Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Definitions RecordAndInertTypes PreciseTyping TightTyping InvertibleTyping.
Sel-<: Premise
This lemma corresponds to Lemma 3.5 in the paper.G ⊢## x: {A: S..U}
exists T. G ⊢## x: {A: T..T}
G ⊢# T <: U
G ⊢# S <: T
Lemma sel_premise: forall G x A S U,
inert G ->
G ⊢## x : typ_rcd (dec_typ A S U) ->
exists T V,
G ⊢! x : V ⪼ typ_rcd (dec_typ A T T) /\
G ⊢# T <: U /\
G ⊢# S <: T.
introv HG Hinv.
dependent induction Hinv.
- lets Hp: (pf_dec_typ_inv HG H). subst.
exists U T. split*.
- specialize (IHHinv A T U0 HG eq_refl).
destruct IHHinv as [V [V' [Hx [Hs1 Hs2]]]].
exists V V'. split*.
inert G ->
G ⊢## x : typ_rcd (dec_typ A S U) ->
exists T V,
G ⊢! x : V ⪼ typ_rcd (dec_typ A T T) /\
G ⊢# T <: U /\
G ⊢# S <: T.
introv HG Hinv.
dependent induction Hinv.
- lets Hp: (pf_dec_typ_inv HG H). subst.
exists U T. split*.
- specialize (IHHinv A T U0 HG eq_refl).
destruct IHHinv as [V [V' [Hx [Hs1 Hs2]]]].
exists V V'. split*.
Sel-<: Replacement
This lemma corresponds to Lemma 3.4 in the paper.G ⊢# x: {A: S..U}
G ⊢# x.A <: U
G ⊢# S <: x.A
Lemma sel_replacement: forall G x A S U,
inert G ->
G ⊢# trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_rcd (dec_typ A S U) ->
(G ⊢# typ_sel (avar_f x) A <: U /\
G ⊢# S <: typ_sel (avar_f x) A).
introv HG Hty.
pose proof (tight_to_invertible HG Hty) as Hinv.
pose proof (sel_premise HG Hinv) as [T [V [Ht [Hs1 Hs2]]]].
- apply subtyp_sel1_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
- apply subtyp_sel2_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
inert G ->
G ⊢# trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_rcd (dec_typ A S U) ->
(G ⊢# typ_sel (avar_f x) A <: U /\
G ⊢# S <: typ_sel (avar_f x) A).
introv HG Hty.
pose proof (tight_to_invertible HG Hty) as Hinv.
pose proof (sel_premise HG Hinv) as [T [V [Ht [Hs1 Hs2]]]].
- apply subtyp_sel1_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
- apply subtyp_sel2_t in Ht. apply subtyp_trans_t with (T:=T); auto.
General to Tight ⊢ to ⊢#
The following lemma corresponds to Theorem 3.3 in the paper. It says that in an inert environment, general typing (ty_trm ⊢) can be reduced to tight typing (ty_trm_t ⊢#). The proof is by mutual induction on the typing and subtyping judgements.G ⊢ t: T
G ⊢# t: T
inert G
G ⊢ S <: U
G ⊢# S <: U
Lemma general_to_tight: forall G0,
inert G0 ->
(forall G t T,
G ⊢ t : T ->
G = G0 ->
G ⊢# t : T) /\
(forall G S U,
G ⊢ S <: U ->
G = G0 ->
G ⊢# S <: U).
intros G0 HG.
apply ts_mutind; intros; subst; try solve [eapply sel_replacement; auto]; eauto.
inert G0 ->
(forall G t T,
G ⊢ t : T ->
G = G0 ->
G ⊢# t : T) /\
(forall G S U,
G ⊢ S <: U ->
G = G0 ->
G ⊢# S <: U).
intros G0 HG.
apply ts_mutind; intros; subst; try solve [eapply sel_replacement; auto]; eauto.
The general-to-tight lemma, formulated for term typing.