Require Import ExampleTactics.
Require Import String.
Section ListExample.
Variables A List : typ_label.
Variables Nil Cons head tail : trm_label.
Hypothesis NC: Nil ≠ Cons.
Hypothesis HT: head ≠ tail.
Notation ListTypeA list_level A_lower A_upper A_level :=
(typ_rcd { A >: A_lower <: A_upper } ∧
typ_rcd { head ⦂ Lazy (super↓A) } ∧
typ_rcd { tail ⦂ Lazy (list_level↓List ∧ typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: A_level↓A }) }).
Notation ListType list_level := (ListTypeA list_level ⊥ ⊤ super).
Notation ListObjType :=
(typ_rcd { List >: μ (ListType ssuper) <: μ (ListType ssuper) } ∧
typ_rcd { Nil ⦂ ∀(typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: ⊤ }) (super↓List ∧ (typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: ⊥ })) } ∧
typ_rcd { Cons ⦂ ∀(typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: ⊤ }) (* x: {A} *)
∀(this↓A) (* y: x.A *)
∀(ssuper↓List ∧ typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: super↓A }) (* ys: sci.List ∧ {A <: x.A} *)
(sssuper↓List ∧ typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: ssuper↓A }) }).
Definition t :=
trm_val (ν (ListObjType)
defs_nil Λ
{ List ⦂= μ (ListType ssuper) } Λ
{ Nil := defv (λ(typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: ⊤ })
let_trm (trm_val (ν(ListTypeA sssuper ⊥ ⊥ super)
defs_nil Λ
{ A ⦂= ⊥ } Λ
{ head := defv (λ(⊤) trm_app super•head this) } Λ
{ tail := defv (λ(⊤) trm_app super•tail this) }))) } Λ
{ Cons := defv (λ(typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: ⊤ })
trm_val (λ(this↓A)
trm_val (λ(ssuper↓List ∧ typ_rcd { A >: ⊥ <: super↓A })
let_trm (trm_val (ν(ListTypeA sssssuper (sssuper↓A) (sssuper↓A) ssssuper)
defs_nil Λ
{ A ⦂= sssuper↓A } Λ
{ head := lazy (trm_path sssuper) } Λ
{ tail := lazy (trm_path ssuper)}))))) }).
Lemma list_typing :
empty ⊢ t : μ ListObjType.
fresh_constructor. repeat apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
- Case "Nil"%string.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
(* ⊢ let result = ν(ListType){A}{head}{tail} in result : List ∧ {A <:} *)
+ (* ⊢ ν(ListType){A}{head}{tail} in result : μ(ListType) *)
fresh_constructor. repeat apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
× SCase "head"%string.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
assert (p_sel (avar_f y0) nil ↓ A = open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f y1) nil) (p_sel (avar_f y0) nil ↓ A))
as Heq by crush.
rewrite Heq. eapply ty_all_elim.
** rewrite proj_rewrite. apply ty_new_elim.
eapply ty_sub; try solve [constructor*].
eapply subtyp_trans.
{ apply subtyp_and11. }
apply subtyp_and12.
** eapply ty_sub.
{ constructor×. }
× SCase "tail"%string.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
assert ((p_sel (avar_f z) nil ↓ List) ∧ typ_rcd {A >: ⊥ <: p_sel (avar_f y0) nil ↓ A} =
open_typ_p (p_sel (avar_f y1) nil)
((p_sel (avar_f z) nil ↓ List) ∧ typ_rcd {A >: ⊥ <: p_sel (avar_f y0) nil ↓ A}))
as Heq by (unfold open_typ_p; auto).
rewrite Heq. eapply ty_all_elim.
** rewrite proj_rewrite. apply ty_new_elim.
eapply ty_sub; try solve [constructor*].
** eapply ty_sub.
{ constructor×. }
+ (* y0: ListType ⊢ y0: List ∧ {A<:} *)
remember_ctx G.
unfold open_trm. simpl. case_if.
remember (p_sel (avar_f y0) nil) as py0.
assert (G ⊢ trm_path py0 : typ_rcd {A >: ⊥ <: ⊥}) as Hpy1. {
rewrite Heqpy0, HeqG.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor×. crush.
eapply subtyp_trans; apply subtyp_and11.
assert (G ⊢ trm_path py0 : typ_rcd { head ⦂ Lazy (p_sel (avar_f y0) nil ↓ A) }) as Hpy2. {
rewrite Heqpy0, HeqG.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor×.
crush. eapply subtyp_trans. apply subtyp_and11. eauto.
assert (G ⊢ trm_path py0 : typ_rcd {tail ⦂ Lazy ((p_sel (avar_f z) nil ↓ List) ∧
typ_rcd {A >: ⊥ <: p_sel (avar_f y0) nil ↓ A})}) as Hpy3. {
rewrite Heqpy0, HeqG.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor×.
apply ty_and_intro.
× apply ty_sub with (T:=μ ListType (p_sel (avar_f z) nil)).
** apply ty_rec_intro. crush.
apply ty_and_intro.
{ apply ty_and_intro.
- apply (ty_sub Hpy1). eauto.
- rewrite Heqpy0 in ×. auto.
rewrite Heqpy0 in ×. auto.
** eapply subtyp_sel2.
eapply ty_sub.
rewrite HeqG.
eapply subtyp_trans; apply subtyp_and11.
× eapply ty_sub. apply Hpy1. apply subtyp_typ; auto.
- Case "Cons"%string.
constructor. do 3 (fresh_constructor; crush). fresh_constructor.
(* ⊢ let result = ν(ListType){A}{head}{tail} in result : List ∧ {A <:} *)
+ (* ⊢ ν(ListType){A}{head}{tail} in result : μ(ListType) *)
fresh_constructor. repeat apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
× SCase "head"%string.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
eapply ty_sub.
{ constructor×. }
eapply subtyp_sel2. eapply ty_sub.
constructor×. eapply subtyp_trans. apply subtyp_and11. eauto.
× SCase "tail"%string.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
+ (* y2: ListType ⊢ y2: List ∧ {A<:} *)
remember_ctx G. crush.
remember (p_sel (avar_f y2) nil) as py0.
assert (G ⊢ trm_path py0 : typ_rcd {A >: p_sel (avar_f y) nil ↓ A <: p_sel (avar_f y) nil ↓ A}) as Hpy1. {
rewrite Heqpy0, HeqG.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor×.
crush. eapply subtyp_trans; apply subtyp_and11.
assert (G ⊢ trm_path py0 : typ_rcd { head ⦂ Lazy (p_sel (avar_f y2) nil ↓ A) }) as Hpy2. {
rewrite Heqpy0, HeqG.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor×.
crush. eapply subtyp_trans. apply subtyp_and11. eauto.
assert (G ⊢ trm_path py0 : typ_rcd {tail ⦂ Lazy ((p_sel (avar_f z) nil ↓ List) ∧
typ_rcd {A >: ⊥ <: p_sel (avar_f y) nil ↓ A})}) as Hpy3. {
rewrite Heqpy0, HeqG.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor×.
apply ty_and_intro.
× apply ty_sub with (T:=μ ListType (p_sel (avar_f z) nil)).
** rewrite Heqpy0 in ×. apply ty_rec_intro. crush.
apply ty_and_intro.
{ apply ty_and_intro; auto. apply (ty_sub Hpy1). eauto. }
eapply ty_sub. apply Hpy3.
constructor. fresh_constructor.
crush. apply subtyp_and2.
*** apply subtyp_and11.
*** eapply subtyp_trans. apply subtyp_and12. apply subtyp_typ. auto.
eapply subtyp_sel2. apply× weaken_ty_trm. rewrite HeqG. repeat apply× ok_push.
** rewrite HeqG in ×.
eapply subtyp_sel2. eapply ty_sub. constructor×.
eapply subtyp_trans. apply subtyp_and11. eapply subtyp_and11.
× eapply ty_sub. apply Hpy1. apply subtyp_typ; auto.
End ListExample.