This module proves the Canonical Forms Lemmas, which allow us
to retrieve the shape of a value given its type.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import Definitions RecordAndInertTypes PreciseTyping TightTyping InvertibleTyping
GeneralToTight Subenvironments Weakening Narrowing Substitution.
Simple Implications of Typing
Lemma typing_implies_bound: forall G x T,
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : T ->
exists S, binds x S G.
introv Ht. dependent induction Ht; eauto.
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : T ->
exists S, binds x S G.
introv Ht. dependent induction Ht; eauto.
d1 isin ds
label(d2) \notin ds
label(d1) <> label(d2)
label(d2) \notin ds
label(d1) <> label(d2)
Lemma defs_has_hasnt_neq: forall ds d1 d2,
defs_has ds d1 ->
defs_hasnt ds (label_of_def d2) ->
label_of_def d1 <> label_of_def d2.
introv Hhas Hhasnt.
unfold defs_has in Hhas.
unfold defs_hasnt in Hhasnt.
induction ds.
- simpl in Hhas. inversion Hhas.
- simpl in Hhasnt. simpl in Hhas. case_if; case_if.
+ inversions Hhas. assumption.
+ apply IHds; eauto.
defs_has ds d1 ->
defs_hasnt ds (label_of_def d2) ->
label_of_def d1 <> label_of_def d2.
introv Hhas Hhasnt.
unfold defs_has in Hhas.
unfold defs_hasnt in Hhasnt.
induction ds.
- simpl in Hhas. inversion Hhas.
- simpl in Hhasnt. simpl in Hhas. case_if; case_if.
+ inversions Hhas. assumption.
+ apply IHds; eauto.
G ⊢ ds :: ... /\ D /\ ...
exists d, ds = ... /\ d /\ ...
G ⊢ d: D
exists d, ds = ... /\ d /\ ...
G ⊢ d: D
Lemma record_has_ty_defs: forall G T ds D,
G /- ds :: T ->
record_has T D ->
exists d, defs_has ds d /\ G /- d : D.
introv Hdefs Hhas. induction Hdefs.
- inversion Hhas; subst. exists d. split.
+ unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_l; reflexivity.
+ assumption.
- inversion Hhas; subst.
+ destruct (IHHdefs H4) as [d' [H1 H2]].
exists d'. split.
* unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_r. apply H1.
apply not_eq_sym. eapply defs_has_hasnt_neq; eauto.
* assumption.
+ exists d. split.
* unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_l; reflexivity.
* inversions* H4.
G /- ds :: T ->
record_has T D ->
exists d, defs_has ds d /\ G /- d : D.
introv Hdefs Hhas. induction Hdefs.
- inversion Hhas; subst. exists d. split.
+ unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_l; reflexivity.
+ assumption.
- inversion Hhas; subst.
+ destruct (IHHdefs H4) as [d' [H1 H2]].
exists d'. split.
* unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_r. apply H1.
apply not_eq_sym. eapply defs_has_hasnt_neq; eauto.
* assumption.
+ exists d. split.
* unfold defs_has. simpl. rewrite If_l; reflexivity.
* inversions* H4.
Functions under Inert Contexts
This lemma corresponds to Lemma 3.7 (forall to G(x)) in the paper.G ⊢ x: forall(T)U
exists T', U',
G(x) = forall(T')U'
G ⊢ T <: T'
forall fresh y, G, y: T ⊢ U'^y <: U^y
Lemma var_typ_all_to_binds: forall G x T U,
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_all T U ->
(exists L T' U',
binds x (typ_all T' U') G /\
G ⊢ T <: T' /\
(forall y, y \notin L -> G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_typ y U') <: (open_typ y U))).
introv Hin Ht.
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hin Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible Hin Htt).
destruct (invertible_to_precise_typ_all (inert_ok Hin) Hinv) as [T' [U' [V' [L [Htp [Hs1 Hs2]]]]]].
exists L T' U'. repeat split.
- apply* inert_precise_all_inv.
- apply~ tight_to_general.
- assumption.
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_all T U ->
(exists L T' U',
binds x (typ_all T' U') G /\
G ⊢ T <: T' /\
(forall y, y \notin L -> G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_typ y U') <: (open_typ y U))).
introv Hin Ht.
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hin Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible Hin Htt).
destruct (invertible_to_precise_typ_all (inert_ok Hin) Hinv) as [T' [U' [V' [L [Htp [Hs1 Hs2]]]]]].
exists L T' U'. repeat split.
- apply* inert_precise_all_inv.
- apply~ tight_to_general.
- assumption.
This lemma corresponds to Lemma 3.8 (forall to lambda) in the paper.
inert G
G ⊢ v: forall(T)U
exists T', t,
v = lambda(T')t
G ⊢ T <: T'
forall fresh y, G, y: T ⊢ t^y: U^y
G ⊢ v: forall(T)U
exists T', t,
v = lambda(T')t
G ⊢ T <: T'
forall fresh y, G, y: T ⊢ t^y: U^y
Lemma val_typ_all_to_lambda: forall G v T U,
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_val v : typ_all T U ->
(exists L T' t,
v = val_lambda T' t /\
G ⊢ T <: T' /\
(forall y, y \notin L -> G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_trm y t) : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Ht.
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hin Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible_v Hin Htt).
destruct (invertible_val_to_precise_lambda Hin Hinv) as [L [T' [U' [Htp [Hs1 Hs2]]]]].
inversions Htp.
exists (L0 \u L \u (dom G)) T' t. repeat split~.
intros. assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto. assert (HL0: y \notin L0) by auto.
specialize (Hs2 y HL).
specialize (H2 y HL0).
eapply ty_sub; eauto. eapply narrow_typing in H2; eauto.
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_val v : typ_all T U ->
(exists L T' t,
v = val_lambda T' t /\
G ⊢ T <: T' /\
(forall y, y \notin L -> G & y ~ T ⊢ (open_trm y t) : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Ht.
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hin Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible_v Hin Htt).
destruct (invertible_val_to_precise_lambda Hin Hinv) as [L [T' [U' [Htp [Hs1 Hs2]]]]].
inversions Htp.
exists (L0 \u L \u (dom G)) T' t. repeat split~.
intros. assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto. assert (HL0: y \notin L0) by auto.
specialize (Hs2 y HL).
specialize (H2 y HL0).
eapply ty_sub; eauto. eapply narrow_typing in H2; eauto.
Objects under Inert Contexts
This lemma corresponds to Lemma 3.9 (mu to G(x)) in the paper.G ⊢ x: {a: T}
exists S, T', G(x) = mu(S)
S^x = ... /\ {a: T'} /\ ...
G ⊢ T' <: T
Lemma var_typ_rcd_to_binds: forall G x a T,
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_rcd (dec_trm a T) ->
(exists S T',
binds x (typ_bnd S) G /\
record_has (open_typ x S) (dec_trm a T') /\
G ⊢ T' <: T).
introv Hin Ht.
destruct (typing_implies_bound Ht) as [S BiG].
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hin Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible Hin Htt).
destruct (invertible_to_precise_trm_dec Hinv) as [T' [U [Htp Hs]]].
destruct (pf_inert_rcd_U Hin Htp) as [U' Hr]. subst.
lets Hr': (precise_flow_record_has Hin Htp). apply pf_binds in Htp.
exists U' T'. split. assumption. split. assumption. apply* tight_to_general.
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_rcd (dec_trm a T) ->
(exists S T',
binds x (typ_bnd S) G /\
record_has (open_typ x S) (dec_trm a T') /\
G ⊢ T' <: T).
introv Hin Ht.
destruct (typing_implies_bound Ht) as [S BiG].
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hin Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible Hin Htt).
destruct (invertible_to_precise_trm_dec Hinv) as [T' [U [Htp Hs]]].
destruct (pf_inert_rcd_U Hin Htp) as [U' Hr]. subst.
lets Hr': (precise_flow_record_has Hin Htp). apply pf_binds in Htp.
exists U' T'. split. assumption. split. assumption. apply* tight_to_general.
This lemma corresponds to Lemma 3.10 (mu to nu) in the paper.
inert G
G ⊢ v: mu(T)
G ⊢ x: T^x
T = ... /\ {a: U} /\ ...
exists t, ds, v = nu(T)ds
ds^x = ... /\ {a = t} /\ ...
G ⊢ t: U
G ⊢ v: mu(T)
G ⊢ x: T^x
T = ... /\ {a: U} /\ ...
exists t, ds, v = nu(T)ds
ds^x = ... /\ {a = t} /\ ...
G ⊢ t: U
Lemma val_mu_to_new: forall G v T U a x,
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_val v: typ_bnd T ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : open_typ x T ->
record_has (open_typ x T) (dec_trm a U) ->
exists t ds,
v = val_new T ds /\
defs_has (open_defs x ds) (def_trm a t) /\
G ⊢ t: U.
introv Hi Ht Hx Hr.
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hi Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible_v Hi Htt).
inversions Hinv. inversions H.
pick_fresh z. assert (z \notin L) as Hz by auto.
specialize (H3 z Hz).
assert (G /- open_defs x ds :: open_typ x T) as Hds. {
apply* renaming_def; eauto.
destruct (record_has_ty_defs Hds Hr) as [d [Hh Hd]]. inversions Hd.
exists t ds. split*.
inert G ->
G ⊢ trm_val v: typ_bnd T ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : open_typ x T ->
record_has (open_typ x T) (dec_trm a U) ->
exists t ds,
v = val_new T ds /\
defs_has (open_defs x ds) (def_trm a t) /\
G ⊢ t: U.
introv Hi Ht Hx Hr.
lets Htt: (general_to_tight_typing Hi Ht).
lets Hinv: (tight_to_invertible_v Hi Htt).
inversions Hinv. inversions H.
pick_fresh z. assert (z \notin L) as Hz by auto.
specialize (H3 z Hz).
assert (G /- open_defs x ds :: open_typ x T) as Hds. {
apply* renaming_def; eauto.
destruct (record_has_ty_defs Hds Hr) as [d [Hh Hd]]. inversions Hd.
exists t ds. split*.
Lemma well_typed_to_ok_G: forall s G,
well_typed G s -> ok G.
intros. destruct H as [? [? ?]]. auto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_to_ok_G.
Lemma well_typed_to_ok_s: forall s G,
well_typed G s -> ok s.
intros. destruct H as [? [? ?]]. auto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_to_ok_s.
well_typed G s -> ok G.
intros. destruct H as [? [? ?]]. auto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_to_ok_G.
Lemma well_typed_to_ok_s: forall s G,
well_typed G s -> ok s.
intros. destruct H as [? [? ?]]. auto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_to_ok_s.
s: G
x ∉ dom(G)
x ∉ dom(s)
x ∉ dom(G)
x ∉ dom(s)
Lemma well_typed_notin_dom: forall G s x,
well_typed G s ->
x # s ->
x # G.
introv Hwt. destruct Hwt as [? [? [?Hdom ?]]].
unfold notin. rewrite Hdom.
Lemma well_typed_empty:
well_typed empty empty.
repeat split; auto.
- simpl_dom; auto.
- introv B. exfalso; apply* binds_empty_inv.
Hint Resolve well_typed_empty.
Lemma well_typed_push: forall G s x T v,
well_typed G s ->
x # G ->
x # s ->
G ⊢ trm_val v : T ->
well_typed (G & x ~ T) (s & x ~ v).
intros. unfold well_typed in *.
repeat split; auto.
- simpl_dom. fequal. auto.
- intros x0 T0 v0 BxG. gen v0.
destruct (binds_push_inv BxG) as [[?Heqx ?HeqT] | [?Hneq ?HB]].
+ subst x0 T0. introv Bxv. apply binds_push_eq_inv in Bxv.
subst v0. apply weaken_ty_trm; auto.
+ intros.
assert (binds x0 T0 G) by eauto using binds_push_neq_inv.
assert (binds x0 v0 s) by eauto using binds_push_neq_inv.
apply weaken_ty_trm; eauto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_push.
well_typed G s ->
x # s ->
x # G.
introv Hwt. destruct Hwt as [? [? [?Hdom ?]]].
unfold notin. rewrite Hdom.
Lemma well_typed_empty:
well_typed empty empty.
repeat split; auto.
- simpl_dom; auto.
- introv B. exfalso; apply* binds_empty_inv.
Hint Resolve well_typed_empty.
Lemma well_typed_push: forall G s x T v,
well_typed G s ->
x # G ->
x # s ->
G ⊢ trm_val v : T ->
well_typed (G & x ~ T) (s & x ~ v).
intros. unfold well_typed in *.
repeat split; auto.
- simpl_dom. fequal. auto.
- intros x0 T0 v0 BxG. gen v0.
destruct (binds_push_inv BxG) as [[?Heqx ?HeqT] | [?Hneq ?HB]].
+ subst x0 T0. introv Bxv. apply binds_push_eq_inv in Bxv.
subst v0. apply weaken_ty_trm; auto.
+ intros.
assert (binds x0 T0 G) by eauto using binds_push_neq_inv.
assert (binds x0 v0 s) by eauto using binds_push_neq_inv.
apply weaken_ty_trm; eauto.
Hint Resolve well_typed_push.
s: G
G(x) = T
exists v, s(x) = v
G ⊢ v: T
G(x) = T
exists v, s(x) = v
G ⊢ v: T
Lemma corresponding_types: forall G s x T,
well_typed G s ->
binds x T G ->
(exists v, binds x v s /\
G ⊢ trm_val v : T).
introv Hwt BiG. destruct Hwt as [?HokG [?HokS [?HdomEq ?]]].
pose proof (get_some_inv BiG) as HinDom.
symmetry in HdomEq.
pose proof (get_some (Logic.eq_ind_r _ HinDom HdomEq)) as [?v Bis].
exists v. split.
- apply Bis.
- eauto.
well_typed G s ->
binds x T G ->
(exists v, binds x v s /\
G ⊢ trm_val v : T).
introv Hwt BiG. destruct Hwt as [?HokG [?HokS [?HdomEq ?]]].
pose proof (get_some_inv BiG) as HinDom.
symmetry in HdomEq.
pose proof (get_some (Logic.eq_ind_r _ HinDom HdomEq)) as [?v Bis].
exists v. split.
- apply Bis.
- eauto.
Canonical Forms for Functions
s: G
G ⊢ x: forall(T)U
s(x) = lambda(T')t
G ⊢ T <: T'
G, x: T ⊢ t: U
Lemma canonical_forms_fun: forall G s x T U,
inert G ->
well_typed G s ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_all T U ->
(exists L T' t, binds x (val_lambda T' t) s /\ G ⊢ T <: T' /\
(forall y, y \notin L -> G & y ~ T ⊢ open_trm y t : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Hwt Hty.
destruct (var_typ_all_to_binds Hin Hty) as [L [S [T' [BiG [Hs1 Hs2]]]]].
destruct (corresponding_types Hwt BiG) as [v [Bis Ht]].
destruct (val_typ_all_to_lambda Hin Ht) as [L' [S' [t [Heq [Hs1' Hs2']]]]].
exists (L \u L' \u (dom G)) S' t. repeat split~.
- eapply subtyp_trans; eauto.
- intros.
assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto.
assert (HL': y \notin L') by auto.
specialize (Hs2 y HL).
specialize (Hs2' y HL').
apply narrow_typing with (G':=G & y ~ T) in Hs2'; auto.
+ eapply ty_sub; eauto.
inert G ->
well_typed G s ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_all T U ->
(exists L T' t, binds x (val_lambda T' t) s /\ G ⊢ T <: T' /\
(forall y, y \notin L -> G & y ~ T ⊢ open_trm y t : open_typ y U)).
introv Hin Hwt Hty.
destruct (var_typ_all_to_binds Hin Hty) as [L [S [T' [BiG [Hs1 Hs2]]]]].
destruct (corresponding_types Hwt BiG) as [v [Bis Ht]].
destruct (val_typ_all_to_lambda Hin Ht) as [L' [S' [t [Heq [Hs1' Hs2']]]]].
exists (L \u L' \u (dom G)) S' t. repeat split~.
- eapply subtyp_trans; eauto.
- intros.
assert (HL: y \notin L) by auto.
assert (HL': y \notin L') by auto.
specialize (Hs2 y HL).
specialize (Hs2' y HL').
apply narrow_typing with (G':=G & y ~ T) in Hs2'; auto.
+ eapply ty_sub; eauto.
Canonical Forms for Objects
s: G
G ⊢ x: {a:T}
exists S, ds, t,
s(x) = nu(S)ds
ds^x = ... /\ {a = t} /\ ...
G ⊢ t: T
Lemma canonical_forms_obj: forall G s x a T,
inert G ->
well_typed G s ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_rcd (dec_trm a T) ->
(exists S ds t, binds x (val_new S ds) s /\ defs_has (open_defs x ds) (def_trm a t) /\ G ⊢ t : T).
introv Hi Hwt Hty.
destruct (var_typ_rcd_to_binds Hi Hty) as [S [T' [Bi [Hr Hs]]]].
destruct (corresponding_types Hwt Bi) as [v [Bis Ht]].
apply ty_var in Bi. apply ty_rec_elim in Bi.
destruct (val_mu_to_new Hi Ht Bi Hr) as [t [ds [Heq [Hdefs Ht']]]].
subst. exists S ds t. repeat split~. eapply ty_sub; eauto.
inert G ->
well_typed G s ->
G ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : typ_rcd (dec_trm a T) ->
(exists S ds t, binds x (val_new S ds) s /\ defs_has (open_defs x ds) (def_trm a t) /\ G ⊢ t : T).
introv Hi Hwt Hty.
destruct (var_typ_rcd_to_binds Hi Hty) as [S [T' [Bi [Hr Hs]]]].
destruct (corresponding_types Hwt Bi) as [v [Bis Ht]].
apply ty_var in Bi. apply ty_rec_elim in Bi.
destruct (val_mu_to_new Hi Ht Bi Hr) as [t [ds [Heq [Hdefs Ht']]]].
subst. exists S ds t. repeat split~. eapply ty_sub; eauto.