Compiler Example
This example illustrates the use of path-dependent types of length greater than one which allows us to encode recursion between types in nested modulesRequire Import ExampleTactics.
Require Import String.
Section CompilerExample.
Variables DottyCore Tpe Symbol : typ_label.
Variables dottyCore types typeRef symbols symbol symb tpe denotation srcPos : trm_label.
Notation TpeImpl := (μ(typ_rcd {denotation ⦂ Id})).
Notation SymbolImpl := (μ(typ_rcd {srcPos ⦂ Id})).
Hypothesis TS: types ≠ symbols.
Hypothesis ST: symb ≠ denotation.
Hypothesis TS': tpe ≠ srcPos.
Notation typesType tpe_lower tpe_upper :=
(typ_rcd {Tpe >: tpe_lower <: tpe_upper} ∧
typ_rcd {typeRef ⦂ ∀(super•symbols↓Symbol)
(super↓Tpe ∧ (typ_rcd {symb ⦂ ssuper•symbols↓Symbol}))}).
Notation symbolsType symb_lower symb_upper :=
(typ_rcd {Symbol >: symb_lower <: symb_upper} ∧
typ_rcd {symbol ⦂ ∀(super•types↓Tpe)
(super↓Symbol ∧ (typ_rcd {tpe ⦂ ssuper•types↓Tpe}))}).
Notation DottyCorePackage tpe_lower tpe_upper symb_lower symb_upper :=
(typ_rcd {types ⦂ μ(typesType tpe_lower tpe_upper)} ∧
typ_rcd {symbols ⦂ μ(symbolsType symb_lower symb_upper)}).
Notation DottyCoreAbstract := (DottyCorePackage ⊥ ⊤ ⊥ ⊤).
Notation DottyCoreTight := (DottyCorePackage TpeImpl TpeImpl SymbolImpl SymbolImpl).
Definition t := (trm_val
(ν(typ_rcd {DottyCore >: μ DottyCoreAbstract <: μ DottyCoreAbstract} ∧
typ_rcd {dottyCore ⦂ Lazy (super ↓ DottyCore)})
defs_nil Λ
{DottyCore ⦂= μ DottyCoreAbstract} Λ
{dottyCore :=
lazy (let_trm (trm_val (ν(DottyCoreTight)
defs_nil Λ
{types :=
defv (ν(typesType TpeImpl TpeImpl)
defs_nil Λ
{Tpe ⦂= TpeImpl} Λ
{typeRef :=
defv (λ(super•symbols↓Symbol)
(let_trm (trm_val (ν(typ_rcd {symb ⦂ ({{ super }}) } ∧
typ_rcd {denotation ⦂ Id})
defs_nil Λ
{symb := defp super} Λ
{denotation := defv id})))) }) } Λ
{symbols :=
defv (ν(symbolsType SymbolImpl SymbolImpl)
defs_nil Λ
{Symbol ⦂= SymbolImpl} Λ
{symbol :=
defv (λ(super•types↓Tpe)
(let_trm (trm_val (ν(typ_rcd {tpe ⦂ {{ super }}} ∧
typ_rcd {srcPos ⦂ Id})
defs_nil Λ
{tpe := defp super} Λ
{srcPos := defv id}))))})})))})).
Notation T :=
(μ(typ_rcd {DottyCore >: μ DottyCoreAbstract <: μ DottyCoreAbstract} ∧
typ_rcd {dottyCore ⦂ Lazy (super ↓ DottyCore)})).
Lemma compiler_typecheck :
empty ⊢ t : T.
fresh_constructor. repeat apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
- Case "dottyCore"%string.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
+ fresh_constructor. crush.
apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
× SCase "types"%string.
apply ty_defs_one. eapply ty_def_new; eauto.
{ econstructor. constructor×. simpl. auto. }
crush. apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush. fresh_constructor.
*** remember_ctx G.
fresh_constructor. crush.
apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
**** apply ty_defs_one.
eapply ty_sub.
***** rewrite HeqG. constructor×.
***** eapply subtyp_sel1. rewrite proj_rewrite.
constructor. apply ty_rcd_intro.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor.
eapply ty_sub. rewrite HeqG. constructor×. eauto.
**** constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
*** match goal with
| H: _ |- _ & ?y0 ¬ ?T0' & ?y1 ¬ ?T1' & ?y2 ¬ ?T2' ⊢ _ : _ ⇒
remember T0' as T0; remember T1' as T1; remember T2' as T2
remember_ctx G.
assert (binds y2 T2 G) as Hb%ty_var by rewrite× HeqG. crush.
apply ty_and_intro.
**** rewrite proj_rewrite. eapply ty_sub.
2: {
eapply subtyp_sel2. eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor.
assert (binds y0 T0 G) as Hb'%ty_var by rewrite× HeqG.
rewrite HeqT0 in Hb'. eapply ty_sub; eauto.
unfold open_typ_p. rewrite HeqT1. simpl. eauto.
apply ty_rec_intro. crush.
rewrite HeqT2 in Hb. apply ty_rec_elim in Hb.
eapply ty_sub. eauto. crush.
**** assert (binds y0 T0 G) as Hb' by rewrite× HeqG.
rewrite HeqT0 in Hb'. apply ty_var in Hb'.
match goal with
| H: _ ⊢ tvar y0 : ?T0''' ∧ ?T0'' |- _ ⇒
remember T0'' as T0'; remember T0''' as T01
rewrite HeqT2 in Hb.
apply ty_rec_elim in Hb. unfold open_typ_p in Hb.
simpl in ×. rewrite HeqT1. rewrite proj_rewrite.
apply ty_rcd_intro.
eapply ty_sub.
2: {
eapply subtyp_sel2.
assert (G ⊢ tvar y0 : T0') as Hy0 by eauto.
rewrite HeqT0' in Hy0. apply ty_new_elim in Hy0.
apply ty_rec_elim in Hy0. unfold open_typ_p in Hy0. simpl in ×.
eapply ty_sub. apply Hy0. crush.
eapply ty_sub. eapply ty_sngl. constructor. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb.
eauto. rewrite HeqG. constructor×. rewrite HeqT1.
eapply subtyp_sel1.
assert (G ⊢ tvar y0 : T0') as Hy0 by eauto.
rewrite HeqT0' in Hy0. apply ty_new_elim, ty_rec_elim in Hy0.
unfold open_typ_p in Hy0. simpl in ×. eapply ty_sub.
apply Hy0. eauto.
× eapply ty_def_new; eauto.
{ repeat econstructor. }
crush. apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
*** remember_ctx G.
fresh_constructor. crush.
apply ty_defs_cons; crush.
**** apply ty_defs_one.
eapply ty_sub.
***** rewrite HeqG. constructor×.
***** eapply subtyp_sel1. rewrite proj_rewrite.
constructor. apply ty_rcd_intro.
eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor.
eapply ty_sub. rewrite HeqG. constructor×. eauto. crush.
**** constructor. fresh_constructor. crush.
*** match goal with
| H: _ |- _ & ?y0 ¬ ?T0' & ?y1 ¬ ?T1' & ?y2 ¬ ?T2' ⊢ _ : _ ⇒
remember T0' as T0; remember T1' as T1; remember T2' as T2
remember_ctx G.
assert (binds y2 T2 G) as Hb%ty_var by rewrite× HeqG. crush.
apply ty_and_intro.
**** rewrite proj_rewrite. eapply ty_sub.
2: {
eapply subtyp_sel2. eapply ty_sub. apply ty_rec_elim. constructor.
assert (binds y0 T0 G) as Hb'%ty_var by rewrite× HeqG.
rewrite HeqT0 in Hb'. eapply ty_sub; eauto. crush.
apply ty_rec_intro. crush.
rewrite HeqT2 in Hb. apply ty_rec_elim in Hb.
eapply ty_sub. eauto. crush.
**** assert (binds y0 T0 G) as Hb' by rewrite× HeqG.
rewrite HeqT0 in Hb'. apply ty_var in Hb'.
match goal with
| H: _ ⊢ tvar y0 : ?T0''' ∧ ?T0'' |- _ ⇒
remember T0'' as T01; remember T0''' as T0'
rewrite HeqT2 in Hb.
apply ty_rec_elim in Hb. unfold open_typ_p in Hb.
simpl in ×. rewrite HeqT1. rewrite proj_rewrite.
apply ty_rcd_intro.
eapply ty_sub.
2: {
eapply subtyp_sel2.
assert (G ⊢ tvar y0 : T0') as Hy0 by eauto.
rewrite HeqT0' in Hy0. apply ty_new_elim in Hy0.
apply ty_rec_elim in Hy0. unfold open_typ_p in Hy0. simpl in ×.
eapply ty_sub. apply Hy0. case_if. eauto.
eapply ty_sub. eapply ty_sngl. constructor. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb.
eauto. rewrite HeqG. constructor×. rewrite HeqT1.
eapply subtyp_sel1.
assert (G ⊢ tvar y0 : T0') as Hy0 by eauto.
rewrite HeqT0' in Hy0. apply ty_new_elim, ty_rec_elim in Hy0.
unfold open_typ_p in Hy0. simpl in ×. eapply ty_sub.
apply Hy0. eauto.
+ unfold open_trm. simpl. case_if.
match goal with
| H: _ |- ?G' & _ ¬ ?T0' ⊢ _ : _ ⇒
remember G' as G; remember T0' as T0
assert (binds y0 T0 (G & y0 ¬ T0)) as Hb%ty_var by auto.
rewrite HeqT0 in Hb. apply ty_rec_elim in Hb.
eapply ty_sub. 2: {
repeat rewrite <- concat_assoc in HeqG.
rewrite concat_empty_l in HeqG.
match goal with
| H: G = z ¬ ?Tz' & _ |- _ ⇒
remember Tz' as Tz
assert (binds z Tz (G & y0 ¬ T0)) as Hz%ty_var. {
rewrite HeqG. repeat eapply binds_concat_left; auto. apply binds_single_eq.
eapply subtyp_sel2. rewrite HeqTz in Hz.
eapply ty_sub. apply Hz. eauto.
apply ty_rec_intro.
unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. repeat case_if.
match goal with
| H: _ ⊢ trm_path (pvar y0) : ?U' ∧ ?U'' |- _ ⇒
remember U' as S; remember U'' as U
apply ty_and_intro.
× assert (G & y0 ¬ T0 ⊢ tvar y0 : S) as Ht. {
rewrite HeqS, HeqT0. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. rewrite HeqS. eauto.
rewrite HeqS in Ht. apply ty_rcd_intro.
apply ty_new_elim in Ht. apply ty_rec_intro. apply ty_rec_elim in Ht.
unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. case_if.
apply ty_and_intro.
** eapply ty_sub.
2: {
apply subtyp_typ. apply subtyp_bot. apply subtyp_top.
eapply ty_sub. apply Ht. eauto.
** eapply ty_sub. apply Ht. eauto.
× assert (G & y0 ¬ T0 ⊢ tvar y0 : U) as Ht. {
rewrite HeqU, HeqT0. eapply ty_sub. apply Hb. rewrite HeqU. eauto.
rewrite HeqU in Ht. apply ty_rcd_intro.
apply ty_new_elim in Ht. apply ty_rec_intro. apply ty_rec_elim in Ht.
unfold open_typ_p in ×. simpl in ×. case_if.
apply ty_and_intro.
** eapply ty_sub.
2: {
apply subtyp_typ. apply subtyp_bot. apply subtyp_top.
eapply ty_sub. apply Ht. eauto.
** eapply ty_sub. apply Ht. eauto.
End CompilerExample.