
Subenvironments G1 G2

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Definitions.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

G1 is a subenvironment of G2, denoted G1 G2, if dom(G1) = dom(G2) and for each x, G1 G1(x) <: G2(x).
Reserved Notation "G1 ⪯ G2" (at level 35).

Inductive subenv: ctx ctx Prop :=
| subenv_empty : empty empty
| subenv_push: G G' x T T',
    G G'
    ok (G & x ~ T)
    ok (G' & x ~ T')
    G T <: T'
    G & x ~ T G' & x ~ T'
where "G1 ⪯ G2" := (subenv G1 G2).

Hint Constructors subenv.

If ok G, then G G. Note: ok(G) means that G's domain consists of distinct variables.
Lemma subenv_refl : G, ok G G G.
  intros G H. induction H; auto.
Hint Resolve subenv_refl.

If G' G then G', x: T G, x: T
Lemma subenv_extend : G1 G2 x T,
    G1 G2
    ok (G1 & x ~ T) ok (G2 & x ~ T)
    (G1 & x ~ T) (G2 & x ~ T).
  intros. induction H; intros; auto.
Hint Resolve subenv_extend.

If G S <: U and x dom G then G', x: T subG G, x: T
Lemma subenv_last: G x S U,
  G S <: U
  ok (G & x ~ S)
  (G & x ~ S) (G & x ~ U).
  inversion H0;
  match goal with
  | [ H : empty = _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct (empty_push_inv H2)
  | [ H : _ & _ ~ _ = _ & _ ~ _ |- _ ] ⇒
    apply eq_push_inv in H; destruct_all; subst
  constructor; auto.
Hint Resolve subenv_last.

If G1 G2 then the domains of both G1 and G2 consist of distinct elements.
Lemma subenv_implies_ok : G1 G2,
    G1 G2 ok G1 ok G2.
  intros. inversion H; split; auto.