
Runtime Configuration Lookup of Paths

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality List.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Definitions Binding.

Looking up a path in a store (generalization of variable binding).
Reserved Notation "γ '⟦' t '⤳' u '⟧'" (at level 40).

Inductive lookup_step : sta def_rhs def_rhs Prop :=

γ(x) = v
γ x v
| lookup_var : γ x v,
    binds x v γ
    γ pvar x defv v

γ p q
γ p.a q.a
| lookup_sel_p : γ p q a,
    γ p defp q
    γ pa defp (qa)

γ p ν(T)...{a = t}...
γ p.a t
| lookup_sel_v : γ p a t T ds,
    γ p defv (val_new T ds)
    defs_has ds { a := t }
    γ pa open_defrhs_p p t

where "γ '⟦' p '⤳' t '⟧'" := (lookup_step γ (defp p) t).

Reflexive, transitive closure of path lookup
Notation "γ '⟦' t '⤳*' u '⟧'" := (star (lookup_step γ) t u) (at level 40).

Hint Constructors lookup_step star.

Properties of path lookup

Paths cannot be looked up in the empty context
Lemma lookup_empty : p u,
    empty p u False.
  intros. dependent induction H; eauto. false× binds_empty_inv.

Ltac solve_lookup :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : _ _ = p_sel _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
    rewrite <- H; econstructor; simpl_dot; eauto

Removing an element x from a value environment does not affect the lookup of y.bs as long as xy.
Lemma lookup_strengthen_one: γ y v x bs t,
    γ & y ~ v p_sel (avar_f x) bs t
    y x
    γ p_sel (avar_f x) bs t .
  introv Hl Hn. dependent induction Hl; try solve_lookup.
  constructor. eapply binds_push_neq_inv; eauto.

Removing a part γ2 from a value environment γ1, y=_, γ2 does not affect the lookup of y.bs as long as y γ2.
Lemma lookup_strengthen γ γ1 γ2 x v bs t :
  ok γ
  γ = γ1 & x ~ v & γ2
  γ p_sel (avar_f x) bs t
  γ1 & x ~ v p_sel (avar_f x) bs t .
  intros HokHs. induction γ2 using env_ind.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in Hs; auto.
  - destruct (classicT (x0 = x)) as [-> | Hn].
    + apply ok_middle_inv_r in Hok. simpl_dom. apply notin_union in Hok as [Contra _]. false× notin_same.
    + rewrite concat_assoc in ×.
      apply lookup_strengthen_one in Hs; auto.

If a path can be looked up in a value environment, that path starts with a named variable
Lemma named_lookup_step: γ t p,
    γ p t
     x bs, p = p_sel (avar_f x) bs.
  intros. dependent induction H.
  - repeat eexists; eauto.
  - specialize (IHlookup_step _ eq_refl) as [? [? ->]]. simpl. repeat eexists; eauto.
  - specialize (IHlookup_step _ eq_refl) as [? [? ->]]. simpl. repeat eexists; eauto.

The reflexive, transitive closure of looking up a value always results in the same value
Lemma lookup_val_inv: γ v t,
    γ defv v ⤳* t
    t = defv v.
  introv Hs. dependent induction Hs. auto. inversion H.

The lookup relation is functional
Lemma lookup_step_func: γ t t1 t2,
    γ t t1
    γ t t2
    t1 = t2.
  introv Hl1. gen t2. dependent induction Hl1; introv Hl2.
  - inversions Hl2; try simpl_dot. apply (binds_functional H) in H2. f_equal×.
  - dependent induction Hl2; try simpl_dot;
    specialize (IHHl1 _ eq_refl _ Hl2); inversions IHHl1; eauto.
  - dependent induction Hl2; try simpl_dot;
      lets IH: (IHHl1 _ eq_refl _ Hl2); inversions IH; eauto.
    lets Hd: (defs_has_inv H H0). subst×.

No lookup transitions are possible from values
Lemma lookup_irred: γ v,
    irred (lookup_step γ) (defv v).
  inversion 1.

Two lookup reduction sequences that start with a path result in the same value
Lemma lookup_func : γ p v1 v2,
    γ defp p ⤳* defv v1
    γ defp p ⤳* defv v2
    v1 = v2.
  introv Hs1 Hs2.
  lets H: (lookup_step_func). specialize (H γ).
  assert (irred (lookup_step γ) (defv v1)) as Hirr1 by apply× lookup_irred.
  assert (irred (lookup_step γ) (defv v2)) as Hirr2 by apply× lookup_irred.
  assert ( a b c : def_rhs, lookup_step γ a b lookup_step γ a c b = c) as H'. {
    intros. destruct a; try solve [inversion H0]. apply× H.
  lets Hf: (finseq_unique H' Hs1 Hirr1 Hs2 Hirr2). inversion× Hf.

Weakening for the lookup relation by one element
Lemma lookup_step_weaken_one : γ x bs v y t,
    γ p_sel (avar_f x) bs t
    y # γ
    γ & y ~ v p_sel (avar_f x) bs t .
  introv Hp Hn. dependent induction Hp; try solve_lookup.
  constructor. apply× binds_push_neq. intro. subst. eapply binds_fresh_inv; eauto.

Weakening for the lookup relation
Lemma lookup_step_weaken γ p t γ' :
  ok (γ & γ')
  γ p t
  γ & γ' p t .
  intros Hok Hs. induction γ' using env_ind.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in *; auto.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply ok_push_inv in Hok as [Hok Hn].
    destruct (named_lookup_step Hs) as [y [bs ->]].
    apply× lookup_step_weaken_one.

Weakening for the reflexive, transitive closure of the lookup relation by one element
Lemma lookup_weaken_one : γ x bs v y t,
    γ defp (p_sel (avar_f x) bs) ⤳* t
    y # γ
    γ & y ~ v defp (p_sel (avar_f x) bs) ⤳* t .
  introv Hl Hn. gen y. dependent induction Hl; introv Hn.
  - apply star_refl.
  - destruct b; subst.
    × destruct Hl.
      ** apply× star_trans. apply star_one. apply× lookup_step_weaken_one.
      ** apply× star_trans.
         assert ( q, a = defp q) as [q ->] by (inversions H0; eauto).
         pose proof (named_lookup_step H0) as [? [? ->]].
         specialize (IHHl _ _ eq_refl). eapply star_trans. apply star_one.
         apply× lookup_step_weaken_one. eauto.
    × apply lookup_val_inv in Hl. subst. apply star_one. apply× lookup_step_weaken_one.

Weakening for the reflexive, transitive closure of the lookup relation
Lemma lookup_weaken γ t1 t2 γ' :
  ok (γ & γ')
  γ t1 ⤳* t2
  γ & γ' t1 ⤳* t2 .
  intros Hok Hs. induction γ' using env_ind.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in *; auto.
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×. apply ok_push_inv in Hok as [Hok Hn].
    assert (t1 = t2 y bs, t1 = defp (p_sel (avar_f y) bs)) as [-> | [y [bs ->]]].
    { inversions Hs; auto. right. destruct t1.
      - destruct (named_lookup_step H) as [? [? ->]]. eauto.
      - inversion H.
    + apply star_refl.
    + apply× lookup_weaken_one.