This module defines various helper lemmas about opening, closing, and local closure.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Definitions.
Definition subst_avar (z: var) (u: var) (a: avar) : avar :=
match a with
| avar_b i => avar_b i
| avar_f x => (avar_f (If x = z then u else x))
match a with
| avar_b i => avar_b i
| avar_f x => (avar_f (If x = z then u else x))
Substitution on types and declarations: T[u/z] and D[u/z].
Fixpoint subst_typ (z: var) (u: var) (T: typ) { struct T } : typ :=
match T with
| typ_top => typ_top
| typ_bot => typ_bot
| typ_rcd D => typ_rcd (subst_dec z u D)
| typ_and T1 T2 => typ_and (subst_typ z u T1) (subst_typ z u T2)
| typ_sel x L => typ_sel (subst_avar z u x) L
| typ_bnd T => typ_bnd (subst_typ z u T)
| typ_all T U => typ_all (subst_typ z u T) (subst_typ z u U)
with subst_dec (z: var) (u: var) (D: dec) { struct D } : dec :=
match D with
| dec_typ L T U => dec_typ L (subst_typ z u T) (subst_typ z u U)
| dec_trm L U => dec_trm L (subst_typ z u U)
match T with
| typ_top => typ_top
| typ_bot => typ_bot
| typ_rcd D => typ_rcd (subst_dec z u D)
| typ_and T1 T2 => typ_and (subst_typ z u T1) (subst_typ z u T2)
| typ_sel x L => typ_sel (subst_avar z u x) L
| typ_bnd T => typ_bnd (subst_typ z u T)
| typ_all T U => typ_all (subst_typ z u T) (subst_typ z u U)
with subst_dec (z: var) (u: var) (D: dec) { struct D } : dec :=
match D with
| dec_typ L T U => dec_typ L (subst_typ z u T) (subst_typ z u U)
| dec_trm L U => dec_trm L (subst_typ z u U)
Substitution on terms, values, and definitions:
t[u/z], v[u/z], d[u/z].
Fixpoint subst_trm (z: var) (u: var) (t: trm) : trm :=
match t with
| trm_var x => trm_var (subst_avar z u x)
| trm_val v => trm_val (subst_val z u v)
| trm_sel x1 L => trm_sel (subst_avar z u x1) L
| trm_app x1 x2 => trm_app (subst_avar z u x1) (subst_avar z u x2)
| trm_let t1 t2 => trm_let (subst_trm z u t1) (subst_trm z u t2)
with subst_val (z: var) (u: var) (v: val) : val :=
match v with
| val_new T ds => val_new (subst_typ z u T) (subst_defs z u ds)
| val_lambda T t => val_lambda (subst_typ z u T) (subst_trm z u t)
with subst_def (z: var) (u: var) (d: def) : def :=
match d with
| def_typ L T => def_typ L (subst_typ z u T)
| def_trm L t => def_trm L (subst_trm z u t)
with subst_defs (z: var) (u: var) (ds: defs) : defs :=
match ds with
| defs_nil => defs_nil
| defs_cons rest d => defs_cons (subst_defs z u rest) (subst_def z u d)
match t with
| trm_var x => trm_var (subst_avar z u x)
| trm_val v => trm_val (subst_val z u v)
| trm_sel x1 L => trm_sel (subst_avar z u x1) L
| trm_app x1 x2 => trm_app (subst_avar z u x1) (subst_avar z u x2)
| trm_let t1 t2 => trm_let (subst_trm z u t1) (subst_trm z u t2)
with subst_val (z: var) (u: var) (v: val) : val :=
match v with
| val_new T ds => val_new (subst_typ z u T) (subst_defs z u ds)
| val_lambda T t => val_lambda (subst_typ z u T) (subst_trm z u t)
with subst_def (z: var) (u: var) (d: def) : def :=
match d with
| def_typ L T => def_typ L (subst_typ z u T)
| def_trm L t => def_trm L (subst_trm z u t)
with subst_defs (z: var) (u: var) (ds: defs) : defs :=
match ds with
| defs_nil => defs_nil
| defs_cons rest d => defs_cons (subst_defs z u rest) (subst_def z u d)
Substitution on the types of a typing environment: G[u/z].
Substitution on the values of an evaluation context: e[y/x].
Ltac avar_solve :=
repeat match goal with
| [ a: avar |- _ ] =>
destruct a; simpl; auto; repeat case_if; subst; simpls; repeat case_if*;
subst; simpls; repeat case_if*
The following open_fresh_XYZ_injective lemmas state that given two
symbols (variables, types, terms, etc.) X and Y and a variable z,
if z \notin fv(X) and z \notin fv(Y), then X^z = Y^z implies X = Y.
- variables
Lemma open_fresh_avar_injective : forall x y k z,
z \notin fv_avar x ->
z \notin fv_avar y ->
open_rec_avar k z x = open_rec_avar k z y ->
x = y.
intros. avar_solve; inversion* H1; try (inversions H3; false* notin_same).
z \notin fv_avar x ->
z \notin fv_avar y ->
open_rec_avar k z x = open_rec_avar k z y ->
x = y.
intros. avar_solve; inversion* H1; try (inversions H3; false* notin_same).
- types and declarations
Lemma open_fresh_typ_dec_injective:
(forall T T' k x,
x \notin fv_typ T ->
x \notin fv_typ T' ->
open_rec_typ k x T = open_rec_typ k x T' ->
T = T') /\
(forall D D' k x,
x \notin fv_dec D ->
x \notin fv_dec D' ->
open_rec_dec k x D = open_rec_dec k x D' ->
D = D').
Ltac invert_open :=
match goal with
| [ H: open_rec_typ _ _ _ = open_rec_typ _ _ ?T' |- _ ] =>
destruct T'; inversions* H
| [ H: open_rec_dec _ _ _ = open_rec_dec _ _ ?D' |- _ ] =>
destruct D'; inversions* H
apply typ_mutind; intros; invert_open; simpl in *;
f_equal; eauto using open_fresh_avar_injective.
all: (apply* H; eauto) || (apply* H0; eauto).
(forall T T' k x,
x \notin fv_typ T ->
x \notin fv_typ T' ->
open_rec_typ k x T = open_rec_typ k x T' ->
T = T') /\
(forall D D' k x,
x \notin fv_dec D ->
x \notin fv_dec D' ->
open_rec_dec k x D = open_rec_dec k x D' ->
D = D').
Ltac invert_open :=
match goal with
| [ H: open_rec_typ _ _ _ = open_rec_typ _ _ ?T' |- _ ] =>
destruct T'; inversions* H
| [ H: open_rec_dec _ _ _ = open_rec_dec _ _ ?D' |- _ ] =>
destruct D'; inversions* H
apply typ_mutind; intros; invert_open; simpl in *;
f_equal; eauto using open_fresh_avar_injective.
all: (apply* H; eauto) || (apply* H0; eauto).
Variable Substitution Lemmas
- in variables
Lemma subst_fresh_avar: forall x y,
(forall a: avar, x \notin fv_avar a -> subst_avar x y a = a).
intros. destruct* a. simpl. case_var*. simpls. notin_false.
(forall a: avar, x \notin fv_avar a -> subst_avar x y a = a).
intros. destruct* a. simpl. case_var*. simpls. notin_false.
- in types and declarations
Lemma subst_fresh_typ_dec: forall x y,
(forall T : typ , x \notin fv_typ T -> subst_typ x y T = T ) /\
(forall D : dec , x \notin fv_dec D -> subst_dec x y D = D ).
intros x y. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal*.
apply* subst_fresh_avar.
Definition subst_fresh_typ(x y: var) := proj1 (subst_fresh_typ_dec x y).
(forall T : typ , x \notin fv_typ T -> subst_typ x y T = T ) /\
(forall D : dec , x \notin fv_dec D -> subst_dec x y D = D ).
intros x y. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal*.
apply* subst_fresh_avar.
Definition subst_fresh_typ(x y: var) := proj1 (subst_fresh_typ_dec x y).
- in terms, values, and definitions
Lemma subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs: forall x y,
(forall t : trm , x \notin fv_trm t -> subst_trm x y t = t ) /\
(forall v : val , x \notin fv_val v -> subst_val x y v = v ) /\
(forall d : def , x \notin fv_def d -> subst_def x y d = d ) /\
(forall ds: defs, x \notin fv_defs ds -> subst_defs x y ds = ds).
intros x y. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal*;
(apply* subst_fresh_avar || apply* subst_fresh_typ_dec).
(forall t : trm , x \notin fv_trm t -> subst_trm x y t = t ) /\
(forall v : val , x \notin fv_val v -> subst_val x y v = v ) /\
(forall d : def , x \notin fv_def d -> subst_def x y d = d ) /\
(forall ds: defs, x \notin fv_defs ds -> subst_defs x y ds = ds).
intros x y. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpls; f_equal*;
(apply* subst_fresh_avar || apply* subst_fresh_typ_dec).
fv(G, x: T) = fv(G) \u fv(T)
Lemma fv_ctx_types_push_eq : forall G x T,
fv_ctx_types (G & x ~ T) = fv_ctx_types G \u fv_typ T.
rewrite concat_def, single_def.
unfold fv_ctx_types, fv_in_values; rewrite values_def.
rewrite union_comm. reflexivity.
fv_ctx_types (G & x ~ T) = fv_ctx_types G \u fv_typ T.
rewrite concat_def, single_def.
unfold fv_ctx_types, fv_in_values; rewrite values_def.
rewrite union_comm. reflexivity.
x \notin fv(G, z: T)
x \notin fv(T)
x \notin fv(T) and x \notin fv(G)
x \notin fv(T)
x \notin fv(T) and x \notin fv(G)
Lemma invert_fv_ctx_types_push: forall x z T G,
x \notin fv_ctx_types (G & z ~ T) -> x \notin fv_typ T /\ x \notin (fv_ctx_types G).
introv H. rewrite fv_ctx_types_push_eq in H.
apply~ notin_union.
x \notin fv_ctx_types (G & z ~ T) -> x \notin fv_typ T /\ x \notin (fv_ctx_types G).
introv H. rewrite fv_ctx_types_push_eq in H.
apply~ notin_union.
x \notin fv(G)
G[y/x] = G
G[y/x] = G
Lemma subst_fresh_ctx: forall x y G,
x \notin fv_ctx_types G -> subst_ctx x y G = G.
intros x y.
apply (env_ind (fun G => x \notin fv_ctx_types G -> subst_ctx x y G = G)).
+ intro N. unfold subst_ctx. apply map_empty.
+ intros G z T IH N.
apply invert_fv_ctx_types_push in N. destruct N as [N1 N2].
unfold subst_ctx in *. rewrite map_push.
rewrite (IH N2).
rewrite ((proj1 (subst_fresh_typ_dec _ _)) _ N1).
x \notin fv_ctx_types G -> subst_ctx x y G = G.
intros x y.
apply (env_ind (fun G => x \notin fv_ctx_types G -> subst_ctx x y G = G)).
+ intro N. unfold subst_ctx. apply map_empty.
+ intros G z T IH N.
apply invert_fv_ctx_types_push in N. destruct N as [N1 N2].
unfold subst_ctx in *. rewrite map_push.
rewrite (IH N2).
rewrite ((proj1 (subst_fresh_typ_dec _ _)) _ N1).
G[y/x], z ~ T[y/x] = (G, z ~ T)[y/x]
Lemma subst_ctx_push : forall x y G z T,
subst_ctx x y G & z ~ subst_typ x y T = subst_ctx x y (G & z ~ T).
intros. unfold subst_ctx; rewrite map_concat, map_single; auto.
subst_ctx x y G & z ~ subst_typ x y T = subst_ctx x y (G & z ~ T).
intros. unfold subst_ctx; rewrite map_concat, map_single; auto.
Definition of substitution on named variables:
z[y/x] := if z == x then y else z, where z is a named variable.
z[y/x] := if z == x then y else z, where z is a named variable.
The following lemmas state that substitution commutes with opening:
for a symbol Z,
(Z^a)[y/x] = (Z[y/x])^(a[y/x]).
Substitution commutes with opening
(Z^a)[y/x] = (Z[y/x])^(a[y/x]).
- variables
Lemma subst_open_commut_avar: forall x y u,
(forall a: avar, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_avar x y (open_rec_avar n u a)
= open_rec_avar n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_avar x y a)).
intros. unfold subst_fvar, subst_avar, open_avar, open_rec_avar. destruct a.
+ repeat case_if; auto.
+ case_var*.
(forall a: avar, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_avar x y (open_rec_avar n u a)
= open_rec_avar n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_avar x y a)).
intros. unfold subst_fvar, subst_avar, open_avar, open_rec_avar. destruct a.
+ repeat case_if; auto.
+ case_var*.
- types and declarations
Lemma subst_open_commut_typ_dec: forall x y u,
(forall t : typ, forall n: nat,
subst_typ x y (open_rec_typ n u t)
= open_rec_typ n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_typ x y t)) /\
(forall D : dec, forall n: nat,
subst_dec x y (open_rec_dec n u D)
= open_rec_dec n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_dec x y D)).
intros. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*.
apply subst_open_commut_avar.
(forall t : typ, forall n: nat,
subst_typ x y (open_rec_typ n u t)
= open_rec_typ n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_typ x y t)) /\
(forall D : dec, forall n: nat,
subst_dec x y (open_rec_dec n u D)
= open_rec_dec n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_dec x y D)).
intros. apply typ_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal*.
apply subst_open_commut_avar.
- types only
Lemma subst_open_commut_typ: forall x y u T,
subst_typ x y (open_typ u T) = open_typ (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_typ x y T).
intros. apply subst_open_commut_typ_dec.
subst_typ x y (open_typ u T) = open_typ (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_typ x y T).
intros. apply subst_open_commut_typ_dec.
- terms, values, definitions, and list of definitions
Lemma subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs: forall x y u,
(forall t : trm, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_trm x y (open_rec_trm n u t)
= open_rec_trm n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_trm x y t)) /\
(forall v : val, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_val x y (open_rec_val n u v)
= open_rec_val n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_val x y v)) /\
(forall d : def , forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_def x y (open_rec_def n u d)
= open_rec_def n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_def x y d)) /\
(forall ds: defs, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_defs x y (open_rec_defs n u ds)
= open_rec_defs n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_defs x y ds)).
intros. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal~;
(apply subst_open_commut_avar || apply subst_open_commut_typ_dec).
(forall t : trm, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_trm x y (open_rec_trm n u t)
= open_rec_trm n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_trm x y t)) /\
(forall v : val, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_val x y (open_rec_val n u v)
= open_rec_val n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_val x y v)) /\
(forall d : def , forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_def x y (open_rec_def n u d)
= open_rec_def n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_def x y d)) /\
(forall ds: defs, forall n: Datatypes.nat,
subst_defs x y (open_rec_defs n u ds)
= open_rec_defs n (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_defs x y ds)).
intros. apply trm_mutind; intros; simpl; f_equal~;
(apply subst_open_commut_avar || apply subst_open_commut_typ_dec).
- terms only
Lemma subst_open_commut_trm: forall x y u t,
subst_trm x y (open_trm u t)
= open_trm (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_trm x y t).
intros. apply subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs.
subst_trm x y (open_trm u t)
= open_trm (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_trm x y t).
intros. apply subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs.
- definitions only
Lemma subst_open_commut_defs: forall x y u ds,
subst_defs x y (open_defs u ds)
= open_defs (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_defs x y ds).
intros. apply subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs.
subst_defs x y (open_defs u ds)
= open_defs (subst_fvar x y u) (subst_defs x y ds).
intros. apply subst_open_commut_trm_val_def_defs.
The following lemmas state that opening a symbol with a variable y
is the same as opening the symbol with another variable x and
substituting x with y:
Z^y = (Z^x)[y/x]
Substitution after opening
Z^y = (Z^x)[y/x]
- terms
Lemma subst_intro_trm: forall x u t, x \notin (fv_trm t) ->
open_trm u t = subst_trm x u (open_trm x t).
introv Fr. unfold open_trm. rewrite subst_open_commut_trm.
destruct (@subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs x u) as [Q _]. rewrite~ (Q t).
unfold subst_fvar. case_var~.
open_trm u t = subst_trm x u (open_trm x t).
introv Fr. unfold open_trm. rewrite subst_open_commut_trm.
destruct (@subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs x u) as [Q _]. rewrite~ (Q t).
unfold subst_fvar. case_var~.
- definitions
Lemma subst_intro_defs: forall x u ds, x \notin (fv_defs ds) ->
open_defs u ds = subst_defs x u (open_defs x ds).
introv Fr. unfold open_trm. rewrite subst_open_commut_defs.
destruct (@subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs x u) as [_ [_ [_ Q]]]. rewrite~ (Q ds).
unfold subst_fvar. case_var~.
open_defs u ds = subst_defs x u (open_defs x ds).
introv Fr. unfold open_trm. rewrite subst_open_commut_defs.
destruct (@subst_fresh_trm_val_def_defs x u) as [_ [_ [_ Q]]]. rewrite~ (Q ds).
unfold subst_fvar. case_var~.
- types
Lemma subst_intro_typ: forall x u T, x \notin (fv_typ T) ->
open_typ u T = subst_typ x u (open_typ x T).
introv Fr. unfold open_typ. rewrite subst_open_commut_typ.
destruct (@subst_fresh_typ_dec x u) as [Q _]. rewrite~ (Q T).
unfold subst_fvar. case_var~.
open_typ u T = subst_typ x u (open_typ x T).
introv Fr. unfold open_typ. rewrite subst_open_commut_typ.
destruct (@subst_fresh_typ_dec x u) as [Q _]. rewrite~ (Q T).
unfold subst_fvar. case_var~.
Substitution preserves labels of definitions: label(d) = label(d[y/x])
Lemma subst_label_of_def: forall x y d,
label_of_def d = label_of_def (subst_def x y d).
intros. destruct d; reflexivity.
label_of_def d = label_of_def (subst_def x y d).
intros. destruct d; reflexivity.
l \notin labels(ds)
l \notin labels(ds[y/x]
l \notin labels(ds[y/x]
Lemma subst_defs_hasnt: forall x y l ds,
defs_hasnt ds l ->
defs_hasnt (subst_defs x y ds) l.
intros x y l ds. unfold defs_hasnt. induction ds; introv Eq.
- reflexivity.
- unfold get_def. simpl. rewrite <- subst_label_of_def.
simpl in Eq. case_if~.
defs_hasnt ds l ->
defs_hasnt (subst_defs x y ds) l.
intros x y l ds. unfold defs_hasnt. induction ds; introv Eq.
- reflexivity.
- unfold get_def. simpl. rewrite <- subst_label_of_def.
simpl in Eq. case_if~.
If a variable has a type, then it is a named variable.