
This module contains lemmas related to invertible typing (ty_var_inv, ## and ty_val_inv, ##v).

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Definitions Narrowing PreciseTyping RecordAndInertTypes TightTyping Subenvironments.

Invertible typing

The invertible-typing relation describes the possible types that a variable or value can be typed with in an inert context. For example, if G is inert, G ! x: {a: T}, and G T <: T', then G ## x: {a: T'}.
The purpose of invertible typing is to be easily invertible into a precise typing relation. To achieve that, invertible typing avoids typing cycles that could result from, for example, repeated applications of recursion introduction and elimination. For this case, invertible typing defines only recursion introduction (whereas precise typing defines only recursion elimination).

Invertible typing of variables G ## x: T

Reserved Notation "G '⊢##' x ':' T" (at level 40, x at level 59).

Inductive ty_var_inv : ctx -> var -> typ -> Prop :=

G ! x: T
G ## x: T
| ty_precise_inv : forall G x T U,
  G ! x: T U ->
  G ## x : U

G ## x: {a: T}
G # T <: U
G ## x: {a: U}
| ty_dec_trm_inv : forall G x a T U,
  G ## x : typ_rcd (dec_trm a T) ->
  G # T <: U ->
  G ## x : typ_rcd (dec_trm a U)

G ## x: {A: T..U}
G # T' <: T
G # U <: U'
G ## x: {A: T'..U'}
| ty_dec_typ_inv : forall G x A T T' U' U,
  G ## x : typ_rcd (dec_typ A T U) ->
  G # T' <: T ->
  G # U <: U' ->
  G ## x : typ_rcd (dec_typ A T' U')

G ## x: T^x
G ## x: mu(T)
| ty_bnd_inv : forall G x T,
  G ## x : open_typ x T ->
  G ## x : typ_bnd T

G ## x: forall(S)T
G # S' <: S
G, y: S' T^y <: T'^y
y fresh
G ## x: forall(S')T'
| ty_all_inv : forall L G x S T S' T',
  G ## x : typ_all S T ->
  G # S' <: S ->
  (forall y, y \notin L ->
   G & y ~ S' open_typ y T <: open_typ y T') ->
  G ## x : typ_all S' T'

G ## x : T
G ## x : U
G ## x : T /\ U
| ty_and_inv : forall G x S1 S2,
  G ## x : S1 ->
  G ## x : S2 ->
  G ## x : typ_and S1 S2

G ## x: S
G ! y: {A: S..S}
G ## x: y.A
| ty_sel_inv : forall G x y A S U,
  G ## x : S ->
  G ! y : U typ_rcd (dec_typ A S S) ->
  G ## x : typ_sel (avar_f y) A

G ## x: T
G ## x: top
| ty_top_inv : forall G x T,
  G ## x : T ->
  G ## x : typ_top
where "G '⊢##' x ':' T" := (ty_var_inv G x T).

Invertible typing for values G ##v v: T

Reserved Notation "G '⊢##v' v ':' T" (at level 40, v at level 59).

Inductive ty_val_inv : ctx -> val -> typ -> Prop :=

G ! v: T
G ##v v: T
| ty_precise_inv_v : forall G v T,
  G !v v : T ->
  G ##v v : T

G ##v v: forall(S)T
G # S' <: S
G, y: S' T^y <: T'^y
y fresh
G ##v v: forall(S')T'
| ty_all_inv_v : forall L G v S T S' T',
  G ##v v : typ_all S T ->
  G # S' <: S ->
  (forall y, y \notin L ->
   G & y ~ S' open_typ y T <: open_typ y T') ->
  G ##v v : typ_all S' T'

G ##v v: S
G ! y: {A: S..S}
G ##v v: y.A
| ty_sel_inv_v : forall G v y A S U,
  G ##v v : S ->
  G ! y : U typ_rcd (dec_typ A S S) ->
  G ##v v : typ_sel (avar_f y) A

G ##v v : T
G ##v v : U
G ##v v : T /\ U
| ty_and_inv_v : forall G v T U,
  G ##v v : T ->
  G ##v v : U ->
  G ##v v : typ_and T U

G ##v v: T
G ##v v: top
| ty_top_inv_v : forall G v T,
  G ##v v : T ->
  G ##v v : typ_top
where "G '⊢##v' v ':' T" := (ty_val_inv G v T).

Hint Constructors ty_var_inv ty_val_inv.

Invertible to Precise Typing |-## to |-!

Invertible-to-precise typing for field declarations:
G ## x: {a: T}
exists T', G ! x: {a: T'}
G # T' <: T.
Lemma invertible_to_precise_trm_dec: forall G x a T,
  G ## x : typ_rcd (dec_trm a T) ->
  exists T' U,
    G ! x : U typ_rcd (dec_trm a T') /\
    G # T' <: T.
  introv Hinv.
  dependent induction Hinv.
  - exists T T0. auto.
  - specialize (IHHinv _ _ eq_refl). destruct IHHinv as [V [V' [Hx Hs]]].
    exists V V'. split; auto.
    eapply subtyp_trans_t; eassumption.

Invertible-to-precise typing for function types:
ok G
G ## x: forall(S)T
exists S', T'. G ! x: forall(S')T'
G # S <: S'
G # T'^y <: T^y, where y is fresh.
Lemma invertible_to_precise_typ_all: forall G x S T,
  ok G ->
  G ## x : typ_all S T ->
  exists S' T' U L,
    G ! x : U typ_all S' T' /\
    G # S <: S' /\
    (forall y,
        y \notin L ->
            G & y ~ S open_typ y T' <: open_typ y T).
  introv HG Hinv.
  dependent induction Hinv.
  - exists S T T0 (dom G); auto.
  - specialize (IHHinv _ _ HG eq_refl).
    destruct IHHinv as [S' [T' [V' [L' [Hpt [HSsub HTsub]]]]]].
    exists S' T' V' (dom G \u L \u L').
    split; auto.
    assert (Hsub2 : G # typ_all S0 T0 <: typ_all S T).
    { apply subtyp_all_t with (L:=L); assumption. }
    + eapply subtyp_trans_t; eauto.
    + intros y Fr.
      assert (Hok: ok (G & y ~ S)) by auto using ok_push.
      apply tight_to_general in H; auto.
      assert (Hnarrow: G & y ~ S open_typ y T' <: open_typ y T0).
      { eapply narrow_subtyping; auto using subenv_last. }

G ##v v: forall(S)T
inert G
exists S', T', G ! v: forall(S')T'
G S <: S'
forall fresh y, G, y: S T'^y <: T^y
Lemma invertible_val_to_precise_lambda: forall G v S T,
    inert G ->
    G ##v v : typ_all S T ->
    exists L S' T',
      G !v v : typ_all S' T' /\
      G S <: S' /\
      (forall y, y \notin L ->
                 G & y ~ S open_typ y T' <: open_typ y T).
  introv Hi Ht. dependent induction Ht.
  - exists (dom G) S T. split*.
  - destruct (IHHt S0 T0 Hi eq_refl) as [L' [S1 [T1 [Hp [Hss Hst]]]]].
    exists (L \u L' \u dom G) S1 T1. split. assumption. split. apply subtyp_trans with (T:=S0).
    apply* tight_to_general. assumption. intros.
    assert (ok (G & y ~ S)) as Hok. {
      apply* ok_push.
    apply subtyp_trans with (T:=open_typ y T0).
    eapply narrow_subtyping. apply* Hst. apply subenv_last. apply* tight_to_general.
    apply* H0.

Invertible Subtyping Closure

Invertible typing is closed under tight subtyping.
Lemma invertible_typing_closure_tight: forall G x T U,
  inert G ->
  G ## x : T ->
  G # T <: U ->
  G ## x : U.
  intros G x T U Hi HT Hsub.
  dependent induction Hsub; eauto.
  - inversion HT.
    destruct (pf_bot_false Hi H).
  - inversion HT; auto. apply pf_and1 in H. apply* ty_precise_inv.
  - inversion HT; auto. apply pf_and2 in H. apply* ty_precise_inv.
  - inversions HT.
    + false* pf_psel_false.
    + lets Hu: (x_bound_unique H H5). subst.
      pose proof (pf_inert_unique_tight_bounds Hi H H5) as Hu. subst. assumption.

Tight-to-Invertible Lemma for Variables |-# to |-##

This lemma corresponds to Theorem 3.6 in the paper.
inert G
G # x: U
G ## x: U
Lemma tight_to_invertible :
  forall G U x,
    inert G ->
    G # trm_var (avar_f x) : U ->
    G ## x : U.
  intros G U x Hgd Hty.
  dependent induction Hty.
  - apply* ty_precise_inv.
  - specialize (IHHty _ Hgd eq_refl).
    eapply ty_bnd_inv.
    apply IHHty.
  - specialize (IHHty _ Hgd eq_refl).
    inversion IHHty; subst. apply* ty_precise_inv. assumption.
  - apply ty_and_inv; auto.
  - eapply invertible_typing_closure_tight; auto.

Invertible Value Typing

Invertible Subtyping Closure

Invertible value typing is closed under tight subtyping.
Lemma invertible_typing_closure_tight_v: forall G v T U,
  inert G ->
  G ##v v : T ->
  G # T <: U ->
  G ##v v : U.
  introv Hi HT Hsub.
  dependent induction Hsub; eauto; inversions HT; try solve [assumption | inversion* H].
  - inversions H0.
  - lets Hu: (x_bound_unique H H5). subst.
    lets Hb: (pf_inert_unique_tight_bounds Hi H H5). subst*.

Tight-to-Invertible Lemma for Values |-# to |-##

inert G
G # v: T
G ##v v: T
Lemma tight_to_invertible_v : forall G v T,
    inert G ->
    G # trm_val v : T ->
    G ##v v : T.
  introv Hgd Hty.
  dependent induction Hty; eauto.
  specialize (IHHty v Hgd eq_refl).
  apply* invertible_typing_closure_tight_v.