not empty"%string.
destruct p as [x' bs].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs [= → ->]]].
destruct (classicT (x = px)) as [-> | Hn].
+ SCase "x = px"%string.
lets Hwt': (well_typed_push Hwt H H0 H1).
pose proof (typ_to_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hp) as [t Hlt].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_sngl_prec3 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hlt Hp Hr)
as [r1 [r2 [-> [Hrc Hrc']]]].
pose proof (sngl_typed3 Hi Hwf Hp) as [? [rx [rbs ->]]%precise_to_general3%typed_paths_named].
destruct (classicT (px = rx)) as [-> | Hn].
{ apply× typed_path_lookup_same_var3. }
pose proof (prev_var_exists Hi Hwf eq_refl eq_refl Hp Hn) as
[p' [cs' [q' [ds [sx [Hn' [-> [-> [Hpp' [Hp'q' Hq'q]]]]]]]]]].
pose proof (typ_to_lookup2 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hp'q') as [t Hst].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hst Hp'q' eq_refl)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv ->%pf_sngl_T]]]]] |
[[S' [ds' [W [U' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[=]%pf_sngl_T [Heq [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= ->] [[= <-] [Heq' [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]]; auto.
{ simpl in ×. proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H2. inversion H3. }
pose proof (inert_prefix Hi) as Hi'.
rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Heq' at 1. apply env_ok_inv' in Heq' as [-> [-> <-]];
try rewrite concat_empty_r in *; auto.
assert (∃ q'x q'bs, q' = p_sel (avar_f q'x) q'bs) as [q'x [q'bs ->]]. {
destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hq'%precise_to_general3].
- destruct Hrc1 as [<- | Hq']; eauto.
pose proof (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) Hq') as [? Hq''%precise_to_general3].
apply× typed_paths_named.
- apply× typed_paths_named.
apply star_trans with (b:=defp (p_sel (avar_f px) cs')). {
destruct Hpp' as [[= ->] | Hpp'].
- apply× star_refl.
- eapply (typed_path_lookup_same_var3 Hi); auto.
clear Hpp'.
assert (p_sel (avar_f rx) rbs = r2) as <-. {
destruct Hrc as [<- | Ht]; auto. false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi Hr Ht); auto.
clear Hrc.
apply star_trans with (b:=defp (p_sel (avar_f q'x) q'bs)).
{ apply× star_one. }
apply× lookup_weaken.
{ apply× wt_to_ok_γ. }
pose proof (wf_prefix Hwf) as Hwf'.
apply pf_strengthen in Hr; auto. clear Hrc' Hst Hp'q' Hp.
destruct Hq'q as [[= → ->] | Hq'q%pt3_strengthen_one]; destruct Hrc1 as [<- | Hrc1]; destruct Hrc2 as [[= ->] | Hrc2]; subst; auto;
try solve [apply× IHHwt; try solve [false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi' Hr Hrc1); auto]].
× apply× IHHwt. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3.
× pose proof (pt3_invert Hi' Hrc1 Hq'q) as [Contra | [q' [[= ->] [[= <-] | Hqt]]]].
** false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi' Hr Contra); auto.
** subst. apply× star_refl.
** apply× IHHwt.
× pose proof (pt3_invert Hi' Hrc1 Hq'q) as [Contra | [q' [[= ->] [[= <-] | Hqt]]]].
** false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi' Hr Contra); auto.
** apply× IHHwt.
** apply (pt3_sngl_trans3 Hrc2) in Hqt. apply× IHHwt.
+ SCase "x <> px"%string.
apply pt3_strengthen_one in Hp; auto. apply lookup_weaken.
{ apply× ok_push. apply× wt_to_ok_γ. }
pose proof (inert_prefix Hi) as Hi'. pose proof (wf_prefix Hwf) as Hwf'.
apply× IHHwt.
apply (sngl_typed3 Hi' Hwf') in Hp as [U Ht]. apply× pf_strengthen_from_pt3.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p : {{ r }} →
G ⊢! r : ∀(S) T ⪼ V→
γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defp r ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt. gen p r S T V. induction Hwt; introv Hp Hr.
- Case "G is empty"%string.
apply precise_to_general in Hr. false× typing_empty_false.
- Case "G is not empty"%string.
destruct p as [x' bs].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs [= → ->]]].
destruct (classicT (x = px)) as [-> | Hn].
+ SCase "x = px"%string.
lets Hwt': (well_typed_push Hwt H H0 H1).
pose proof (typ_to_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hp) as [t Hlt].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_sngl_prec3 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hlt Hp Hr)
as [r1 [r2 [-> [Hrc Hrc']]]].
pose proof (sngl_typed3 Hi Hwf Hp) as [? [rx [rbs ->]]%precise_to_general3%typed_paths_named].
destruct (classicT (px = rx)) as [-> | Hn].
{ apply× typed_path_lookup_same_var3. }
pose proof (prev_var_exists Hi Hwf eq_refl eq_refl Hp Hn) as
[p' [cs' [q' [ds [sx [Hn' [-> [-> [Hpp' [Hp'q' Hq'q]]]]]]]]]].
pose proof (typ_to_lookup2 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hp'q') as [t Hst].
pose proof (lookup_step_preservation_prec2 Hi Hwf Hwt' Hst Hp'q' eq_refl)
as [[S' [U' [u [[= ->] [Hv ->%pf_sngl_T]]]]] |
[[S' [ds' [W [U' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[=]%pf_sngl_T [Heq [Hds [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]] |
[q' [r [r' [G1 [G2 [pT [[= ->] [[= <-] [Heq' [Hrc1 Hrc2]]]]]]]]]]]]; auto.
{ simpl in ×. proof_recipe. inversions Hv. inversions H2. inversion H3. }
pose proof (inert_prefix Hi) as Hi'.
rewrite <- concat_empty_r in Heq' at 1. apply env_ok_inv' in Heq' as [-> [-> <-]];
try rewrite concat_empty_r in *; auto.
assert (∃ q'x q'bs, q' = p_sel (avar_f q'x) q'bs) as [q'x [q'bs ->]]. {
destruct Hrc2 as [-> | Hq'%precise_to_general3].
- destruct Hrc1 as [<- | Hq']; eauto.
pose proof (sngl_typed3 (inert_prefix Hi) (wf_prefix Hwf) Hq') as [? Hq''%precise_to_general3].
apply× typed_paths_named.
- apply× typed_paths_named.
apply star_trans with (b:=defp (p_sel (avar_f px) cs')). {
destruct Hpp' as [[= ->] | Hpp'].
- apply× star_refl.
- eapply (typed_path_lookup_same_var3 Hi); auto.
clear Hpp'.
assert (p_sel (avar_f rx) rbs = r2) as <-. {
destruct Hrc as [<- | Ht]; auto. false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi Hr Ht); auto.
clear Hrc.
apply star_trans with (b:=defp (p_sel (avar_f q'x) q'bs)).
{ apply× star_one. }
apply× lookup_weaken.
{ apply× wt_to_ok_γ. }
pose proof (wf_prefix Hwf) as Hwf'.
apply pf_strengthen in Hr; auto. clear Hrc' Hst Hp'q' Hp.
destruct Hq'q as [[= → ->] | Hq'q%pt3_strengthen_one]; destruct Hrc1 as [<- | Hrc1]; destruct Hrc2 as [[= ->] | Hrc2]; subst; auto;
try solve [apply× IHHwt; try solve [false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi' Hr Hrc1); auto]].
× apply× IHHwt. apply× pt3_sngl_trans3.
× pose proof (pt3_invert Hi' Hrc1 Hq'q) as [Contra | [q' [[= ->] [[= <-] | Hqt]]]].
** false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi' Hr Contra); auto.
** subst. apply× star_refl.
** apply× IHHwt.
× pose proof (pt3_invert Hi' Hrc1 Hq'q) as [Contra | [q' [[= ->] [[= <-] | Hqt]]]].
** false (pf_inert_pt3_sngl_false Hi' Hr Contra); auto.
** apply× IHHwt.
** apply (pt3_sngl_trans3 Hrc2) in Hqt. apply× IHHwt.
+ SCase "x <> px"%string.
apply pt3_strengthen_one in Hp; auto. apply lookup_weaken.
{ apply× ok_push. apply× wt_to_ok_γ. }
pose proof (inert_prefix Hi) as Hi'. pose proof (wf_prefix Hwf) as Hwf'.
apply× IHHwt.
apply (sngl_typed3 Hi' Hwf') in Hp as [U Ht]. apply× pf_strengthen_from_pt3.
If p's III-level precise type is a function type then p can be looked
up to a value in the value environment.
Lemma typed_path_lookup3 G γ p T U :
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p: ∀(T) U →
∃ v, γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defv v ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs ->]].
apply (last_path Hi) in Hp as [Hp | [q [Hpq Hq]]].
- inversions Hp. pose proof (typ_to_lookup1 Hi Hwf Hwt H) as [t Hs].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [? ?]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [-> ?]]]]]]]]]]]; eauto.
apply pf_sngl_U in H as [=].
- inversions Hq. pose proof (pf_forall_T Hi H) as →.
pose proof (typed_path_lookup_helper Hi Hwf Hwt Hpq H) as Hs.
pose proof (typ_to_lookup1 Hi Hwf Hwt H) as [t Hs'].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general H)) as [qx [qbs ->]].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs' H eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [? ?]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [-> ?]]]]]]]]]]].
eexists. eapply star_trans. apply Hs. apply× star_one.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p: ∀(T) U →
∃ v, γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defv v ⟧.
intros Hi Hwf Hwt Hp.
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general3 Hp)) as [px [pbs ->]].
apply (last_path Hi) in Hp as [Hp | [q [Hpq Hq]]].
- inversions Hp. pose proof (typ_to_lookup1 Hi Hwf Hwt H) as [t Hs].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs H eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [? ?]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [-> ?]]]]]]]]]]]; eauto.
apply pf_sngl_U in H as [=].
- inversions Hq. pose proof (pf_forall_T Hi H) as →.
pose proof (typed_path_lookup_helper Hi Hwf Hwt Hpq H) as Hs.
pose proof (typ_to_lookup1 Hi Hwf Hwt H) as [t Hs'].
pose proof (typed_paths_named (precise_to_general H)) as [qx [qbs ->]].
destruct (lookup_step_preservation_prec1 Hi Hwf Hwt Hs' H eq_refl)
as [[S [u [-> Ht]]] |
[[S [ds' [W [T'' [G1 [G2 [pT [-> [[= ->] [? ?]]]]]]]]]] |
[? [? [? [? [? [? [? [[= ->] [-> ?]]]]]]]]]]].
eexists. eapply star_trans. apply Hs. apply× star_one.
If a path has a III-level function type then the path can be
looked up in the value environment in a finite number of steps
to a value of the same type.
Lemma corresponding_types_fun: ∀ G γ p S T,
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p: ∀(S) T →
(∃ v, γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defv v ⟧ ∧
G ⊢ trm_val v : ∀(S) T).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hp.
destruct (typed_path_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [v Hs].
lets Ht: (lookup_preservation_forall Hi Hwf Hwt Hs (precise_to_general3 Hp)). eauto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢!!! p: ∀(S) T →
(∃ v, γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defv v ⟧ ∧
G ⊢ trm_val v : ∀(S) T).
introv Hi Hwf Hwt Hp.
destruct (typed_path_lookup3 Hi Hwf Hwt Hp) as [v Hs].
lets Ht: (lookup_preservation_forall Hi Hwf Hwt Hs (precise_to_general3 Hp)). eauto.
Canonical Forms for Functions (Lemma 5.5)
If a path has a function type then it can be looked up in the value environment in a finite number of steps to a function that has the same function type.
Lemma canonical_forms_fun: ∀ G γ p T U,
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢ trm_path p : ∀(T) U →
(∃ L T' t, γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defv (λ(T') t) ⟧ ∧
G ⊢ T <: T' ∧
(∀ y, y \notin L → G & y ~ T ⊢ open_trm y t : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Hwf Hwt Hty.
destruct (path_typ_all_to_precise Hin Hty) as [L [S [T' [Hp [Hs1 Hs2]]]]].
destruct (corresponding_types_fun Hin Hwf Hwt Hp) as [v [P Hv]].
destruct (val_typ_all_to_lambda Hin Hv) as [L' [S' [t [Heq [Hs1' Hs2']]]]].
∃ (L \u L' \u (dom G)) S' t. repeat split~.
- eapply subtyp_trans; eauto.
- intros.
assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto.
assert (HL': y \notin L') by auto.
specialize (Hs2 y HL).
specialize (Hs2' y HL').
apply narrow_typing with (G':=G & y ~ T) in Hs2'; auto.
eapply ty_sub; eauto.
inert G →
wf G →
γ ⫶ G →
G ⊢ trm_path p : ∀(T) U →
(∃ L T' t, γ ⟦ defp p ⤳* defv (λ(T') t) ⟧ ∧
G ⊢ T <: T' ∧
(∀ y, y \notin L → G & y ~ T ⊢ open_trm y t : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Hwf Hwt Hty.
destruct (path_typ_all_to_precise Hin Hty) as [L [S [T' [Hp [Hs1 Hs2]]]]].
destruct (corresponding_types_fun Hin Hwf Hwt Hp) as [v [P Hv]].
destruct (val_typ_all_to_lambda Hin Hv) as [L' [S' [t [Heq [Hs1' Hs2']]]]].
∃ (L \u L' \u (dom G)) S' t. repeat split~.
- eapply subtyp_trans; eauto.
- intros.
assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto.
assert (HL': y \notin L') by auto.
specialize (Hs2 y HL).
specialize (Hs2' y HL').
apply narrow_typing with (G':=G & y ~ T) in Hs2'; auto.
eapply ty_sub; eauto.