Record Types
Inductive record_dec : dec -> Prop :=
| rd_typ : forall A T, record_dec (dec_typ A T T)
| rd_trm : forall a T, record_dec (dec_trm a T).
| rd_typ : forall A T, record_dec (dec_typ A T T)
| rd_trm : forall a T, record_dec (dec_trm a T).
Given a record declaration, a record_typ keeps track of the declaration's
field member labels (i.e. names of fields) and type member labels
(i.e. names of abstract type members). record_typ also requires that the
labels are distinct.
Inductive record_typ : typ -> fset label -> Prop :=
| rt_one : forall D l,
record_dec D ->
l = label_of_dec D ->
record_typ (typ_rcd D) \{l}
| rt_cons: forall T ls D l,
record_typ T ls ->
record_dec D ->
l = label_of_dec D ->
l \notin ls ->
record_typ (typ_and T (typ_rcd D)) (union ls \{l}).
| rt_one : forall D l,
record_dec D ->
l = label_of_dec D ->
record_typ (typ_rcd D) \{l}
| rt_cons: forall T ls D l,
record_typ T ls ->
record_dec D ->
l = label_of_dec D ->
l \notin ls ->
record_typ (typ_and T (typ_rcd D)) (union ls \{l}).
A record_type is a record_typ with an unspecified set of labels. The meaning
of record_type is an intersection of type/field declarations with distinct labels.
Given a type T = D1 /\ D2 /\ ... /\ Dn and member declaration D, record_has T D tells whether
D is contained in the intersection of Di's.
Inductive record_has: typ -> dec -> Prop :=
| rh_one : forall D,
record_has (typ_rcd D) D
| rh_andl : forall T U D,
record_has T D ->
record_has (typ_and T U) D
| rh_andr : forall T U D,
record_has U D ->
record_has (typ_and T U) D.
Hint Constructors record_typ record_has.
| rh_one : forall D,
record_has (typ_rcd D) D
| rh_andl : forall T U D,
record_has T D ->
record_has (typ_and T U) D
| rh_andr : forall T U D,
record_has U D ->
record_has (typ_and T U) D.
Hint Constructors record_typ record_has.
Lemmas About Records and Record Types
U is a record type with labels ls
ds are definitions with label ls'
l \notin ls'
l \notin ls
Lemma hasnt_notin : forall G ds ls l U,
G /- ds :: U ->
record_typ U ls ->
defs_hasnt ds l ->
l \notin ls.
Ltac inversion_def_typ :=
match goal with
| [ H: _ /- _ : _ |- _ ] => inversions H
introv Hds Hrec Hhasnt.
inversions Hhasnt. gen ds. induction Hrec; intros; inversions Hds.
- inversion_def_typ; simpl in *; case_if; apply* notin_singleton.
- apply notin_union; split; simpl in *.
+ apply* IHHrec. case_if*.
+ inversion_def_typ; case_if; apply* notin_singleton.
G /- ds :: U ->
record_typ U ls ->
defs_hasnt ds l ->
l \notin ls.
Ltac inversion_def_typ :=
match goal with
| [ H: _ /- _ : _ |- _ ] => inversions H
introv Hds Hrec Hhasnt.
inversions Hhasnt. gen ds. induction Hrec; intros; inversions Hds.
- inversion_def_typ; simpl in *; case_if; apply* notin_singleton.
- apply notin_union; split; simpl in *.
+ apply* IHHrec. case_if*.
+ inversion_def_typ; case_if; apply* notin_singleton.
labels(D) = labels(D^x)
Lemma open_dec_preserves_label: forall D x i,
label_of_dec (open_rec_dec i x D) = label_of_dec D.
intros. induction D; reflexivity.
label_of_dec (open_rec_dec i x D) = label_of_dec D.
intros. induction D; reflexivity.
record_dec D
record_dec D^x
record_dec D^x
Lemma open_record_dec: forall D x,
record_dec D -> record_dec (open_dec x D).
intros. inversion H; unfold open_dec; constructor.
record_dec D -> record_dec (open_dec x D).
intros. inversion H; unfold open_dec; constructor.
record_typ T
record_typ T^x
record_typ T^x
Lemma open_record_typ: forall T x ls,
record_typ T ls -> record_typ (open_typ x T) ls.
introv H.
induction H; unfold open_typ; simpl;
[apply rt_one | apply rt_cons];
try apply open_record_dec ; try rewrite open_dec_preserves_label;
record_typ T ls -> record_typ (open_typ x T) ls.
introv H.
induction H; unfold open_typ; simpl;
[apply rt_one | apply rt_cons];
try apply open_record_dec ; try rewrite open_dec_preserves_label;
record_typ T
record_typ T^x
record_typ T^x
Lemma open_record_type: forall T x,
record_type T -> record_type (open_typ x T).
introv [ls H]. exists ls. apply open_record_typ.
record_type T -> record_type (open_typ x T).
introv [ls H]. exists ls. apply open_record_typ.
The type of definitions is a record type.
Lemma ty_defs_record_type : forall G ds T,
G /- ds :: T ->
record_type T.
intros. induction H; destruct D;
repeat match goal with
| [ H: record_type _ |- _ ] =>
destruct H
| [ Hd: _ /- _ : dec_typ _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
inversions Hd
| [ Hd: _ /- _ : dec_trm _ _ |- _ ] =>
inversions Hd
match goal with
| [ ls: fset label,
t: trm_label |- _ ] =>
exists (ls \u \{ label_trm t })
| [ ls: fset label,
t: typ_label |- _ ] =>
exists (ls \u \{ label_typ t })
| [ t: trm_label |- _ ] =>
exists \{ label_trm t }
| [ t: typ_label |- _ ] =>
exists \{ label_typ t }
constructor*; try constructor; apply (hasnt_notin H); eauto.
G /- ds :: T ->
record_type T.
intros. induction H; destruct D;
repeat match goal with
| [ H: record_type _ |- _ ] =>
destruct H
| [ Hd: _ /- _ : dec_typ _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
inversions Hd
| [ Hd: _ /- _ : dec_trm _ _ |- _ ] =>
inversions Hd
match goal with
| [ ls: fset label,
t: trm_label |- _ ] =>
exists (ls \u \{ label_trm t })
| [ ls: fset label,
t: typ_label |- _ ] =>
exists (ls \u \{ label_typ t })
| [ t: trm_label |- _ ] =>
exists \{ label_trm t }
| [ t: typ_label |- _ ] =>
exists \{ label_typ t }
constructor*; try constructor; apply (hasnt_notin H); eauto.
Opening does not affect the labels of a record_typ.
Lemma opening_preserves_labels : forall z T ls ls',
record_typ T ls ->
record_typ (open_typ z T) ls' ->
ls = ls'.
introv Ht Hopen. gen ls'.
dependent induction Ht; intros.
- inversions Hopen. rewrite* open_dec_preserves_label.
- inversions Hopen. rewrite* open_dec_preserves_label.
specialize (IHHt ls0 H4). rewrite* IHHt.
record_typ T ls ->
record_typ (open_typ z T) ls' ->
ls = ls'.
introv Ht Hopen. gen ls'.
dependent induction Ht; intros.
- inversions Hopen. rewrite* open_dec_preserves_label.
- inversions Hopen. rewrite* open_dec_preserves_label.
specialize (IHHt ls0 H4). rewrite* IHHt.
Opening does not affect the labels of a record_type.
Lemma record_type_open : forall z T,
z \notin fv_typ T ->
record_type (open_typ z T) ->
record_type T.
introv Hz H. destruct H. dependent induction H.
- exists \{ l }. destruct T; inversions x. constructor.
+ destruct d; inversions H.
* apply (proj21 open_fresh_typ_dec_injective) in H3.
{ subst. constructor. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
* constructor.
+ destruct d; inversions H.
* apply (proj21 open_fresh_typ_dec_injective) in H3.
{ subst. constructor. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
* constructor.
- destruct T; inversions x. simpl in Hz.
assert (Hz': z \notin fv_typ T1) by auto.
destruct (IHrecord_typ T1 z Hz' eq_refl) as [ls' ?]. clear Hz'.
destruct T2; inversions H5.
destruct d; inversions H0.
+ exists (ls' \u \{ label_typ t }). apply (proj21 open_fresh_typ_dec_injective) in H6.
* subst. constructor*.
{ constructor. }
simpl in H2. pose proof (opening_preserves_labels z H1 H).
rewrite* H0.
* simpl in Hz; auto.
* simpl in Hz; auto.
+ exists (ls' \u \{ label_trm t }). constructor*.
* constructor.
* simpl in H2. pose proof (opening_preserves_labels z H1 H).
rewrite* H0.
z \notin fv_typ T ->
record_type (open_typ z T) ->
record_type T.
introv Hz H. destruct H. dependent induction H.
- exists \{ l }. destruct T; inversions x. constructor.
+ destruct d; inversions H.
* apply (proj21 open_fresh_typ_dec_injective) in H3.
{ subst. constructor. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
* constructor.
+ destruct d; inversions H.
* apply (proj21 open_fresh_typ_dec_injective) in H3.
{ subst. constructor. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
{ simpl in Hz; auto. }
* constructor.
- destruct T; inversions x. simpl in Hz.
assert (Hz': z \notin fv_typ T1) by auto.
destruct (IHrecord_typ T1 z Hz' eq_refl) as [ls' ?]. clear Hz'.
destruct T2; inversions H5.
destruct d; inversions H0.
+ exists (ls' \u \{ label_typ t }). apply (proj21 open_fresh_typ_dec_injective) in H6.
* subst. constructor*.
{ constructor. }
simpl in H2. pose proof (opening_preserves_labels z H1 H).
rewrite* H0.
* simpl in Hz; auto.
* simpl in Hz; auto.
+ exists (ls' \u \{ label_trm t }). constructor*.
* constructor.
* simpl in H2. pose proof (opening_preserves_labels z H1 H).
rewrite* H0.
If T is a record type with labels ls, and T = ... /\ D /\ ...,
then label(D) isin ls.
Lemma record_typ_has_label_in: forall T D ls,
record_typ T ls ->
record_has T D ->
label_of_dec D \in ls.
introv Htyp Has. generalize dependent D. induction Htyp; intros.
- inversion Has. subst. apply in_singleton_self.
- inversion Has; subst; rewrite in_union.
+ left. apply* IHHtyp.
+ right. inversions H5. apply in_singleton_self.
record_typ T ls ->
record_has T D ->
label_of_dec D \in ls.
introv Htyp Has. generalize dependent D. induction Htyp; intros.
- inversion Has. subst. apply in_singleton_self.
- inversion Has; subst; rewrite in_union.
+ left. apply* IHHtyp.
+ right. inversions H5. apply in_singleton_self.
T = ... /\ {A: T1..T1} /\ ...
T = ... /\ {A: T2..T2} /\ ...
T1 = T2
T = ... /\ {A: T2..T2} /\ ...
T1 = T2
Lemma unique_rcd_typ: forall T A T1 T2,
record_type T ->
record_has T (dec_typ A T1 T1) ->
record_has T (dec_typ A T2 T2) ->
T1 = T2.
introv Htype Has1 Has2.
generalize dependent T2. generalize dependent T1. generalize dependent A.
destruct Htype as [ls Htyp]. induction Htyp; intros; inversion Has1; inversion Has2; subst.
- inversion* H3.
- inversion* H5.
- apply record_typ_has_label_in with (D:=dec_typ A T1 T1) in Htyp.
+ inversions H9. false* H1.
+ assumption.
- apply record_typ_has_label_in with (D:=dec_typ A T2 T2) in Htyp.
+ inversions H5. false* H1.
+ assumption.
- inversions H5. inversions* H9.
record_type T ->
record_has T (dec_typ A T1 T1) ->
record_has T (dec_typ A T2 T2) ->
T1 = T2.
introv Htype Has1 Has2.
generalize dependent T2. generalize dependent T1. generalize dependent A.
destruct Htype as [ls Htyp]. induction Htyp; intros; inversion Has1; inversion Has2; subst.
- inversion* H3.
- inversion* H5.
- apply record_typ_has_label_in with (D:=dec_typ A T1 T1) in Htyp.
+ inversions H9. false* H1.
+ assumption.
- apply record_typ_has_label_in with (D:=dec_typ A T2 T2) in Htyp.
+ inversions H5. false* H1.
+ assumption.
- inversions H5. inversions* H9.
ds = ... /\ {a = t} /\ ...
ds = ... /\ {a = t'} /\ ...
t = t'
ds = ... /\ {a = t'} /\ ...
t = t'
Lemma defs_has_inv: forall ds a t t',
defs_has ds (def_trm a t) ->
defs_has ds (def_trm a t') ->
t = t'.
intros. unfold defs_has in *.
inversions H. inversions H0.
rewrite H1 in H2. inversions H2.
defs_has ds (def_trm a t) ->
defs_has ds (def_trm a t') ->
t = t'.
intros. unfold defs_has in *.
inversions H. inversions H0.
rewrite H1 in H2. inversions H2.
Inert types
A type is inert if it is either a dependent function type, or a recursive type whose type declarations have equal bounds (enforced through record_type).For example, the following types are inert:
- lambda(x: S)T
- mu(x: {a: T} /\ {B: U..U})
- mu(x: {C: {A: T..U}..{A: T..U}})
- {a: T}
- {B: U..U}
- top
- x.A
- mu(x: {B: S..T}), where S <> T.
Inductive inert_typ : typ -> Prop :=
| inert_typ_all : forall S T, inert_typ (typ_all S T)
| inert_typ_bnd : forall T,
record_type T ->
inert_typ (typ_bnd T).
| inert_typ_all : forall S T, inert_typ (typ_all S T)
| inert_typ_bnd : forall T,
record_type T ->
inert_typ (typ_bnd T).
An inert context is a typing context whose range consists only of inert types.
Inductive inert : ctx -> Prop :=
| inert_empty : inert empty
| inert_all : forall G x T,
inert G ->
inert_typ T ->
x # G ->
inert (G & x ~ T).
| inert_empty : inert empty
| inert_all : forall G x T,
inert G ->
inert_typ T ->
x # G ->
inert (G & x ~ T).
In the proof, it is useful to be able to distinguish record types from
other types. A record type is a concatenation of type declarations with equal
bounds {A: T..T} and field declarations {a: T}.
Hint Constructors inert_typ inert.
Lemma inert_concat: forall G' G,
inert G ->
inert G' ->
ok (G & G') ->
inert (G & G').
induction G' using env_ind; introv Hg Hg' Hok.
- rewrite* concat_empty_r.
- rewrite concat_assoc.
inversions Hg'; inversions Hok;
rewrite concat_assoc in *; try solve [false* empty_push_inv].
destruct (eq_push_inv H) as [Heq1 [Heq2 Heq3]]; subst.
destruct (eq_push_inv H3) as [Heq1 [Heq2 Heq3]]; subst.
apply inert_all; auto.