Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality String.
Require Import Binding CanonicalForms Definitions GeneralToTight InvertibleTyping Narrowing
OperationalSemantics PreciseTyping RecordAndInertTypes Substitution Weakening.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality String.
Require Import Binding CanonicalForms Definitions GeneralToTight InvertibleTyping Narrowing
OperationalSemantics PreciseTyping RecordAndInertTypes Substitution Weakening.
The typing of a term with a stack
Inductive sta_trm_typ : sta * trm -> typ -> Prop :=
| sta_trm_typ_c : forall G s t T,
inert G ->
well_typed G s ->
G ⊢ t : T ->
sta_trm_typ (s, t) T.
Hint Constructors sta_trm_typ.
Notation "'⊢' t ':' T" := (sta_trm_typ t T) (at level 40, t at level 59).
| sta_trm_typ_c : forall G s t T,
inert G ->
well_typed G s ->
G ⊢ t : T ->
sta_trm_typ (s, t) T.
Hint Constructors sta_trm_typ.
Notation "'⊢' t ':' T" := (sta_trm_typ t T) (at level 40, t at level 59).
Lemma val_typing: forall G v T,
G ⊢ trm_val v : T ->
exists T', G ⊢!v v : T' /\
G ⊢ T' <: T.
intros G v T H. dependent induction H; eauto.
destruct (IHty_trm _ eq_refl). destruct_all. eauto.
G ⊢ trm_val v : T ->
exists T', G ⊢!v v : T' /\
G ⊢ T' <: T.
intros G v T H. dependent induction H; eauto.
destruct (IHty_trm _ eq_refl). destruct_all. eauto.
Helper tactics for proving Preservation
Ltac binds_eq :=
match goal with
| [Hb1: binds ?x _ ?G,
Hb2: binds ?x _ ?G |- _] =>
apply (binds_functional Hb1) in Hb2; inversions Hb2
Ltac invert_red :=
match goal with
| [Hr: (_, _) |-> (_, _) |- _] => inversions Hr
Ltac solve_IH :=
match goal with
| [IH: well_typed _ _ ->
inert _ ->
forall t', (_, _) |-> (_, _) -> _,
Wf: well_typed _ _,
In: inert _,
Hr: (_, _) |-> (_, ?t') |- _] =>
specialize (IH Wf In t' Hr); destruct_all
match goal with
| [Hi: _ & ?G' ⊢ _ : _ |- _] =>
exists G'; repeat_split_right; auto
Ltac solve_let :=
invert_red; solve_IH; fresh_constructor; eauto; apply* weaken_rules.
s: G
inert [G] #<br># [(s, t) |-> (s', t')] #<br># [G ⊢ t: T] #<br># [―――――――――――――――――――] #<br># [exists G', inert G'] #<br># [s': G, G'] #<br># [G, G' ⊢ t': T]
inert [G] #<br># [(s, t) |-> (s', t')] #<br># [G ⊢ t: T] #<br># [―――――――――――――――――――] #<br># [exists G', inert G'] #<br># [s': G, G'] #<br># [G, G' ⊢ t': T]
Lemma preservation_helper: forall G s t s' t' T,
well_typed G s ->
inert G ->
(s, t) |-> (s', t') ->
G ⊢ t : T ->
exists G', inert G' /\
well_typed (G & G') s' /\
G & G' ⊢ t' : T.
introv Hwf Hin Hred Ht. gen t'.
induction Ht; intros; try solve [invert_red].
- Case "ty_all_elim"%string.
match goal with
| [Hx: _ ⊢ trm_var (avar_f _) : typ_all _ _ |- _] =>
pose proof (canonical_forms_fun Hin Hwf Hx) as [L [T' [t [Bis [Hsub Hty]]]]];
inversions Hred;
exists (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat_split_right; auto.
pick_fresh y. assert (y \notin L) as FrL by auto. specialize (Hty y FrL).
apply* renaming_typ; eauto.
- Case "ty_new_elim"%string.
pose proof (canonical_forms_obj Hin Hwf Ht) as [S [ds [t [Bis [Has Ty]]]]].
invert_red. binds_eq.
exists (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat_split_right; auto.
match goal with
| [Hd: defs_has _ (def_trm _ ?t') |- G ⊢ t': T] =>
rewrite* <- (defs_has_inv Has Hd)
- Case "ty_let"%string.
destruct t; try solve [solve_let].
+ SCase "[t = (let x = a in u)] where a is a variable".
repeat invert_red.
exists (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat_split_right; auto.
apply* renaming_fresh.
+ SCase "[t = (let x = v in u)] where v is a value".
repeat invert_red.
match goal with
| [Hn: ?x # ?s |- _] =>
pose proof (well_typed_notin_dom Hwf Hn) as Hng
pose proof (val_typing Ht) as [V [Hv Hs]].
exists (x ~ V). repeat_split_right.
** rewrite <- concat_empty_l. constructor~. apply (precise_inert_typ Hv).
** apply~ well_typed_push. apply (precise_to_general_v Hv).
** eapply renaming_fresh with (L:=L \u dom G \u \{x}). apply* ok_push.
intros. apply* weaken_rules. apply ty_sub with (T:=V); auto. apply* weaken_subtyp.
- Case "ty_sub"%string.
match goal with
| [Hs: _ ⊢ _ <: _,
Hg: _ & ?G' ⊢ _: _ |- _] =>
apply weaken_subtyp with (G2:=G') in Hs;
well_typed G s ->
inert G ->
(s, t) |-> (s', t') ->
G ⊢ t : T ->
exists G', inert G' /\
well_typed (G & G') s' /\
G & G' ⊢ t' : T.
introv Hwf Hin Hred Ht. gen t'.
induction Ht; intros; try solve [invert_red].
- Case "ty_all_elim"%string.
match goal with
| [Hx: _ ⊢ trm_var (avar_f _) : typ_all _ _ |- _] =>
pose proof (canonical_forms_fun Hin Hwf Hx) as [L [T' [t [Bis [Hsub Hty]]]]];
inversions Hred;
exists (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat_split_right; auto.
pick_fresh y. assert (y \notin L) as FrL by auto. specialize (Hty y FrL).
apply* renaming_typ; eauto.
- Case "ty_new_elim"%string.
pose proof (canonical_forms_obj Hin Hwf Ht) as [S [ds [t [Bis [Has Ty]]]]].
invert_red. binds_eq.
exists (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat_split_right; auto.
match goal with
| [Hd: defs_has _ (def_trm _ ?t') |- G ⊢ t': T] =>
rewrite* <- (defs_has_inv Has Hd)
- Case "ty_let"%string.
destruct t; try solve [solve_let].
+ SCase "[t = (let x = a in u)] where a is a variable".
repeat invert_red.
exists (@empty typ). rewrite concat_empty_r. repeat_split_right; auto.
apply* renaming_fresh.
+ SCase "[t = (let x = v in u)] where v is a value".
repeat invert_red.
match goal with
| [Hn: ?x # ?s |- _] =>
pose proof (well_typed_notin_dom Hwf Hn) as Hng
pose proof (val_typing Ht) as [V [Hv Hs]].
exists (x ~ V). repeat_split_right.
** rewrite <- concat_empty_l. constructor~. apply (precise_inert_typ Hv).
** apply~ well_typed_push. apply (precise_to_general_v Hv).
** eapply renaming_fresh with (L:=L \u dom G \u \{x}). apply* ok_push.
intros. apply* weaken_rules. apply ty_sub with (T:=V); auto. apply* weaken_subtyp.
- Case "ty_sub"%string.
match goal with
| [Hs: _ ⊢ _ <: _,
Hg: _ & ?G' ⊢ _: _ |- _] =>
apply weaken_subtyp with (G2:=G') in Hs;
Theorem preservation : forall s s' t t' T,
⊢ (s, t) : T ->
(s, t) |-> (s', t') ->
⊢ (s', t') : T.
introv Ht Hr. destruct Ht as [* Hi Hwf Ht].
lets Hp: (preservation_helper Hwf Hi Hr Ht). destruct Hp as [G' [Hi' [Hwf' Ht']]].
apply sta_trm_typ_c with (G:=G & G'); auto. apply* inert_concat.
⊢ (s, t) : T ->
(s, t) |-> (s', t') ->
⊢ (s', t') : T.
introv Ht Hr. destruct Ht as [* Hi Hwf Ht].
lets Hp: (preservation_helper Hwf Hi Hr Ht). destruct Hp as [G' [Hi' [Hwf' Ht']]].
apply sta_trm_typ_c with (G:=G & G'); auto. apply* inert_concat.
Ltac solve_let_prog :=
match goal with
| [IH: ⊢ (?s, ?t) : ?T ->
inert _ ->
well_typed _ _ -> _,
Hi: inert _,
Hwt: well_typed _ _ |- _] =>
assert (⊢ (s, t): T) as Hs by eauto;
specialize (IH Hs Hi Hwt) as [IH | [s' [t' Hr]]];
eauto; inversion IH
match goal with
| [IH: ⊢ (?s, ?t) : ?T ->
inert _ ->
well_typed _ _ -> _,
Hi: inert _,
Hwt: well_typed _ _ |- _] =>
assert (⊢ (s, t): T) as Hs by eauto;
specialize (IH Hs Hi Hwt) as [IH | [s' [t' Hr]]];
eauto; inversion IH
Progress Theorem
(s, t) |-> (s', t')
t is in normal form
or exists s', t' such that (s, t) |-> (s', t')
Theorem progress: forall s t T,
⊢ (s, t) : T ->
norm_form t \/ exists s' t', (s, t) |-> (s', t').
introv Ht. inversion Ht as [G s' t' T' Hi Hwt HT]. subst.
induction HT; eauto.
- Case "ty_all_elim"%string.
pose proof (canonical_forms_fun Hi Hwt HT1). destruct_all. right*.
- Case "ty_new_elim"%string.
pose proof (canonical_forms_obj Hi Hwt HT). destruct_all. right*.
- Case "ty_let"%string.
right. destruct t; try solve [solve_let_prog].
+ pose proof (var_typing_implies_avar_f HT) as [x A]. subst*.
+ pick_fresh x. exists (s & x ~ v) (open_trm x u). auto.
⊢ (s, t) : T ->
norm_form t \/ exists s' t', (s, t) |-> (s', t').
introv Ht. inversion Ht as [G s' t' T' Hi Hwt HT]. subst.
induction HT; eauto.
- Case "ty_all_elim"%string.
pose proof (canonical_forms_fun Hi Hwt HT1). destruct_all. right*.
- Case "ty_new_elim"%string.
pose proof (canonical_forms_obj Hi Hwt HT). destruct_all. right*.
- Case "ty_let"%string.
right. destruct t; try solve [solve_let_prog].
+ pose proof (var_typing_implies_avar_f HT) as [x A]. subst*.
+ pick_fresh x. exists (s & x ~ v) (open_trm x u). auto.