
Singleton-Types Example

Encoding method chaining using singleton types

Require Import ExampleTactics.

Section SingletonTypeExample.

Variables C D : typ_label.
Variables d incr decr : trm_label.

Hypothesis CD: C D.
Hypothesis di: incr decr.

Notation t :=
  (trm_let (trm_val
              (ν(typ_rcd {C >: μ(typ_rcd {incr {{ this }} })
                          <: μ(typ_rcd {incr {{ this }} })}
                 typ_rcd {D >: μ(superC typ_rcd {decr {{ this }} })
                          <: μ(superC typ_rcd {decr {{ this }} })}
                 typ_rcd {d Lazy (superD)})
                defs_nil Λ
                {C ⦂= μ(typ_rcd {incr {{ this }} }) } Λ
                {D ⦂= μ(superC typ_rcd {decr {{ this }} })} Λ
                {d := lazy (let_trm (trm_val
                                       (ν(typ_rcd {incr {{ this }} } typ_rcd {decr {{ this }} })
                                         defs_nil Λ {incr :=p this} Λ {decr :=p this})))}))
           (trm_let (trm_app thisd this)
                    (trm_path thisincrdecr))).

Notation T := (μ(typ_rcd {incr {{ this }} } typ_rcd {decr {{ this }} })).

Lemma typecheck : empty t : T.
  - fresh_constructor. crush. repeat apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
    constructor. fresh_constructor. crush. fresh_constructor.
    + fresh_constructor. crush.
      match goal with
      | H: _ |- _; _; ?G' & ?y ¬ ?T' _ :: _
        remember T' as T; remember (G' & y ¬ T) as G
      assert (binds y0 T G) as Hb%ty_var by rewrite× HeqG.
      assert (T = open_typ_p (pvar y0) T) as HeqT' by rewrite× HeqT.
      rewrite HeqT' in Hb. apply ty_rec_intro in Hb.
      rewrite HeqT', HeqT. crush.
      repeat apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
      × apply ty_defs_one. econstructor. apply Hb.
      × econstructor. apply Hb.
    + crush.
      match goal with
        | [H: _ |- _ & z ¬ ?Tz' & _ ¬ _ & y0 ¬ ?Ty0' _ : _ ] ⇒
          remember Tz' as Tz; remember Ty0' as Ty0
      remember_ctx G.
      assert (binds z Tz G) as Hb by rewrite× HeqG.
      rewrite HeqTz in Hb. apply ty_var in Hb.
      assert (binds y0 Ty0 G) as Hb' by rewrite× HeqG. apply ty_var in Hb'. rewrite HeqTy0 in Hb'.
      apply ty_rec_elim in Hb'. unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. repeat case_if.
      eapply ty_sub.
      2: {
        eapply subtyp_sel2. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. eapply subtyp_trans.
        apply subtyp_and11. eauto.
      apply ty_rec_intro. crush. apply ty_and_intro.
      × eapply ty_sub.
        2: {
          eapply subtyp_sel2. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. eapply subtyp_trans.
          apply subtyp_and11. eauto.
       apply ty_rec_intro. crush. eapply ty_sub; eauto.
      × eapply ty_sub; eauto.
  - crush.
    match goal with
    | [ H: _ |- _ & (z ¬ μ(?T1' ?T2') ?T3') _ : _] ⇒
      remember T1' as T1; remember T2' as T2; remember T3' as T3;
        remember (μ(T1 T2) T3) as Tz
    remember_ctx G.
    assert (binds z Tz G) as Hb by rewrite× HeqG. apply ty_var in Hb. rewrite HeqTz in Hb.
    apply ty_rec_elim in Hb. unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. repeat case_if.
    rewrite proj_rewrite.
    assert (G tvar z : open_typ_p (pvar z) T2) as Hz. {
      eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. eauto.
    fresh_constructor; eauto.
    + econstructor.
      × apply ty_new_elim. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. rewrite HeqT3. crush.
      × eapply ty_sub; eauto.
    + crush.
      assert (G & y ¬ ((pvar z)↓D) tvar y : μ((pvar zC) typ_rcd {decr {{this}}})) as Hy. {
        eapply ty_sub. eauto. eapply subtyp_sel1. rewrite HeqT2 in Hb. eapply ty_sub.
        apply weaken_ty_trm; eauto. rewrite× HeqG. rewrite HeqT2. crush.
      rewrite proj_rewrite. apply ty_rec_elim in Hy. unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. case_if.
      pose proof (ty_sub Hy (subtyp_and11 _ _ _)) as Hy'.
      eapply ty_sub in Hy'.
      2: {
        eapply subtyp_sel1. rewrite HeqT1 in Hb. simpl in ×. case_if. apply weaken_ty_trm.
        eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. eauto. rewrite× HeqG.
      apply ty_rec_elim in Hy'. unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. case_if.
      eapply ty_sngl.
      × repeat rewrite proj_rewrite. apply ty_new_elim.
        eapply ty_sngl; eauto.
      × apply ty_rec_intro. crush. apply ty_and_intro; eauto.

End SingletonTypeExample.